Do you have any message for us?

To avoid posts by spam, a message body without the word #FuguIta is rejected. Please include the word in your message text.
URLs in the body of the message will also be judged as spam. If you wish to express a URL, please omit the scheme (http://, https://, etc.).

mfs stays at 1024M

Santos (2024-07-27 (Sat) 07:19:56)


I'm using #FuguIta i386, booting from a 2GB compact flash adaptor. I can boot with it, no problem. I have a uniprocessor laptop x32 with 3GB of RAM. At boot time. Whenever I try to assign more memory for 'mfs' the amount defaults to 1024M. If I do: 2048M, 100% or 100%%. The boot message indicates: set mfs size to 1024MB. No matter what I do mfs stays at 1GB.

Couple of question. What exactly is mfs? I know is the memory filesystem, but what does that mean? will it hold all files in the filesystem, like /root files and packages I install? can be extended after boot? is it only for files?

#FuguIta does detects my 3GB of RAM but refuses to assign more than 1024MB to mfs. In linux usually there is no need to assign any percentage to the filesystem and to RAM memory. The more files I put in ram, the less RAM I have to run programs. It's the same space for files and memory for programs to run. Can It be the same for FuguIta? I make the comparison, linux is my main point of reference.

How to install firefox?

Santos (2024-07-19 (Fri) 23:43:36)

Loving #FuguIta, trying to learn by doing but I hit a wall. I can't do: 'pkg_add firefox'. It can't be located. I tried setting up a mirror with the PKG_PATH, didn't work. What is changing in FuguIta from any regular OpenBSD install? And How can I install firefox? RAM is no problem.


#FuguIta has no special mechanism for pkg_add.
Again, please be specific about the problem.

-- kaw 2024-07-21 (Sun) 20:04:35

Safe Graphics Mode?

Santos (2024-06-01 (Sat) 19:43:23)

As per your previous post.

"firmware that has no effect" (2023-10-09 (Mon) 13:53:36)

There seems to be the process to resolved the issue with Radeon graphics cards, but that assumes an active internet connection, plus I do not know in which boot stage should be done.

So, in order to avoid that, is there any 'Safe Graphic Mode' or a way to start a graphic environment without having to rely on the graphic chip?

Thank you for #FuguIta!

>> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.65
>> is for 
>> multiprocessor kernel (default). 
>> Enter 'bsd-fi' for Uniprocessor. 

boot> -c
cannot open hd0a:/etc/random.seed: No such file or directory
booting hd0a:/ 17872725+4297744+2363424+0+1236992 [1555784+128+1398216+1093260]=0x1c72620
entry point at 0xffffffff81001000
[ using 4048416 bytes of bsd ELF symbol table ]
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
        The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2024 OpenBSD. All rights reserved.

OpenBSD 7.5-stable (RDROOT.MP) #15: Sun Jun  2 11:14:48 JST 2024
real mem = 1056952320 (1007MB)
avail mem = 1002065920 (955MB)
User Kernel Config
UKC> disable radeomdrm0
UKC> quit

Upcoming release

kaw (2024-05-12 (Sun) 09:17:07)


  • OpenBSD 7.5 patch-003 has been applied
  • ISO images for arm64 platform are now available

This is not an official release, as the arm64 version has not yet been tested on an actual machine (they can be used normally).
It is placed under the test directory of the mirror servers.

Test version of FuguIta 7.5/arm64

kaw (2024-04-19 (Fri) 13:09:13)

Test version of FuguIta-7.5-arm64-* has been uploaded to the mirror.

Now only tested on emulator.
If you tested this on real RPi3/4, please inform us the result especially about frame buffer and/or X11.


Test version of FuguIta 7.5/i386

kaw (2024-04-14 (Sun) 00:03:24)

Test version of FuguIta-7.5-i386-* has been uploaded to the mirror.


Test version of FuguIta 7.5/amd64

kaw (2024-04-12 (Fri) 17:07:03)

Test version of FuguIta-7.5-amd64-* has been uploaded to the mirror. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

What I would like to know are:

  • How it works on newer hardware (device detection, X Window, suspend/resume, etc.)
  • Comments and suggestions for improvement using the #FuguIta's original tools etc.

Thank you in advance.

New build tools released

kaw (2023-12-20 (Wed) 15:29:17)

I have released new build tools for #FuguIta.
This tool allows you to build FuguIta from scratch without relying on supplementary files.
For more information, see Part 4 of the FuguIta Guide, Building a FuguIta LiveDVD.

Revised: Testing new build tools

kaw (2023-12-09 (Sat) 16:17:40)

This tool is tools-4.7-amd64-test.tar.gz tools-4.7-test.tar.gz located in the test directory of the mirror server, and is currently for both i386 and amd64.
The build method is as follows.

  1. Download and extract the #FuguIta build tools.
  2. Download and extract the OpenBSD kernel (sys.tar.gz) and userland (src.tar.gz) source code under /usr/src. Then perform CVS updates if necessary.
  3. Run "make init".
  4. Place the OpenBSD install set (*74.tgz) under install_sets.
    If you want to customize FuguIta, please create site74.tgz as described in and place it under install_sets. If is included in site74.tgz, it will be added to /etc/rc.firsttime.
    Please note: if the size of the created media/fuguita-7.4-adm64.ffsimg exceeds 2GB, the ISO image will not be created correctly due to a limitation of the mkhybrid utility.
  5. Run "make setup && make".
  • An optional step is to create mode0symlinks.cpio.gz. This file is intended to reduce the time required to boot at mode 0 (especially with LiveDVD).
    To create mode0symlinks.cpio.gz, boot the completed LiveDVD at mode 0 and run the gen_mode0sldir command as root. Then, the /etc/fuguita/mode0symlinks.cpio.gz file will be created, so place it in the build tool's lib directory with the file name mode0symlinks.cpio.gz.amd64.
    Then run "make again and #FuguIta with mode0symlinks.cpio.gz will be created. -- kaw 2023-12-09 (Sat) 16:38:10
  • There is one more thing to provide feedback to the build tool after the first version is completed.
    In the configuration file lib/global.conf.amd64, there is a variable assignment called fuguita_sys_mb, which represents the size of the LiveUSB system area, that is, the partition a.
    This is roughly the same size as the livecd.iso generated at build time, but considering the fiupdate utility, it is safe to make it approximately 10MB larger than the livecd.iso size to provide some extra space.
    After resetting the fuguita_sys_mb value, run "make" again to generate the #FuguIta LiveDVD ISO image. -- kaw 2023-12-09 (Sat) 22:25:26
  • Changes:
    1) the name of the tarball changed. On i386, it's also OK.
    2) userland source codes also needed to build crunched binary in /boottmp.
    #FuguIta -- kaw 2023-12-13 (Wed) 17:44:25

Testing new build tools

kaw (2023-12-04 (Mon) 16:46:50)

I am currently testing new #FuguIta build tools. This tool is tools-4.7-amd64-test.tar.gz located in the test directory of the mirror server, and is currently only for amd64.
The build method is as follows.
1. Expand the build tools.
2. Extract the kernel source under /usr/src/sys.
3. Run make initdir in the top directory of the build tool.
4. Place the OpenBSD 7.4/amd64 installation set (*74.tgz) under install_sets.
5. Place the OpenBSD 7.4/amd64 rsync, rlwrap, and pv package files under install_pkgs. And install (pkg_add) rsync and pv on the build host.
6. Run make setup && make.

Add another WM and if possible to install on HDD?

Rasat (2023-12-03 (Sun) 22:31:51)

I installed Fvwm3 and imagemagick (for iconified thumbnails) and all work well with the Fvwm-kise configs (scripts), besides a few minor problems that can be fixed. There is no permission to edit xenodm config in #FuguIta directory. Made one new symlink from /usr/X11R6/bin/fvwm to /usr/local/bin/fvwm3. Is there a better option to do? Same with any added WM.
The usbfadm tool is great. The expand/newfs option allowing to use and storage of full USB capacity. I added many new packages (pkg_add). Is there an option to install everything on the HDD?

Fvwm Kise -- ready-made configs

Rasat (2023-11-30 (Thu) 05:37:41)

I was searching for a distro with Fvwm as default and found #FuguIta . Fvwm Keep-It-Simple & elegant (Kise) is a simple and elegant base, and feature-rich to use, modify or add your own. The default Fvwm config file is the base. Currently, there are 23 scripts of functions, styles, menus, decor, and modules. Works well also on Fvwm2.

Screenshots and download on Pling:

Directory structure of mirror server changed

kaw (2023-11-02 (Thu) 11:11:34)

All the files of the latest release of #FuguIta were placed directly under the document root, but now we have created subdirectories (LiveDVD, LiveUSB and LiveSD) for each supported media and placed them there.

Please be careful when downloading.

ISO for arm64

Dan (2023-10-26 (Thu) 02:35:43)

Would it be possible to have an ISO image for the arm64 architecture?

Either #FuguIta version 7.3 or 7.4, whichever is more practical to build now.

PS: the wheels are in motion to build daily snapshots for OpenBSD arm64 install CD-ROM images, at

Test version of FuguIta 7.4

kaw (2023-10-21 (Sat) 09:48:11)

Test version of FuguIta-7.4-{i386,amd64} has been uploaded to the mirror. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

What I would like to know are

  • How it works on newer hardware (device detection, X Window, suspend/resume, etc.)
  • Comments and suggestions for improvement using the #FuguIta's original tools
  • etc.

Published files are for LiveUSB. If you wish to run LiveDVD, please remaster ISO image from LiveUSB.

FuguIta-7.4-arm64 is now under working. Please wait.

Thank you in advance.

firmware that has no effect

kaw (2023-10-09 (Mon) 13:53:36)

When starting #FuguIta, the downloaded firmware may not take effect despite running fw_update. In this case, you may find messages similar to the following in /var/run/dmesg.boot:

radeondrm0: RS400
radeon_cp: Failed to load firmware "radeon/R300_cp.bin"
[drm] *ERROR* Failed to load firmware!
drm:pid0:rs400_startup *ERROR* failed initializing CP (-2).
drm:pid0:rs400_init *ERROR* Disabling GPU acceleration

This example is for the ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M, but can also be seen with other video chips and WiFi devices. This is because FuguIta's root file system is the kernel's built-in rd(4), "ramdisk root."

In FuguIta, when the kernel starts, rd is mounted to /, and after initialization, /etc is renamed to /boottmp, and then /etc is built again on MFS. Therefore, the type of firmware that is loaded at kernel startup attempts to be loaded from /etc/firmware on the ramdisk root, but since the firmware does not exist there, an error occurs.

To resolve this, you need to write the required firmware to /etc/firmware on the ramdisk root. Here are the steps to do so:

First, download and extract the firmware.

# ftp
Trying 2a04:4e42:36::820...
100% |**************************************************|  3371 KB    00:02 ETA
3452257 bytes received in 2.22 seconds (1.47 MB/s)
# tar xzpf radeondrm-firmware-20230310.tgz

Next, extract the ramdisk root image from the kernel and mount the file system.

# zcat /sysmedia/ >
# rdsetroot -x rdroot.img
# vnconfig vnd0 rdroot.img
# mount /dev/vnd0a /mnt

Write the downloaded firmware to ramdisk root.

# mkdir -p /mnt/etc/firmware/radeon
# cp firmware/radeon/R300_cp.bin /mnt/etc/firmware/radeon
# umount /mnt
# vnconfig -u vnd0
# rdsetroot rdroot.img
# mount -uw /sysmedia
# gzip -c9 > /sysmedia/
# mount -ur /sysmedia

Currently, the capacity of the ramdisk root is about 1.5 MB, but about 3/4 of it is used. Please note that the size of the firmware that can be written is just under 500 kilobytes.

  • This is just what I needed. The live system hangs with my Radeon laptop. I'm just starting with #FuguIta, hopefully I can get this working. I'll see. -- Santos 2024-06-01 (Sat) 19:35:13

Fuguita 7.3 defaults to Japanese

tetsuo (2023-10-02 (Mon) 04:22:13)

#FuguIta Hi, is there a way to change the language of Fuguita? It's defaulting to Japanese and I don't know how to change it.

FuguIta use case

Bob (2023-09-05 (Tue) 23:31:23)

#FuguIta. Hi, this looks interesting. When would someone use FuguIta instead of a plain OpenBSD install? What was the motivation behind the project? I could not find an "about" page.

Larger ffsimg

Kikk (2023-06-07 (Wed) 02:40:44)

First of all: fuguita is wonderful. Keep up the good work!

I wanted to build a custom version with more tools pre-installed.

It is possible to enlarge the ffsimg over 1GB (fuguita-7.3-amd64.ffsimg)?

I enlarged it to 3GB via disklabel + growfs but the remastered image no longer work.

Is there a procedure or 1GB is the maximum size?


To enlarge fuguita-7.3-amd64.ffsimg, enlarge fuguita-7.3-amd64-ffsimg and media.img that contains it in the process of building FuguIta as described in the FuguIta Guide. The following is the procedure.

First, follow the FuguIta Guide to set up the build tool.

After settng up the build tool, delete or rename lib/mode0symlinks.cpio.gz.amd64.

# mv lib/mode0symlinks.cpio.gz.amd64 lib/mode0symlinks.cpio.gz.amd64.bak

Run up to make stage.

Once the staging directory is created, make your desired customizations in the tree.

# chroot staging /bin/ksh
# exit

Once your customization is complete, measure the size of the staging directory and the number of files it contains.

# du -sk staging | awk '{print $1/1024}'  # size of staging directory in MB
# find staging -print | wc -l             # the number of files which staging directory holds

Based on this size and number of files, use to create media.img.

# make open-rdroot
# cp rdroot/boottmp/ .
# make close-all
# ./ media.img $((xxxxx+40)) 10  # xxxxx is the size of staging directory in MB.

Create fuguita-7.3-amd64.ffsimg in media.img.

# make open-media
# cd media
# ../ fuguita-7.3-amd64.ffsimg $((xxxxx+10)) yyyyy  # yyyyy is the number of files which staging directory holds.
# cd ..
# make close-all

Edit staging/etc/fuguita/global.conf as follows

fuguita_sys_mb=1028  # size of media.img  <-- Rewrite this value to current size of media.img
newdrive_defswap=16M # default swap size
                     # at usbfadm newdrive
memfstype=mfs        # 'mfs' or 'tmpfs'
mfs_max_mb=30720     # mfs hard limit - 30GB

Copy the contents of staging to ffsimg.

# make sync

Create an ISO image and gzip it.

# make iso && make gz

Run the resulting LiveDVD and usbfadm newdrive to create a LiveUSB.

That's it for the procedure.

In general, it is much easier to use FuguIta LiveUSB to save your customizations to a USB flash drive with usbfadm sync and load them in boot mode 3. See the following articles for an example of creating these.

kaw 2023-06-07 (Wed) 09:44:19


kaw (2023-05-23 (Tue) 09:37:56)

河豚板に日本語デスクトップ環境を入れたお試し版を作ってみました。 ダウンロードサイトのoldディレクトリより FuguIta-7.3-amd64-202305211-DEDemoJa.img.xz をダウンロードし、xzで解凍して8GB以上のサイズのUSBメモリに書き込んで下さい。

# xz -dc FuguIta-7.3-amd64-202305211-DEDemoJa.img.xz | dd of=/dev/XXXX bs=1m

  • 起動途中でdemoユーザのパスワードを設定しますので、入力して下さい(doas用、スクリーンロック解除用などです)。
  • 収録ソフトは以下のとおりです。
    • Xfce 4.18
    • 日本語環境: kterm 6.2.0, 日本語フォント各種, Fcitx-Anthy 5.0.10
    • FireFox 112.0.2
    • Sylpheed 3.7.0
    • Audacious 4.3
    • VLC 3.0.18
    • LibreOffice 7.5.1
  • root権限で/etc/rc.shutdownを編集することで、終了時にファイルを自動で保存するようになります。
  • pkg_add / pkg_deleteでパッケージを追加/削除した後はroot権限で「usbfadm -r」を実行して下さい。
  • ネットワークは有線LANの方が確実に繋がります。WiFiは、ファームウェアが追加不要なチップを使用しており、かつ、パスワードなしの場合に接続できるかもしれません。起動後、WiFiを使用する設定を行いたい場合はこちらを参照して下さい。
  • root権限で以下の操作を行うと、初期状態に戻ります。
    # mount -o async,noatime /dev/XXXd /mnt  ... (XXXはLiveUSBのデバイス名)
    # cd /mnt/livecd-config/7.3/amd64/fugudemoja-init
    # rsync -avxHS --delete . ../fugudemoja/.
    # cd
    # umount /mnt
  • 試作品ですので、不具合修正や改良は行いません。fiupdateによるアップデートは可能です。at your own riskでご使用下さい。

dd of #FuguIta to a USB-SSD ... gives a bootable XFCE desktop!!!

Mark B (2023-05-09 (Tue) 11:30:12)

Wow, no install process or anything. The image I "dd'd" of #FuguIta that I dd'd to a USB-SATA SSD (SSD on a USB-3 interface/cable) booted directly into an "LiveUSB-XFCE-gaytratri..." X11 session, with the usual OpenBSD puffer banner and Login/Password! How do I login to this? Your documentation does not cover this at all. It's supposed to be going into the Installation process...

Thank you! ----mark

su exits with an error

kaw (2023-05-05 (Fri) 12:42:47)

In boot mode 0, su complains that /usr/libexec/auth/login_passwd is not found and exits with an error.
A fixed version has been uploaded to the test directory of the mirrors. Please update with fiupdate for i386/amd64 LiveUSB version of #FuguIta.

Test version of FuguIta 7.3

kaw (2023-04-17 (Mon) 13:38:19)

Test version of FuguIta 7.3 has been uploaded to the mirror. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

What I would like to know are

  • How it works on newer hardware (device detection, X Window, suspend/resume, etc.)
  • How does it work with RPi4?
  • How the framebuffer and X Window work on RPi3/RPi4.
  • Operation status on arm64-based SBCs and Apple M1/M2 other than RPis.
  • Comments and suggestions for improvement using the #FuguIta's original tools
  • etc.

Thank you in advance.

Former articles are at FuguIta/BBS/13.

  • FuguIta/BBS
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Last-modified: 2024-07-27 (Sat) 07:19:56