This chapter provides information for understanding the internals of FuguIta and for doing your own development based on FuguIta.

FuguIta technical information

FuguIta is based on OpenBSD, so most of its components are openBSD-related information.
For the specific parts of FuguIta that are different from the official OpenBSD, please refer to List of published documents on the Japan Post top page of this site.
(Please note that some past materials may differ from the current FuguIta.)

FuguIta source code can be found at

Make FuguIta a dedicated machine

FuguIta has all writable files in memory, so even if the power is suddenly turned off without performing a shutdown operation, etc., there will be no problem with the file system.
Unless you save files with usbfadm during operation, the system will start up in the same state each time.

Using these characteristics, you can create a dedicated machine (Turn Key System) to run a specific application based on FuguIta.

To build such a system, we use a combination of the techniques described so far;

These detailed procedures can be found on this site Creating a router with Fuguita - Example of making an appliance and Practically used FuguIta to use.

LiveDVD remastering

Creating a LiveUSB according to the capacity of the USB memory created a LiveUSB image file. Describes how to create an image.

Since this operation deals with large size files, the size of mfs must be more than 2 gigabytes.
If mfs isn't enough, mount another recording device and work there.

This can be used with either a working FuguIta LiveDVD or FuguIta LiveUSB.
Below is an example of using

First, create a working directory and copy the contents of LiveDVD/LiveUSB under sysmedia.

fugu-demo# mkdir work
fugu-demo# cd work
fugu-demo# cp -av /sysmedia .
/sysmedia -> ./sysmedia
/sysmedia/boot -> ./sysmedia/boot
/sysmedia/bsd-fi -> ./sysmedia/bsd-fi
/sysmedia/ -> ./sysmedia/
/sysmedia/boot.catalog -> ./sysmedia/boot.catalog
/sysmedia/cdboot -> ./sysmedia/cdboot
/sysmedia/cdbr -> ./sysmedia/cdbr
/sysmedia/etc -> ./sysmedia/etc
/sysmedia/etc/boot.conf -> ./sysmedia/etc/boot.conf
/sysmedia/etc/random.seed -> ./sysmedia/etc/random.seed
/sysmedia/fuguita-6.9-amd64.ffsimg -> ./sysmedia/fuguita-6.9-amd64.ffsimg
fugu-demo# ls -l
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  432 May 11 09:21 sysmedia

Run inside the copied sysmedia directory. Basically that's all.

fugu-demo# cd sysmedia
fugu-demo# ls -l
total 2008728
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel	90496 May 10 20:57 boot
-rwxr--r--  1 root  wheel	 2048 May  9 12:31 boot.catalog
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    10273019 May 10 21:04 bsd-fi
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    10302063 May 10 21:04
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin		91668 May 10 01:31 cdboot
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin		 2048 May 10 01:31 cdbr
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel	   96 Apr 17  2014 etc
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1007681536 May 10 21:08 fuguita-6.9-amd64.ffsimg
mkhybrid 1.12b5.1
Scanning .
Scanning ./etc

Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No-emulation CD boot sector
Total translation table size: 0
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 1111
Total directory bytes: 2048
Path table size(bytes): 22
502200 extents written (980 Mb)

After executing, an ISO image file will be created in the working directory.

fugu-demo# ls -l ..
total 2008808
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1028505600 May 14 02:34 FuguIta-6.9-amd64-202105141.iso
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel	  384 May 14 02:34 sysmedia
fugu-demo# ls -l
total 2008720
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel	90496 May 10 20:57 boot
-rwxr--r--  1 root  wheel	 2048 May 14 02:34 boot.catalog
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    10273019 May 10 21:04 bsd-fi
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    10302063 May 10 21:04
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin		91668 May 10 01:31 cdboot
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin		 2048 May 10 01:31 cdbr
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel	   96 Apr 17  2014 etc
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1007681536 May 10 21:08 fuguita-6.9-amd64.ffsimg

There is a file called fuguita-6.9-amd64.ffsimg in sysmedia, which contains the FuguIta file tree. You can customize your LiveDVD by modifying the files in this file tree.

fugu-demo# vnconfig vnd0 fuguita-6.9-amd64.ffsimg
fugu-demo# mount /dev/vnd0a /mnt
fugu-demo# ls -l /mnt
total 52
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   578 May  7 17:43 .cshrc
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   468 May  7 17:43 .profile
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 May  7 17:43 altroot
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel  1024 May  7 17:46 bin
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 May  8 04:16 dev
drwxr-xr-x  23 root  wheel  1536 May  8 04:35 etc
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 May  7 17:43 home
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 May  7 17:43 mnt
drwx------   3 root  wheel   512 May  8 04:35 root
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel  1536 May  7 17:46 sbin
lrwxrwx---   1 root  wheel    11 May  7 17:43 sys -> usr/src/sys
drwxrwxrwt   2 root  wheel   512 May  8 04:19 tmp
drwxr-xr-x  14 root  wheel   512 May  8 04:09 usr
drwxr-xr-x  23 root  wheel   512 May  7 17:43 var
.... (Customization work) ...

Once customization is complete, close the filesystem image and remaster.

fugu-demo# umount /mnt
fugu-demo# vnconfig -u vnd0
mkhybrid 1.12b5.1
Scanning .
Scanning ./etc

LiveUSB disk image remastering

This section introduces how to create a LiveUSB disk image file.

Run usbfadm newdrive:

? : ? ->newdrive

Please make sure the device inserted.
Then press ENTER ->

==== disk(s) and vnode devices	============================
sd0 at scsibus1 targ 0 lun 0: <ATA, Hitachi HTS72757, JF4O>
sd0: 715404MB, 512 bytes/sector, 1465149168 sectors
sd1 at scsibus2 targ 1 lun 0: <UFD 3.0, Silicon-Power32G, 1.00>
sd1: 29624MB, 512 bytes/sector, 60669952 sectors
sd2 at scsibus5 targ 1 lun 0: <BUFFALO, USB Flash Disk, 4000>
sd2: 7788MB, 512 bytes/sector, 15950592 sectors

img: create FuguIta raw disk image on current directory
Enter the name of device which FuguIta will be installed->img    ← Specify "img" to create an image file.

Enter size of a vnode device file.
You can add suffix K, M, G or T (otherwise considered 'bytes').
2048+0 records in
2048+0 records out
2147483648 bytes transferred in 3.076 secs (698129518 bytes/sec)

Disk: vnd0	geometry: 41943/1/100 [4194304 Sectors]
Offset: 0	Signature: 0x0
	    Starting	     Ending	    LBA Info:
 #: id	    C	H   S -	     C	 H   S [       start:	     size ]
 0: 00	    0	0   0 -	     0	 0   0 [	   0:		0 ] unused
 1: 00	    0	0   0 -	     0	 0   0 [	   0:		0 ] unused
 2: 00	    0	0   0 -	     0	 0   0 [	   0:		0 ] unused
 3: 00	    0	0   0 -	     0	 0   0 [	   0:		0 ] unused

Select partition type:
  1: [MBR]
  2:  GPT
  3:  Hybrid (not recommended if you wish modify partitioning later)
~ 略 ~
** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
3 files, 3 used, 386996 free (20 frags, 48372 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)

? : ? ->bye

Bye bye...

A disk image file is created in the current directory by the above operations. The file name will be the same as the distributed one, "FuguIta-OPENBSD_VERSION-PLATFORM-RELEASE.img".

Building FuguIta

The FuguIta build tool is irregularly published. By using this build tool, you can create the same thing as the distribution of FuguIta.

This section explains the steps to build FuguIta using the build tool.

Build environment

The following explanation assumes the following environment.

OpenBSD setup

Before starting build, perform the following preparations:

As explained inrelease(8), you will need a file system separate from the root file system to install the built system ( ``DESTDIR'' as described in release(8)).
Please specify this file system when installing OpenBSD. The size should be approximately 4GB or more.

FuguIta build tool setup

Download the build tool fuguita-buildtools-7.6.tar.gz from the tools directory of FuguIta download site and extract it.

# tar xvzpf fuguita-buildtools-7.6.tar.gz

Execute the following command to initialize the construction tool.

# cd fuguita-buildtools-7.6
# make init

This will create the directories needed for the build, etc.

Copy the install set (*76.tgz) generated by building OpenBSD to the install_sets directory of the FuguIta build tool.

# cp RELDIR/*76.tgz install_sets

RELDIR is the directory where generated release sets are stored, as described in release(8).

'⇒'' Installation set *76.tgz can also be downloaded and used from the official OpenBSD mirror.
However, in this case, the FuguIta created will be based on OpenBSD at the time the release was published, so no later patches have been applied. Please be careful.
Also, even if you create FuguIta using this method, you need to extract the OpenBSD source code under /usr/src or /usr/xenocara.

Next, build the rsync, rlwrap, and pv commands that will be called from FuguIta's utilities.

First, get the source code (xxHash is a high-speed hash calculation library. It is used when building rsync).

# cd /usr/ports/net/rsync && make fetch
# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/xxhash && make fetch
# cd /usr/ports/misc/rlwrap && make fetch
# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/pv && make fetch

The obtained source code will be placed under /usr/ports/distfiles.
Link (or copy) this source code to the working directory for build and compile.

# pkg_add gmake    (xxHashの構築に必要です)
# cd (FuguItaビルドツールの置き場所)/fuguita-buildtools-7.6/fiopt/build
# ln -s Makefile
# ln -s /usr/ports/distfiles/rsync-*.tar.gz .
# ln -s /usr/ports/distfiles/xxHash-*.tar.gz .
# ln -s /usr/ports/distfiles/rlwrap-*.tar.gz .
# ln -s /usr/ports/distfiles/pv-*.tar.gz .
# make RSYNC=rsync-3.3.0 XXHASH=xxHash-0.8.2 RLWRAP=rlwrap-0.46.1 PV=pv-1.8.5

Please specify the version of each source code you have actually obtained as an argument to make.
If the build completes successfully, fiopt76.tar.gz will be created in the parent directory.

# cd ..
# ls -l
total 1736
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel     512 Nov 15 02:58 CVS
drwxr-xr-x  7 root  wheel     512 Dec 12 23:53 build
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  867970 Dec 12 23:53 fiopt76.tgz

Link (or copy) this to the install_sets directory.

# cd ../install_sets
# ln -s ../fiopt/fiopt76.tgz .
# cd ..

After preparing the files and commands required to build FuguIta, finally execute the following command to set up the build environment.

# make setup

You can customize FuguIta by placing a file called site76.tgz under install_sets. This customization method complies with OpenBSD's
If is included in site76.tgz, its contents will be added to /etc/rc.firsttime.
As a result of building FuguIta by adding site76.tgz, if the file sysmedia/fuguita-7.6-amd64.ffsimg exceeds 2GB, the ISO image will not be created correctly. Please be careful.

Building FuguIta

Finally, build FuguIta.
To build both LiveDVD and LiveUSB, do the following:

# make all

Only LiveDVD is built with

# make livedvd

and this will only build LiveUSB.

# make liveusb

Post-build adjustments

Create mode0symlinks.cpio.gz

This file is intended to save time when starting LiveDVD in mode 0 (without this file, there is no problem in booting FuguIta itself).

To create mode0symlinks.cpio.gz, boot the completed LiveDVD in mode 0 and run the gen_mode0sldir command as root with root privileges. After execution, a file called /etc/fuguita/mode0symlinks.cpio.gz will be created.

Place this file in the build tool's lib directory with the file name mode0symlinks.cpio.gz.amd64 and rebuild FuguIta to create FuguIta with mode0symlinks.cpio.gz installed.

# cp mode0symlinks.cpio.gz lib/mode0symlinks.cpio.gz.amd64
# make clean
# make all

Fuguita_sys_mb adjustment

FuguIta has a file called /etc/fuguita/global.conf, which contains settings related to the entire system as shown below.

fuguita_sys_mb=1122  # size of sysmedia.img
newdrive_defswap=16M # default swap size at usbfadm newdrive
memfstype=mfs        # 'mfs' or 'tmpfs'
mfs_max_mb=30720     # mfs hard limit - 30GB

Among these, fuguita_sys_mb defines the size of the partition that stores the FuguIta system, and this value is used when remastering FuguIta LiveUSB.

The setting value of fuguita_sys_mb corresponds to the size of the livecd.iso file generated when building a LiveDVD, but it is safe to leave about 10MB in consideration of updates using the fiupdate utility.

# echo $(( $(wc -c < livecd.iso)/1024/1024+10 ))

Write the values ​​displayed by this command to the lib/global.conf.amd64 file and rerun make.

# vi lib/global.conf.amd64
# make clean
# make all

Makefile targets

This section describes the main targets in the Makefile.

Initial setup: Create directories required for construction, etc.
Final setup of the construction environment: Create boot-related and system image files, etc. from the files used as construction materials.
Generate LiveDVD release file (FuguIta-*-*-*.iso.gz)
Generate LiveUSB release file (FuguIta-*-*-*.usb.gz)
Generates both LiveDVD and LiveUSB release files
Delete kernel object files
Remove some of the kernel's object files. Used to rerun random kernel links
compile kernel
Delete release files and their intermediate products
Remove all release files, intermediate products, and construction materials, returning the build environment to its initial state.
Used to generate LiveUSB without sysmedia-7.6-amd76.img.gz.
To use this target, the OpenBSD virtualization system vmm/vmd must be running.
After creating a LiveDVD release file with make livedvd, running this target will start the created LiveDVD VM, so after logging in as root, create a LiveUSB with usbfadm's newdrive subcommand.
When you shut down the LiveDVD VM, the LiveUSB VM you just created will continue to start, so check its operation.
This LiveUSB release file is generated when you shut down the LiveUSB VM.
This file is available as sysmedia-7.6-amd76.img.gz, and after that you can use make liveusb.

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