Report form for hardware compatibilities

Let's share FuguIta hardware compatibility information.
FuguIta's kernel is identical to OpenBSD's generic kernel, except for settings related to the memory-based file system. This information may also be helpful for hardware compatibility of vanilla OpenBSD.

Note: This service is currently in trial operation. Please be aware that the service may be interrupted, and that articles may be edited or deleted after post.

Please fill this form and submit to report the environment in which you run FuguIta.

Your Name
Versione.g. 7.2
Releasee.g. 202209301
MediaFor other media,
please write in the remarks.
HW Modelsysctl hw.product
CPUsysctl hw.model
Memorydmesg | grep 'real mem'
Please include the word #FuguIta to prevent spam.

The list of reports

FuguIta/Report/24karl7.6amd64USB flashdriveS1105ANR100
FuguIta/Report/23zfl7.6amd64USB flashdriveVivobook_ASUSLaptop X17032A_K17032A
FuguIta/Report/22markun86337.6arm64USB flashdriveRaspberryPI4
FuguIta/Report/21markun86337.6arm64USB flashdriveRaspberryPI3
FuguIta/Report/20sakae7.6amd64USB flashdriveThinkPad E560
FuguIta/Report/19Psycho7.6amd64USB flashdriveNipogi
FuguIta/Report/18oc7.6i386USB flashdrivedynabook UX/23KBL
FuguIta/Report/17kaw7.6amd64USB flashdriveDELL G5 5590
FuguIta/Report/16chris7.5amd64USB flashdrive
FuguIta/Report/15Tony7.5amd64USB flashdriveFujitsu Lifebook S6420
FuguIta/Report/14foxlib7.4amd64USB flashdriveLifebook U727
FuguIta/Report/13foxlib7.4amd64USB flashdrive20VD
FuguIta/Report/12foxlib7.3amd64USB flashdriveMacBookPro11,5
FuguIta/Report/11jim7.4amd64USB flashdrive
FuguIta/Report/10Pascal7.2amd64USB flashdriveHP Laptop 15-dw1xxx
FuguIta/Report/9kaw7.2amd64USB flashdriveGPD WIN2
FuguIta/Report/8kaw7.2amd64SSDLinux KVM
FuguIta/Report/7kaw6.4i386HDDIBM PC365 6589-12J
FuguIta/Report/6armand-mx7.2amd64USB flashdriveInspiron 16 5620
FuguIta/Report/5kaw7.1i386HDDIBM ThinkPad R51e
FuguIta/Report/4kaw7.1amd64HDDFujitsu FMVNA7BEZ1
FuguIta/Report/3kaw7.1amd64USB flashdriveFujitsu FMVNC4BC3
FuguIta/Report/2kaw7.2amd64HDDFujitsu FMVNC4BC3
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Last-modified: 2022-11-17 (Thu) 00:53:49