今回はNSH (network config shell)の河豚板への組み込みを例にとり、現行バージョンの河豚板 7.2を用いたアプライアンスの製作手順を紹介する。
初回起動 +-----------------------+ モード0で起動し、 [LiveUSBの作成]-->[起動(モード0)]-->|河豚板の設定: |--+ OpenBSDの設定 手動 | 終了時のファイル保存 | | 河豚板の設定 | 起動時の自動読込 | | | etc... | | +-----------------------+ | | +--------------------[reboot]---------------------+ | | 2回目の起動 +-----------------------+ NSH関連の設定 +-->[起動(モード3)]-->|NSHのインストール・設定|--+ インストール 自動 +-----------------------+ | ユーザアカウント作成 | タイムゾーン +--------------------[reboot]---------------------+ | | 3回目以降の起動 +-----------------------+ NSHを運用しながら、 Power On----->+-->[起動(モード3)]-->|NSHの運用 |--+ 設定の修正・調整を実施 ^ 自動 +-----------------------+ | | | Power Off<----+--------------------[halt or reboot]-------------+
プロジェクトホームページ: https://www.nmedia.net/nsh/ より
NSH は、OpenBSD ベースのネットワークアプライアンスを対象とした CLI です。これは ifconfig, sysctl および route を独自のシンプルなコマンド言語と置き換えるもので 他のデーモンのコンフィギュレーションをひとつの場所にカプセル化し、効果的に アプライアンススタイルで使用するために /etc/netstart と /etc/rc の一部を置き換えています。
nshによってカプセル化されたデーモンとサービス: pf, ospfd, ospf6d, bgpd, ripd, ldpd, relayd, ipsecctl, iked, rad.Dvmrpd, sdpf6d, bgpd, ripd, ldpd, relayd, ipsecctl, iked, rad, dvmrpd, sasyncd, dhcpd, snmpd, sshd, ntpd, ifstated, tftp-proxy, ftp-proxy, tftpd, npppd, tftpd, npppd, tftp-proxy, ftp-proxy, tftpd、npppd、resolv.conf、inetd、smtpd、ldapd、ifstated
作者のChris Cappuccio氏はまた、フラッシュデバイスで動作するOpenBSDイメージを作成するflashrdの作者でもある。
# ftp https://jp2.dl.fuguita.org/SHA256 Trying Requesting https://jp2.dl.fuguita.org/SHA256 100% |*******************************************************| 640 00:00 640 bytes received in 0.00 seconds (2.65 MB/s) # ftp https://jp2.dl.fuguita.org/FuguIta-7.2-amd64-202211151.img.gz Trying Requesting https://jp2.dl.fuguita.org/FuguIta-7.2-amd64-202211151.img.gz 100% |*******************************************************| 332 MB 00:32 348583114 bytes received in 32.14 seconds (10.34 MB/s)
# sha256 -C SHA256 FuguIta-7.2-amd64-202211151.img.gz (SHA256) FuguIta-7.2-amd64-202211151.img.gz: OK
# zcat FuguIta-7.2-amd64-nsh_test.img.gz | dd of=/dev/rsdXc bs=1m
scanning partitions: sd0a sd0d sd0i FuguIta's operating device(s): sd0a. Which is FuguIta's operating device? [default: sd0a] ->
available memory: 2031M Enter mfs size. You can add suffix K, M, or G. % is a percentage of memory size. and %% is a percentage of the total memory and swap. otherwise considered "megabytes" [default: 1523M] -> set mfs size to 1523MB
Boot modes: 0: fresh boot - standard mode as a live system 1: fresh boot - less memory, faster boot (/usr is non-writable, can't pkg_add) 2: fresh boot - works using only RAM (about 1GB or more of RAM required) 3: boot with retrieving saved files from storage device or enter passphrase for an encrypted volume 4: boot with retrieving saved files from floppy disk 5: interactive shell for maintenance -> 0 Running manual setup.
Changing password for root. New password: Retype new password: passwd: password updated successfully
Hostname with domain part (FQDN): only host name without domain part is also OK. -> nshrouter.local
IP protocol version(s) to be enabled: 4, 6, 46, 64 or "none" 4: enable only IPv4 6: enable only IPv6 46: give priority to IPv4 name resolution 64: give priority to IPv6 name resolution none: operate as standalone [64] ->4
Network Interfaces: Choose one NIC type Name -------- ----- ------------ vio0 ether unknown [vio0] ->
IPv4 - address and routing: Enter "auto" or "IPv4_address[/mask] [default_gateway]" "auto" is an automatic setting by DHCP. The "/mask" part can be specified in either format, such as "/" or "/24". If there is no default gateway, set the second field to "none" or leave it blank. [auto] ->
DNS servers: up to 3 IP addresses, separated by spaces ->
Do you login with C)onsole or X) Window System? [default: C] ->
nshrouter# date Tue Nov 22 05:28:53 UTC 2022 nshrouter# ln -sf usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo /etc/localtime nshrouter# date Tue Nov 22 14:29:02 JST 2022
nshrouter# vi /etc/rc.shutdown force_umount=No # set Yes for forced umount /ram at shutdown force_resync=Yes # set Yes to re-sync at shutdown <== これをYesに変更 # stop_all_daemons - to eliminate all daemons at umount /ram # stop_all_daemons () { : :
nshrouter# mount /dev/sd0d /mnt nshrouter# vi /mnt/livecd-config/7.2/amd64/noasks # # noasks - parameter settings for non-interactive boot # # Make statements uncommented # Then assign real values # # # FuguIta system device # - Use one of two lines #noask_rdev=sd0a # device name format noask_rdev=3b5447abd772121d.a # DUID format <==河豚板のシステムデバイス # 常に同じデバイスを指定できる # mfs size in MB ので、DUID (Disklabel Unique ID) noask_umem=75% <==MFSのサイズ による指定を推奨 # # boot mode noask_setup_rw_mode=3 <==起動モード 3=保存されたファイルを読み込んで起動 # # storage device # - Use one of two lines #noask_confdev=sd0d # device name format noask_confdev=3b5447abd772121d.d # DUID format <==ファイルを読み込むデバイス # noask_rdevと同じくDUID推奨 # data set name in USB flash drive noask_confdir=nshrouter <==読み込むファイルの保存名 nshrouter# umount /mnt
nshrouter# usbfadm Welcome to usbfadm. USB flash drive administration tool for FuguIta Version/Arch: 7.2/amd64 (FuguIta-7.2-amd64-202211151) Boot mode: manual Target device: not set Data saved as: not set readline capability available TAB to complete the reserved words Type ? for help. ? : ? ->target Searching storage device Please make sure the device inserted. Then press ENTER -> sd0a +sd0d target device->sd0d sd0d : ? ->saveas Name of saved data->nshrouter Your data will be saved as ``nshrouter''. sd0d : nshrouter ->sync Sync current mfs as ``nshrouter'' , OK? [y/N] -> y 34.4MiB 0:00:04 [8.57MiB/s] [=================================]105% ETA 0:00:00 waiting for pax to finish ... syncing ... done. sd0d : nshrouter ->quit Bye bye... nshrouter#
nshrouter# reboot
nshrouter# pkg_add nsh quirks-6.42(signed) 2022-11-20T19:34:54Z quirks-6.42:ok Ambiguous: a 0: <None> 1: nsh-1.0.20220919 2: nsh-1.0.20220919-static Your choice: 1 nsh-1.0.20220919:ok nshrouter# nsh % NSH v1.0 nshrouter.local/quit % Session terminated. nshrouter#
注: 時計がずれているとTLS通信が失敗し、pkg_addが不成功に終わる場合がある。その場合は、dateコマンドを用い、手動で時刻合わせをするか、あるいは、
nshrouter# rdate ntp.nict.jp
nshrouter# adduser nsh Couldn't find /etc/adduser.conf: creating a new adduser configuration file Reading /etc/shells Enter your default shell: csh ksh nologin nsh sh [ksh]: Your default shell is: ksh -> /bin/ksh Default login class: authpf bgpd daemon default pbuild staff unbound vmd xenodm [default]: Enter your default HOME partition: [/home]: Copy dotfiles from: /etc/skel no [/etc/skel]: Send welcome message?: /path/file default no [no]: Do not send message(s) Prompt for passwords by default (y/n) [y]: Default encryption method for passwords: auto blowfish [auto]: Use option ``-silent'' if you don't want to see all warnings and questions. Reading /etc/shells Check /etc/master.passwd Check /etc/group Ok, let's go. Don't worry about mistakes. There will be a chance later to correct any input. Enter username []: nsh Enter full name []: Network SHell Enter shell csh ksh nologin nsh sh [ksh]: Uid [1000]: Login group nsh [nsh]: Login group is ``nsh''. Invite nsh into other groups: guest no [no]: wheel Login class authpf bgpd daemon default pbuild staff unbound vmd xenodm [default]: Enter password []: Enter password again []: Name: nsh Password: **** Fullname: Network SHell Uid: 1000 Gid: 1000 (nsh) Groups: nsh wheel Login Class: default HOME: /home/nsh Shell: /bin/ksh OK? (y/n) [y]: y Added user ``nsh'' Copy files from /etc/skel to /home/nsh Add another user? (y/n) [y]: n Goodbye! nshrouter# exit OpenBSD/amd64 (nshrouter.local) (tty00) login: nsh Password:
nshrouter$ vi ~/.profile exec doas /usr/local/bin/nsh exit # for fail safe
nsh(8) Section 7 > Adding system users to:
Do NOT add nwrapper (or nsh) to /etc/shells. They should not be entered here.
nshrouter# echo permit nopass nsh cmd /usr/local/bin/nsh > /etc/doas.conf
以上で、ユーザアカウントnshでログインするとnshが起動するようになった。 念の為、ここまでの状態をUSBメモリに保存しておく
nshrouter# usbfadm -r ======================================== = Sync /dev/sd0d with current mfs as nshrouter = sending incremental file list etc/fstab 154 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#1, ir-chk=1078/1094) : : var/spool/smtpd/purge/2135993693/ var/spool/smtpd/temporary/ nshrouter#
一度、保存を行っている場合はコマンドラインから usbfadm -r で保存を再実行できる。
% NSH v1.0 nshrouter.local/enable nshrouter.local(p)/ntp edit servers ntp.nict.jp configuration OK nshrouter.local(p)/ntp disable -s option no longer works and will be removed soon. <== ntpdの -s オプションは古いので Please reconfigure to use constraints or trusted servers. ntpdがこの警告を出す。 nshrouter.local(p)/ntp enable -s option no longer works and will be removed soon. Please reconfigure to use constraints or trusted servers. nshrouter.local(p)/!ntpctl -s all <== ntpdの同期状態は、ntpctlコマンドを子プロセスとして 0/5 peers valid, clock unsynced 呼出し、確認する。 peer wt tl st next poll offset delay jitter from pool ntp.nict.jp 1 3 1 2s 5s ---- peer not valid ---- from pool ntp.nict.jp 1 3 1 4s 7s ---- peer not valid ---- from pool ntp.nict.jp 1 3 1 2s 5s ---- peer not valid ---- from pool ntp.nict.jp 1 3 1 2s 5s ---- peer not valid ---- from pool ntp.nict.jp 1 3 1 3s 6s ---- peer not valid ---- nshrouter.local(p)/
nshrouter.local(p)/reboot <= nshの特権モードでrebootを実行 % Reboot initiated syncing disks... done <= ファイルが自動保存されず、いきなりreboot vmmci0: powerdown /etc/rc.shutdownが実行されない rebooting... Using drive 0, partition 3. Loading...... probing: pc0 com0 mem[638K 2046M a20=on] disk: hd0+ >> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.55/*
Restart the system. Warning no confirmation prompt is issued, configuration changes are NOT automatically saved! User must save configuration manually BEFORE using reboot. Requires privileged access.
/* * Reboot */ int nreboot(void) { printf ("%% Reboot initiated\n"); if (reboot (RB_AUTOBOOT) == -1) <== reboot(2)が呼び出されている printf("%% reboot: RB_AUTOBOOT: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return(0); } int halt(void) { printf ("%% Shutdown initiated\n"); if (reboot (RB_HALT) == -1) <== reboot(2)が呼び出されている printf("%% reboot: RB_HALT: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return(0); }
ports treeを展開し、/usr/ports/shells/nsh 内にパッチファイルを追加
--- ctl.c.orig Tue Sep 20 04:18:55 2022 +++ ctl.c Tue Nov 22 09:37:12 2022 @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ char *ctl_ntp_test[] = { NTPD, "-nf", REQTEMP, NULL }; struct ctl ctl_ntp[] = { { "enable", "enable service", - { NTPD, "-sf", REQTEMP, NULL }, NULL, DB_X_ENABLE, T_EXEC }, + { NTPD, "-f", REQTEMP, NULL }, NULL, DB_X_ENABLE, T_EXEC }, { "disable", "disable service", { PKILL, table, "ntpd", NULL }, NULL, DB_X_DISABLE, T_EXEC }, { "edit", "edit configuration",
--- commands.c.orig Tue Sep 20 04:18:55 2022 +++ commands.c Tue Nov 22 09:37:12 2022 @@ -1962,7 +1962,7 @@ nreboot(void) { printf ("%% Reboot initiated\n"); - if (reboot (RB_AUTOBOOT) == -1) + if (system("/sbin/reboot") == -1) printf("%% reboot: RB_AUTOBOOT: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return(0); } @@ -1971,7 +1971,7 @@ halt(void) { printf ("%% Shutdown initiated\n"); - if (reboot (RB_HALT) == -1) + if (system("/sbin/halt -p") == -1) printf("%% reboot: RB_HALT: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return(0); }
nshrouter# pkg_delete nsh nsh-1.0.20220919:ok Read shared items:ok nshrouter# cd /usr/ports/shells/nsh nshrouter# make install ===> Checking files for nsh-1.0.20220919 >> Fetch https://github.com/yellowman/nsh/archive/fcad0f6af197ab0c96e2c5410c.... >> (SHA256) nsh-1.0.20220919-fcad0f6a.tar.gz: OK ===> nsh-1.0.20220919 depends on: sqlite3-* -> sqlite3-3.39.3 ===> Verifying specs: c curses edit sqlite3 ===> found c.96.2 curses.14.0 edit.5.2 sqlite3.37.20 ===> Extracting for nsh-1.0.20220919 ===> Patching for nsh-1.0.20220919 <== 今ほど追加したパッチが適用されている ===> Applying OpenBSD patch patch-commands_c Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me... The text leading up to this was: -------------------------- |--- commands.c.orig Tue Sep 20 04:18:55 2022 |+++ commands.c Tue Nov 22 09:37:12 2022 -------------------------- Patching file commands.c using Plan A... Hunk #1 succeeded at 1962. Hunk #2 succeeded at 1971. done ===> Applying OpenBSD patch patch-ctl_c Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me... The text leading up to this was: -------------------------- |--- ctl.c.orig Tue Sep 20 04:18:55 2022 |+++ ctl.c Tue Nov 22 09:37:12 2022 -------------------------- Patching file ctl.c using Plan A... Hunk #1 succeeded at 412. done ===> Compiler link: clang -> /usr/bin/clang ===> Compiler link: clang++ -> /usr/bin/clang++ ===> Compiler link: cc -> /usr/bin/cc ===> Compiler link: c++ -> /usr/bin/c++ ===> Generating configure for nsh-1.0.20220919 ===> Configuring for nsh-1.0.20220919 ===> Building for nsh-1.0.20220919 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast .... sh /ram/usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/nsh-fcad0f6af197ab0c96e2c5410.... : : cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast .... cc -L/usr/local/lib -o nsh arp.o compile.o main.o genget.o commands .... ===> Faking installation for nsh-1.0.20220919 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/bin/install -c -s -m 755 /usr/ports .... ===> Building package for nsh-1.0.20220919 Create /usr/ports/packages/amd64/all/nsh-1.0.20220919.tgz : : Link to /usr/ports/packages/amd64/ftp/nsh-1.0.20220919.tgz ===> Verifying specs: c curses edit sqlite3 ===> found c.96.2 curses.14.0 edit.5.2 sqlite3.37.20 ===> Installing nsh-1.0.20220919 from /usr/ports/packages/amd64/all/ nsh-1.0.20220919:9ok nshrouter# nsh % NSH v1.0 nshrouter.local/enable
write-configを実行すると/etc/nshrcに設定が保存される。マニュアルでは、 On the next startup of the system, this saved configuration is used. という記述があるが、次の起動では保存された設定は反映されない。
if [ -r /etc/nshrc ]; then doas /usr/local/bin/nsh -i /etc/nshrc fi exec doas /usr/local/bin/nsh exit # fail safe