7.6-amd64 on Nipogi†
- Posted by Psycho at 2024-10-19 (Sat) 21:43:30
- Release: 7.6-amd64-202410141
- Media: USB flashdrive
- Hardware: Nipogi (CPU: Alder Lake n95, Memory: 16GB DDR4)
I can not boot.
I got the following message :
Process (pid 1) got a signal 4
I did not write URL here.
I have bought my computer from amazon Japan.
I received a similar report (got signal 4) on FuguIta-7.5-amd64 on Hyper-V
How about uniprosessor? Try like this:
boot> bsd-fi
2024-10-20 (Sun) 00:05:27 - kaw
- #FuguIta,I got same message. www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B0C1MR16G7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 -- Psycho
- I found a similar case in github.com/yellowman/flashrd/issues/30 , then I built a test version /test/FuguIta-7.6_pie-amd64-202410221.{iso,img}.gz with PIE enabled /boottmp/init . Please try this.
#FuguIta -- kaw
- current test version is /test/FuguIta-7.6_rvmk-amd64-202410231.{iso,img}.gz, try this if you can.
#FuguIta -- kaw
- Thank you. but I got same error. I typed both enter key and bsd-fi at boot. #FuguIta -- Psycho
- Thank you for your report. will continue to researching/debugging
#FuguIta -- kaw
- Next is /test/FuguIta-7.6_init-amd64-202410241.{iso,img}.gz. In this version, /boottmp/init is now an independent executable, not a part of crunched binary /boottmp/bootbin.
#FuguIta -- kaw
- Sorry double post! I only reloaded. #FuguIta -- Psycho
- On Intel's 12th or later generation CPUs, OpenBSD crunch binaries may not work properly with E-cores enabled; try disabling E-cores in the BIOS.
#FuguIta -- kaw
- I downloaded FuguIta-7.6_init-amd64-202410241.{iso,img}.gz. It does not boot wheter E-core is 0 or ALl. But I got another message. wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (std, vt100 emulation) init: /bin/sh on /etc/rc terminated abnormally, going to single user mode Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh: #FuguIta -- Psycho
- Thank you very much for your multiple reports. I got an another similar report. Your and that reports mean that there is any problem on FuguIta's crunched binary /boottmp/bootbin (although OpenBSD installer's crunched binary instbin works properly). More further debugging continues.
#FuguIta. -- kaw
- Would you check /test/FuguIta-7.6_tst4-amd64-202410262.img.gz ?
#FuguIta -- kaw
- Process (pid 1) got a signal 4 It appears both enter key and bsd-fi at boot. I tried both E-core is 0 and ALL in the Bios. #FuguIta -- Psycho
- The newest is /test/FuguIta-7.6_cts8-amd64-202411021.{iso,img}.gz. Would you test this?
#FuguIta -- kaw
- You wrote "Enter mfs size. ... otherwise considered "megabytes" [default: 755M] ->" . But it says "[default: M]" . It does not accept any values such as enter,50%,16000M. #FuguItaM -- Psycho
- Intel's 12th generation and newer CPUs have introduced a feature called IBT (Indirect Branch Tracking), which can detect illegal indirect branch instructions. OpenBSD 7.5 and later are designed to detect illegal branches using IBT, and the initial execution binary of #FuguIta violates this feature, so it does not start up correctly. Currently, we are generating the binary with an option to bypass this check function in the compiler, but it is not running completely. We are currently investigating the cause.
Mandatory enforcement of indirect branch targets
-- kaw
- I also purchased the same model MiniPC as yours and am doing investigating. Could you please test /test/FuguIta-7.6_ctsf-amd64-202411081.{iso,img}.gz? This worked on my machine. (#FuguIta-7.6_ctsf-amd64-202411081 is based on the -current release of OpenBSD. Please note that it is not a -stable release) -- kaw
- Pkg_add doesn't seem to work. #FuguIta -- Psycho &new{2024-11-08 (Fri) 19:23:46}
- Note that this test release is -current, not -stable. https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html#Flavors
pkg_add may not work correctly. Wait normal fixed release for daily use, please. #FuguIta -- kaw