- 2007-10-07 - First ISO image as a test release.
- Based on (not officialy released yet) OpenBSD 4.2
- No additional application softwares
- Download from here.
- 2007-11-10 FuguIta 4.2rc1 published
Major changes from 4.1 are ;
- Emacs and MPlayer were built not by ports/packages
- Emacs 22.1
- MPlayer 1.0RC2
- Small but useful tools added ... rlwrap
- Unimportant font files were delete
Offical Releases
- FuguIta 4.2 released - 2007-11-15 (木) 21:36:50
- FuguIta-4.2-200711191
- FuguIta-4.2-200801121
Bug tracking system is at LiveCD/4.2/BTS.
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