OpenBSD Live System「河豚板」は、2005年初頭のCD-OpenBSD 3.6を起源とし、以来 i386アキーテクチャの OpenBSD/i386 をベースとしてリリースを続けてきました。
この度、OpenBSD 6.0をベースとするFuguIta 6.0にて従来のi386アーキテクチャに加え、amd64アーキテクチャに対応した版もリリース致しました。
今回の勉強会では、このFuguIta 6.0のamd64対応、およびそれに関連する周辺作業についてご報告致します。
User from Oklahoma U.S.A.
Charlie Ebert (2016-03-17 (Thu) 11:13:45)
I have been using this for several versions on USBDISK. I just can't wait to see the 5.9 version when it comes out. There is supposed to be a VM in that version!!! YEAH!!!! Anyway, thank you for all your work. I do wonder why you don't also have a 64 bit version of this same FuguIta software?
Thank you very much
Charliekaw 2016-03-17 (Thu) 22:25:21
Thank you for using FuguIta. Also, I'm looking forward to seeing OpenBSD 5.9, and preparing my PC to build FuguIta 5.9. I agree that a 64 bit version of FuguIta is quite attractive. But I don't have enough time to build both 64 and 32 bit FuguItas... A 32 bit version of FuguIta is prior than 64, because one of the main purpose of FuguIta is to use old and legacy machines effectively.
FuguIta-5.9-i386 FuguIta-6.0-i386 ビルド環境 ビルド環境 +---------------------+ +---------------------+ | +-------------+ | マルチ | +-------------+ | | | 5.9-i386 |=====プラット=====+=========>| 6.0-i386 | | | | build tools | | フォーム | | | build tools | | | +-------------+ | 対応 | | +-------------+ | |+-------------------+| | |+-------------------+| || OpenBSD 5.9/i386 |==CVSアップデート=====>| OpenBSD 6.0/i386 || |+-------------------+| &ビルド | |+-------------------+| +---------------------+ | +---------------------+ | | FuguIta-6.0-amd64 | ビルド環境 | +---------------------+ | | +-------------+ | +=========>| 6.0-amd64 | | | | build tools | | | +-------------+ | 新規 |+-------------------+| インストール======>| OpenBSD 6.0/amd64 || |+-------------------+| +---------------------+以上の手順で作業環境を準備し、amd64版の河豚板を生成できるようになった。