This chapter describes the basic procedure when the system is booted and ready for use.

We will also point out sources of information that may be helpful for those unfamiliar with Unix-like operating systems, and for those with experience using other Unix-like operating systems.

Login for the first time

Log in as root

Once FuguIta has finished booting, you will be presented with the OpenBSD operating system login screen.
At first, only the superuser account can log in, so enter ``root at the ``login: prompt, and enter the password you set at startup at the ``Password:'' prompt.

OpenBSD/amd64 (fugu-demo.localnet) (tty00)

login: root
OpenBSD 7.2-stable (RDROOT.MP) #28: Fri Feb  3 11:29:19 JST 2023

Welcome to FuguIta, the OpenBSD-based live system.

FuguIta aims to help popularize OpenBSD operating system by making it easier
to get started with.

For information on FuguIta's specific features and how to use them, please
refer to the documentation on

If you have any questions or suggestions for FuguIta, please send an email to
me or post a message to's message board.
Please feel free to contact me.

Yoshihiro Kawamata ,

You have new mail.

If the login is successful, the shell prompt "fugu-demo#" will be displayed and commands can be executed.
As an example, let's run the command ps.

fugu-demo# ps -aux
root     68528  3.6  0.1   868   884 00  Sp      6:51AM    0:01.89 -ksh (ksh)
root         1  0.0  0.1   884   532 ??  I       6:40AM    0:01.68 /sbin/init
root     14453  0.0  0.1   792   644 ??  Ip      6:43AM    0:00.47 /sbin/slaacd
_slaacd  53995  0.0  0.1   812   784 ??  Ip      6:43AM    0:00.81 slaacd: engi
_slaacd  33982  0.0  0.1   800   732 ??  Ip      6:43AM    0:00.81 slaacd: fron
root     55401  0.0  0.1   712   548 ??  IU      6:44AM    0:00.17 dhclient: em
_dhcp    78950  0.0  0.1   840   700 ??  Ip      6:44AM    0:00.10 dhclient: em
root     86344  0.0  0.2   520  2184 ??  IpU     6:46AM    0:00.64 syslogd: [pr
_syslogd 45328  0.0  0.1  1128  1488 ??  Sp      6:46AM    0:01.04 /usr/sbin/sy
root     73380  0.0  0.1   836   584 ??  IU      6:46AM    0:00.27 pflogd: [pri
_pflogd  53476  0.0  0.1   876   540 ??  Sp      6:46AM    0:02.97 pflogd: [run
_ntp     63935  0.0  0.3  1016  2868 ??  S<p     6:47AM    0:02.87 ntpd: ntp en
_ntp     18769  0.0  0.2   820  2508 ??  Ip      6:47AM    0:01.86 ntpd: dns en
root     34145  0.0  0.2   788  1568 ??  S<pU    6:47AM    0:00.81 /usr/sbin/nt
root     63360  0.0  0.1  1324  1280 ??  I       6:47AM    0:00.37 sshd: /usr/s
root     61566  0.0  0.2  1680  2052 ??  Ip      6:48AM    0:00.82 /usr/sbin/sm
_smtpd   19845  0.0  0.4  1448  3940 ??  Ip      6:48AM    0:01.83 smtpd: klond
_smtpd   66321  0.0  0.4  1716  4240 ??  Ip      6:48AM    0:02.23 smtpd: contr
_smtpd   91561  0.0  0.4  1552  4164 ??  Ip      6:48AM    0:01.95 smtpd: looku
_smtpd   90688  0.0  0.4  1844  4396 ??  Ip      6:48AM    0:02.69 smtpd: pony
_smtpq   16446  0.0  0.4  1640  4252 ??  Ip      6:48AM    0:02.47 smtpd: queue
_smtpd   82450  0.0  0.4  1440  3988 ??  Ip      6:48AM    0:02.17 smtpd: sched
_sndio   66682  0.0  0.1   516   744 ??  I<p     6:48AM    0:00.17 /usr/bin/snd
_sndiop  92235  0.0  0.1   504   920 ??  IpU     6:48AM    0:00.08 sndiod: help
root      1376  0.0  0.1   672  1268 ??  Sp      6:51AM    0:00.84 /usr/sbin/cr
root      6575  0.0  0.0   484   360 00  R+pU/0  7:32AM    0:00.35 ps -aux
root     13541  0.0  0.1   288  1296 C0  I+pU    6:51AM    0:00.58 /usr/libexec
root     70324  0.0  0.1   292  1308 C1  I+pU    6:51AM    0:00.54 /usr/libexec
root     10475  0.0  0.1   296  1312 C2  I+pU    6:51AM    0:00.44 /usr/libexec
root     81779  0.0  0.1   292  1304 C3  I+pU    6:51AM    0:00.58 /usr/libexec
root     45364  0.0  0.1   284  1280 C5  I+pU    6:51AM    0:00.47 /usr/libexec

ps is a command that displays what programs (processes) are currently running.
Even if the system is just starting up and it looks like there is no movement on the screen, you can see that many processes have already been started internally.

From now on, I will explain the settings that should be done when you log in as root for the first time.

Change time zone

FuguIta immediately after booting in mode 0 has the time zone (time zone) set to UTC (Universal Coordinated Time).
Japan Standard Time (JST) is 9 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time.

fugu-demo# date 
Fri Feb 10 05:14:49 UTC 2023

To change FuguIta's time zone to JST, enter the command as follows and change the file pointed by the symbolic link /etc/localtime.

fugu-demo# cd /etc
fugu-demo# ls -l localtime
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  23 Feb 10 05:13 localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC
fugu-demo# ln -s -f /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo localtime                     
fugu-demo# ls -l localtime
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  30 Feb 10 14:15 localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo
fugu-demo# date
Fri Feb 10 14:15:44 JST 2023

If the JST after setting is different from the actual time, use the date command to correct it.

General user registration

Immediately after starting FuguIta, you can only log in with the superuser (system administrator) account root.

On a Unix-based OS, you normally log in as a general user and use the system on a daily basis.
When doing system administration, log back in as superuser to perform administrative tasks.

!!While logged in as the superuser, it is easy to perform operations that render the system inoperable. Of course, unintentional erroneous operation is no exception. To prevent such risks, it is ``strongly recommended'' that you create a general user account and use it normally.

Below, create an account called yoshi as a general user.
Creating user accounts is also system management, so do it as root.

Use the command adduser to add a user account.
First, you will be asked for default values ?k?kwhen adding a user account. This is only asked the first time adduser is run. Normally, there is no problem with inputting only the <Enter> key.

# adduser
Couldn't find /etc/adduser.conf: creating a new adduser configuration file
Reading /etc/shells
Enter your default shell: bash csh ksh nologin nsh sh [ksh]:
Your default shell is: ksh -> /bin/ksh
Default login class: authpf bgpd daemon default pbuild staff unbound
Enter your default HOME partition: [/home]:
Copy dotfiles from: /etc/skel no [/etc/skel]:
Send welcome message?: /path/file default no [no]:
Do not send message(s)
Prompt for passwords by default (y/n) [y]:
Default encryption method for passwords: auto blowfish [auto]:
Use option ``-silent'' if you don't want to see all warnings and questions.

Reading /etc/shells
Check /etc/master.passwd
Check /etc/group

Next, enter the information for general user account creation. As an example, let's create a user account called "yoshi".
As shown at the beginning, the input can be corrected (retyped) at the end.

Ok, let's go.
Don't worry about mistakes. There will be a chance later to correct any input.
Enter username []: yoshi
Enter full name []: Yoshihiro Kawamata
Enter shell bash csh ksh nologin nsh sh [ksh]:
Uid [1000]:
Login group yoshi [yoshi]:
Login group is ``yoshi''. Invite yoshi into other groups: guest no
[no]: wheel
Login class authpf bgpd daemon default pbuild staff unbound
Enter password []:
Enter password again []:

Name:        yoshi
Password:    ****
Fullname:    Yoshihiro Kawamata
Uid:         1000
Gid:         1000 (yoshi)
Groups:      yoshi wheel
Login Class: default
HOME:        /home/yoshi
Shell:       /bin/ksh
OK? (y/n) [y]: y
Added user ``yoshi''
Copy files from /etc/skel to /home/yoshi
Add another user? (y/n) [y]: n

In this example, the account yoshi is also added to the group called wheel.
Users with a wheel subscription can temporarily become root to perform system administration tasks.

A general user account called yoshi is now created.

Give administrator privileges to a general user

As explained in the previous section, to perform system administration tasks, you must temporarily become a superuser from a general user, or log out as a general user and then log back in as a superuser.

On OpenBSD, general users can execute commands with root privileges using the command doas.

To use doas, you first need to edit the configuration file /etc/doas.conf.
doas.conf does not exist at first, so execute the following command to create the file (if doas.conf already exists, edit doas.conf with a text editor ).

# echo permit persist :wheel > /etc/doas.conf
# chmod 0600 /etc/doas.conf

This will create a file doas.conf with a single line "permit persist :wheel". This is a setting that means "to allow users belonging to the wheel group to execute commands with root privileges".

When you execute doas, you will be prompted for the password of the user who executed it, but since "persist" is specified in the above example, doas re-executing will bypass the user's password input.

Extend the storage area of the USB memory

As explained in Creating a FuguIta LiveUSB, you can create a LiveUSB version of FuguIta by downloading the image file from the download site, expanding it, and writing it.

However, this LiveUSB version of FuguIta can only use 2GB of space regardless of the size of the USB memory used. ~ Of this, the FuguIta system occupies about 1GB, so usbfadm can save about 1GB of data.

The usbfadm utility that comes with FuguIta has a feature called expand that can expand the size of the partition that stores data.

Below is an example of using usbfadm expand.

fugu-demo# usbfadm  ← start usbfadm with root privileges

Welcome to usbfadm.
USB flash drive administration tool for FuguIta

 Version/Arch: 7.2/amd64  (FuguIta-7.2-amd64-202302081)
    Boot mode: manual
Target device: not set
Data saved as: not set

readline capability available
TAB to complete the reserved words

Type ? for help.

? : ? ->target  ← Specify the partition to extend with the target command

Searching storage device
Please make sure the device inserted.
Then press ENTER ->
sd0i sd0j sd0k sd1a +sd1d vnd5a  ← list of detected partitions.
target device ->sd1d                Partitions with a + sign at the beginning
                                    are data storage partitions

sd1d : ? ->info  ← check the capacity of the specified partition

Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity iused   ifree  %iused  Mounted on
/dev/sd1d      1.1G    2.5K    1.1G	0%	 5 1287065     0%   /mnt  ← 容量は1.1GB


512B	7.0/amd64/noasks

sd1d : ? ->expand  ← call expand function

Select the expansion method for sd1d:
  1:  growfs - expands the partition while retaining its contents
  2:  newfs - expand and format the partition
  3: [exit without expansion]
->2  ← extend partition using "newfs"

There are two ways to extend a partition: "growfs" and "newfs".
growfs expands the area while retaining the data stored in the partition.
newfs reformats the partition after expanding the space.
Please note that newfs will erase all saved files and directories. On the other hand, even with growfs, it is recommended that you back up your data before running it.

This makes sd1d as large as possible.
Note that all contents in sd1d will be removed
Do you proceed? [y/N] -> y

/dev/rsd1d: 3136.5MB in 6423488 sectors of 512 bytes
257 cylinder groups of 12.24MB, 3134 blocks, 6272 inodes each
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 144, 25216, 50288, 75360, 100432, 125504, 150576, 175648, 200720, 225792,
 6368432, 6393504, 6418576,
** /dev/rsd1d
** File system is already clean
** Last Mounted on
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
1 files, 1 used, 5611214 free (14 frags, 701400 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)

sd1d : ? ->info  ← check capacity after expansion

Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity iused   ifree  %iused  Mounted on
/dev/sd1d      2.7G    2.5K    2.7G	0%	 5 1611897     0%   /mnt  ← 2.7GBに増加している


512B	7.0/amd64/noasks

sd1d : ? ->quit

Bye bye...

File system parameters (format type, block size, fragment size, inode density, etc.) are used as they are before expansion in growfs, while in newfs they are changed to the size after expansion. The matching parameters are set and formatting is performed.


Enter the exit command to terminate (logout) the account you are currently using.

fugu-demo# exit

OpenBSD/amd64 (fugu-demo.localnet) (tty00)


login as a general user

We created a general user account in the previous section, so try logging in with this account.

OpenBSD/amd64 (fugu-demo.localnet) (tty00)

login: yoshi
OpenBSD 7.2-stable (RDROOT.MP) #30: Wed Feb  8 13:07:26 JST 2023

Welcome to FuguIta, the OpenBSD-based live system.

FuguIta aims to help popularize OpenBSD operating system by making it easier
to get started with.

For information on FuguIta's specific features and how to use them, please
refer to the documentation on

If you have any questions or suggestions for FuguIta, please send an email to
me or post a message to's message board.
Please feel free to contact me.

Yoshihiro Kawamata ,

fugu-demo$ pwd
fugu-demo$ ls
fugu-demo$ ls -a
.          .Xdefaults .cvsrc     .mailrc    .ssh
..         .cshrc     .login     .profile

When logged in as root, the shell prompt will be "fugu-demo#", but for general users it will be "fugu-demo$".
Follow this notation in the following examples.

Save file to USB memory

FuguIta saves all data such as files created by the user, changed settings, added packages, system logs, etc. to the storage partition created in the LiveUSB version of FuguIta, and recalls it at the next startup. can do. Run the usbfadm command to save the data. Usbfadm requires administrator privileges to run, so use the doas command to run usbfadm.

fugu-demo$ doas usbfadm
doas (yoshi@fugu-demo.localnet) password: 

Welcome to usbfadm.
USB flash drive administration tool for FuguIta

 Version/Arch: 7.2/amd64  (FuguIta-7.2-amd64-202302081)
    Boot mode: manual
Target device: /dev/sd0d
Data saved as: fugu-demo

readline capability available
TAB to complete the reserved words

Type ? for help.

? : ? ->

First, specify the destination partition using the target command.
After confirming that the storage device is installed, press ENTER to scan the device.
Devices with a + sign in front of the device name are devices that can be used for saving.

? : ? --> target

Searching USB flash drives
Please make sure the device inserted.
Then press ENTER ->
cd0a sd0a +sd0d

targe device--> sd0d

Then name the data you want to save using the saveas command.
If the name is omitted, the host name will be used as the save

sd0d : ? --> saveas
Name of saved data --> fugu-demo

Your data will be saved as ``fugu-demo''.

Notice that the prompt string, which was originally "? : ?", has changed. The values ?k?kset by the target command and saveas just now are displayed in the prompt so that you can check them.

Finally run the sync command to actually save the data.

 /dev/sd0d : fugu-demo -> sync

Sync current mfs as fugu-demo, OK? -> y

building file list ... done
created directory /mnt/livecd-config/fugu-demo

sent 16455591 bytes  received 232568 bytes  180412.53 bytes/sec
total size is 15492096  speedup is 0.93

Let's display the information of the data saved with the info command.

/dev/sd0d : fugu-demo -> info

Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
 /dev/sd0d     218M   18.9M    179M   9.6%    /mnt


18.9M   6.0/amd64/fugu-demo

The data seems to be saved without problems, so exit usbfadm.

/dev/sd0d : fugu-demo -> bye


Saving with usbfadm can also be done from the shell command line.

fugu-demo$ doas usbfadm -r
doas (yoshi@fugu-demo.localnet) password: 

= Sync current mfs as fugu-demo into /dev/sd0d
sending incremental file list
deleting etc/X11/xenodm/authdir/authfiles/A:0-G4H73h

Option -r tells usbfadm to re-save the file.

You can also use cron to run periodically in the background.

# crontab -l
#minute hour    mday    month   wday    command
  --- omit ---
#save session periodically
#0       */4     *       *       *       PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin /usr/fuguita/sbin/usbfadm -rq

This causes usbfadm saves to happen in the background every 4 hours. -q is a "quiet" option that does not show progress etc.

You can use any partition that is formatted in the OpenBSD FFS format and has a directory named /livecd-config, even if it is not created with the usbfadm command.

Exit Fuguita

To terminate FuguIta operation, log in as root and execute the shutdown command.
Or as a normal user, execute the shutdown command using the doas.

fugu-demo$ doas shutdown -h -p now
doas (yoshi@fugu-demo.localnet) password: 
Shutdown NOW!
shutdown: [pid 4771]
*** FINAL System shutdown message from root@fugu-demo.localnet ***
System going down IMMEDIATELY

System shutdown time has arrived

fugu-demo$ syncing disks... done

In the above example, the -h option is specified as a specification to the shutdown command, so the system is halted. In addition, since the -p option is specified at the same time, the power will be automatically turned off immediately after stopping (some PC models do not support turning off the power with the -p option. In this case, to turn off the unit).
If you specify the -r option instead of the -h or -p options, the system will reboot.
In Fuguita, user-created data and system configuration files are held in memory. It will disappear.

The fact that the operations performed on Fuguita disappear when the system is stopped means that from a different point of view, it is less likely to affect existing systems installed on the internal hard disk.
In other words, deleting files, stopping processes, etc. as root has limited impact, so you can practice system administration with confidence.

Read saved settings and files

The data saved by the method described in Save settings and files can be read at subsequent startups to restore the environment.
To restore the data, select mode 3 in the boot mode selection.

Boot modes:
  0: fresh boot - standard mode as a live system
  1: fresh boot - less memory, faster boot (/usr is non-writable, can't pkg_add)
  2: fresh boot - works using only RAM (about 1GB or more of RAM required)
  3: boot with retrieving saved files from storage device
     or enter passphrase for an encrypted volume
  4: boot with retrieving saved files from floppy disk
  5: interactive shell for debugging
scanning partitions: sd0a sd0d sd0i cd0a
Device(s) found:
  loadable from: sd0d
Which is FuguIta's storage device? [default: sd0d] -> sd0d
/dev/sd0d : available data;


config name -> fugu-demo
Copying files from flash to ram ... 

If you specify the saved data name, the saved data will be restored and the startup will be restarted.
Since all setting values ​​are restored, network settings are not asked, unlike boot mode 0 explained at the beginning.

After logging in, you can also save more data. The procedure is the same as described in Save settings and files, but Since files are already saved on LiveUSB, only changed files and directories are targeted.
And since the save device name and save name have already been set, it is OK to execute the sync command immediately.

When shutting down, data is not saved automatically by default, so you need to manually execute the usbfadm command each time. If you want to automate this, please set Save data automatically when exiting.

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