This chapter describes the basic procedure when the system is booted and ready for use.

We will also point out sources of information that may be helpful for those unfamiliar with Unix-like operating systems, and for those with experience using other Unix-like operating systems.

Login for the first time

Log in as root

Once FuguIta has finished booting, you will be presented with the OpenBSD operating system login screen.
At first, only the superuser account can log in, so enter ``root at the ``login: prompt, and enter the password you set at startup at the ``Password:'' prompt.

OpenBSD/amd64 (fugu-demo.localnet) (tty00)

login: root
OpenBSD 7.2-stable (RDROOT.MP) #28: Fri Feb  3 11:29:19 JST 2023

Welcome to FuguIta, the OpenBSD-based live system.

FuguIta aims to help popularize OpenBSD operating system by making it easier
to get started with.

For information on FuguIta's specific features and how to use them, please
refer to the documentation on

If you have any questions or suggestions for FuguIta, please send an email to
me or post a message to's message board.
Please feel free to contact me.

Yoshihiro Kawamata ,

You have new mail.

If the login is successful, the shell prompt "fugu-demo#" will be displayed and commands can be executed.
As an example, let's run the command ps.

fugu-demo# ps -aux
root     68528  3.6  0.1   868   884 00  Sp      6:51AM    0:01.89 -ksh (ksh)
root         1  0.0  0.1   884   532 ??  I       6:40AM    0:01.68 /sbin/init
root     14453  0.0  0.1   792   644 ??  Ip      6:43AM    0:00.47 /sbin/slaacd
_slaacd  53995  0.0  0.1   812   784 ??  Ip      6:43AM    0:00.81 slaacd: engi
_slaacd  33982  0.0  0.1   800   732 ??  Ip      6:43AM    0:00.81 slaacd: fron
root     55401  0.0  0.1   712   548 ??  IU      6:44AM    0:00.17 dhclient: em
_dhcp    78950  0.0  0.1   840   700 ??  Ip      6:44AM    0:00.10 dhclient: em
root     86344  0.0  0.2   520  2184 ??  IpU     6:46AM    0:00.64 syslogd: [pr
_syslogd 45328  0.0  0.1  1128  1488 ??  Sp      6:46AM    0:01.04 /usr/sbin/sy
root     73380  0.0  0.1   836   584 ??  IU      6:46AM    0:00.27 pflogd: [pri
_pflogd  53476  0.0  0.1   876   540 ??  Sp      6:46AM    0:02.97 pflogd: [run
_ntp     63935  0.0  0.3  1016  2868 ??  S<p     6:47AM    0:02.87 ntpd: ntp en
_ntp     18769  0.0  0.2   820  2508 ??  Ip      6:47AM    0:01.86 ntpd: dns en
root     34145  0.0  0.2   788  1568 ??  S<pU    6:47AM    0:00.81 /usr/sbin/nt
root     63360  0.0  0.1  1324  1280 ??  I       6:47AM    0:00.37 sshd: /usr/s
root     61566  0.0  0.2  1680  2052 ??  Ip      6:48AM    0:00.82 /usr/sbin/sm
_smtpd   19845  0.0  0.4  1448  3940 ??  Ip      6:48AM    0:01.83 smtpd: klond
_smtpd   66321  0.0  0.4  1716  4240 ??  Ip      6:48AM    0:02.23 smtpd: contr
_smtpd   91561  0.0  0.4  1552  4164 ??  Ip      6:48AM    0:01.95 smtpd: looku
_smtpd   90688  0.0  0.4  1844  4396 ??  Ip      6:48AM    0:02.69 smtpd: pony
_smtpq   16446  0.0  0.4  1640  4252 ??  Ip      6:48AM    0:02.47 smtpd: queue
_smtpd   82450  0.0  0.4  1440  3988 ??  Ip      6:48AM    0:02.17 smtpd: sched
_sndio   66682  0.0  0.1   516   744 ??  I<p     6:48AM    0:00.17 /usr/bin/snd
_sndiop  92235  0.0  0.1   504   920 ??  IpU     6:48AM    0:00.08 sndiod: help
root      1376  0.0  0.1   672  1268 ??  Sp      6:51AM    0:00.84 /usr/sbin/cr
root      6575  0.0  0.0   484   360 00  R+pU/0  7:32AM    0:00.35 ps -aux
root     13541  0.0  0.1   288  1296 C0  I+pU    6:51AM    0:00.58 /usr/libexec
root     70324  0.0  0.1   292  1308 C1  I+pU    6:51AM    0:00.54 /usr/libexec
root     10475  0.0  0.1   296  1312 C2  I+pU    6:51AM    0:00.44 /usr/libexec
root     81779  0.0  0.1   292  1304 C3  I+pU    6:51AM    0:00.58 /usr/libexec
root     45364  0.0  0.1   284  1280 C5  I+pU    6:51AM    0:00.47 /usr/libexec

ps is a command that displays what programs (processes) are currently running.
Even if the system is just starting up and it looks like there is no movement on the screen, you can see that many processes have already been started internally.

From now on, I will explain the settings that should be done when you log in as root for the first time.

Change time zone

FuguIta immediately after booting in mode 0 has the time zone (time zone) set to UTC (Universal Coordinated Time).
Japan Standard Time (JST) is 9 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time.

fugu-demo# date 
Fri Feb 10 05:14:49 UTC 2023

To change FuguIta's time zone to JST, enter the command as follows and change the file pointed by the symbolic link /etc/localtime.

fugu-demo# cd /etc
fugu-demo# ls -l localtime
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  23 Feb 10 05:13 localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC
fugu-demo# ln -s -f /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo localtime                     
fugu-demo# ls -l localtime
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  30 Feb 10 14:15 localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo
fugu-demo# date
Fri Feb 10 14:15:44 JST 2023

If the JST after setting is different from the actual time, use the date command to correct it.

General user registration

Immediately after starting FuguIta, you can only log in with the superuser (system administrator) account root.

On a Unix-based OS, you normally log in as a general user and use the system on a daily basis.
When doing system administration, log back in as superuser to perform administrative tasks.

!!While logged in as the superuser, it is easy to perform operations that render the system inoperable. Of course, unintentional erroneous operation is no exception. To prevent such risks, it is ``strongly recommended'' that you create a general user account and use it normally.

Below, create an account called yoshi as a general user.
Creating user accounts is also system management, so do it as root.

Use the command adduser to add a user account.
First, you will be asked for default values ​​when adding a user account. This is only asked the first time adduser is run. Normally, there is no problem with inputting only the <Enter> key.

# adduser
Couldn't find /etc/adduser.conf: creating a new adduser configuration file
Reading /etc/shells
Enter your default shell: bash csh ksh nologin nsh sh [ksh]:
Your default shell is: ksh -> /bin/ksh
Default login class: authpf bgpd daemon default pbuild staff unbound
Enter your default HOME partition: [/home]:
Copy dotfiles from: /etc/skel no [/etc/skel]:
Send welcome message?: /path/file default no [no]:
Do not send message(s)
Prompt for passwords by default (y/n) [y]:
Default encryption method for passwords: auto blowfish [auto]:
Use option ``-silent'' if you don't want to see all warnings and questions.

Reading /etc/shells
Check /etc/master.passwd
Check /etc/group

Next, enter the information for general user account creation. As an example, let's create a user account called "yoshi".
As shown at the beginning, the input can be corrected (retyped) at the end.

Ok, let's go.
Don't worry about mistakes. There will be a chance later to correct any input.
Enter username []: yoshi
Enter full name []: Yoshihiro Kawamata
Enter shell bash csh ksh nologin nsh sh [ksh]:
Uid [1000]:
Login group yoshi [yoshi]:
Login group is ``yoshi''. Invite yoshi into other groups: guest no
[no]: wheel
Login class authpf bgpd daemon default pbuild staff unbound
Enter password []:
Enter password again []:

Name:        yoshi
Password:    ****
Fullname:    Yoshihiro Kawamata
Uid:         1000
Gid:         1000 (yoshi)
Groups:      yoshi wheel
Login Class: default
HOME:        /home/yoshi
Shell:       /bin/ksh
OK? (y/n) [y]: y
Added user ``yoshi''
Copy files from /etc/skel to /home/yoshi
Add another user? (y/n) [y]: n

In this example, the account yoshi is also added to the group called wheel.
Users with a wheel subscription can temporarily become root to perform system administration tasks.

A general user account called yoshi is now created.

Give administrator privileges to a general user

As explained in the previous section, to perform system administration tasks, you must temporarily become a superuser from a general user, or log out as a general user and then log back in as a superuser.

On OpenBSD, general users can execute commands with root privileges using the command doas.

To use doas, you first need to edit the configuration file /etc/doas.conf.
doas.conf does not exist at first, so execute the following command to create the file (if doas.conf already exists, edit doas.conf with a text editor ).

# echo permit persist :wheel > /etc/doas.conf
# chmod 0600 /etc/doas.conf

This will create a file doas.conf with a single line "permit persist :wheel". This is a setting that means "to allow users belonging to the wheel group to execute commands with root privileges".

When you execute doas, you will be prompted for the password of the user who executed it, but since "persist" is specified in the above example, doas re-executing will bypass the user's password input.

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