7.6-amd64 on Nipogi†
- Posted by Psycho at 2024-10-19 (Sat) 21:43:30
- Release: 7.6-amd64-202410141
- Media: USB flashdrive
- Hardware: Nipogi (CPU: Alder Lake n95, Memory: 16GB DDR4)
I can not boot.
I got the following message :
Process (pid 1) got a signal 4
I did not write URL here.
I have bought my computer from amazon Japan.
I received a similar report (got signal 4) on FuguIta-7.5-amd64 on Hyper-V
How about uniprosessor? Try like this:
boot> bsd-fi
2024-10-20 (Sun) 00:05:27 - kaw
- #FuguIta,I got same message. www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B0C1MR16G7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 -- Psycho
- I found a similar case in github.com/yellowman/flashrd/issues/30 , then I built a test version /test/FuguIta-7.6_pie-amd64-202410221.{iso,img}.gz with PIE enabled /boottmp/init . Please try this.
#FuguIta -- kaw
- current test version is /test/FuguIta-7.6_rvmk-amd64-202410231.{iso,img}.gz, try this if you can.
#FuguIta -- kaw
- Thank you. but I got same error. I typed both enter key and bsd-fi at boot. #FuguIta -- Psycho
- Thank you for your report. will continue to researching/debugging
#FuguIta -- kaw
- Next is /test/FuguIta-7.6_init-amd64-202410241.{iso,img}.gz. In this version, /boottmp/init is now an independent executable, not a part of crunched binary /boottmp/bootbin.
#FuguIta -- kaw
- Sorry double post! I only reloaded. #FuguIta -- Psycho
- On Intel's 12th or later generation CPUs, OpenBSD crunch binaries may not work properly with E-cores enabled; try disabling E-cores in the BIOS.
#FuguIta -- kaw
- I downloaded FuguIta-7.6_init-amd64-202410241.{iso,img}.gz. It does not boot wheter E-core is 0 or ALl. But I got another message. wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (std, vt100 emulation) init: /bin/sh on /etc/rc terminated abnormally, going to single user mode Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh: #FuguIta -- Psycho
- Thank you very much for your multiple reports. I got an another similar report. Your and that reports mean that there is any problem on FuguIta's crunched binary /boottmp/bootbin (although OpenBSD installer's crunched binary instbin works properly). More further debugging continues.
#FuguIta. -- kaw
- Would you check /test/FuguIta-7.6_tst4-amd64-202410262.img.gz ?
#FuguIta -- kaw
- Process (pid 1) got a signal 4 It appears both enter key and bsd-fi at boot. I tried both E-core is 0 and ALL in the Bios. #FuguIta -- Psycho
- The newest is /test/FuguIta-7.6_cts8-amd64-202411021.{iso,img}.gz. Would you test this?
#FuguIta -- kaw
- You wrote "Enter mfs size. ... otherwise considered "megabytes" [default: 755M] ->" . But it says "[default: M]" . It does not accept any values such as enter,50%,16000M. #FuguItaM -- Psycho