In this chapter, we will explain how to create the DVD and USB memory required to start using FuguIta, and the initial settings to make when starting FuguIta.
*Creating FuguIta media [#w3e3b098]
**LiveDVD and LiveUSB [#mb6f0fea]
There are two main ways to use FuguIta.

One is a method called "LiveDVD" that writes FuguIta to a DVD-R or DVD-RW and starts it. ~
The other method is to boot what is written in the USB memory, which is called "LiveUSB".

FuguIta can be used in the same way by using either the LiveDVD version or the LiveUSB version, but each has its own characteristics, so it is better to use them according to the purpose.

- In general, USB memory has a faster data reading speed than DVD, so the LiveUSB version of FuguIta often takes less time to complete system and application startup.

-Some old PCs can't boot from USB sticks well or don't support booting itself. ~
On the other hand, most DVD drives are manufactured according to standardized specifications, so FuguIta will start up with almost all of them without any problems.

-FuguIta and other "live systems" are not installed on a hard disk, so all data is held in memory. For this reason, normally all data up to that point will be lost when the system is shut down. ~
The LiveUSB version of FuguIta has a data storage area, and you can save various settings and files in this area and restore them at the next system startup.

- The unit price of recording media is cheaper for optical media such as DVD-R than USB memory, so you can run it on multiple machines at the same time, use the media while it is set, or create in large quantities. The LiveDVD version is more suitable for usage such as distributing

In general, it can be said that the LiveDVD version is suitable for reliable operation and economic efficiency, and the LiveUSB version is suitable for performance and convenience.
>''[Memo]'' ~
''⇒''[[Using both the LiveDVD version and the LiveUSB version at the same time>fge3:multidevice]] You can also use it in a "best of the best" way. ~
Using this technique, you can, for example, "use the LiveUSB version of FuguIta on a PC that does not support USB boot" or "save and read data with the LiveDVD version of FuguIta".

To get started with FuguIta for the first time, follow these steps:
+Download files from FuguIta's distribution site
+The downloaded file is compressed, so expand it
+ Write expanded files to DVD-R or USB memory

Each step is described below.

**Download [#e67236e9]

FuguIta is free software. All versions of FuguIta, including the latest version, are published on the Internet and can be freely downloaded and used.

There are four download sites for FuguIta.





Since the content of the site is the same, you can download from either site in the same way. ~
From Japan, we recommend downloading from jp1.dl.fuguita.org or jp2.dl.fuguita.org.

When you visit these sites, you will see something like the image on the right.
Among these, files with names starting with "FuguIta-" are FuguIta distributions.
The meaning of this file name is as follows.
         --- ----- --------- --- --+->file compression format
          |    |       |      |       ・gz ... compressed with gzip
          |    |       |      +->type of file
          |    |       |         ・iso ... ISO image for DVD-R/DVD-RW writing
          |    |       |         ・img ... Raw image for USB memory writing
          |    |       |
          |    |       +->Version of FuguIta
          |    |          ・It is in the format of "date" and "serial number"
          |    |          ・The serial number will be incremented by one
          |    |            if created more than one FuguIta in one day.
          |    |
          |    +->Compatible platform
          |       FuguIta currently supports 3 platforms: i386, amd64, and arm64.
          |        Please select the one that corresponds to the CPU model of your PC.
          +->The version of OpenBSD that this FuguIta is based on
Select and download files based on whether you want to create a LiveDVD or LiveUSB, or whether your PC has an Intel 32-bit CPU or 64-bit CPU.
>''[Note: Supported architectures]'' ~
''⇒'' As explained above, when using FuguIta on a PC, it is necessary to select either i386 or amd64 depending on the type of CPU, but most PCs currently in use are amd64 Architecture 64-bit CPU. i386 is a 32-bit CPU that was developed before amd64. ~
arm64 is a CPU architecture commonly used in single board computers. The arm64 version of FuguIta has been confirmed to work on Raspberry Pi 3 and 4.

After the download is complete, extract the compressed file. ~
The following is an example of extracting files for DVD-R/DVD-RW from the shell command line on Unix OS;
 gzip -d FuguIta-7.2-amd64-202302031.iso.gz

When the expansion is completed, the file size will be about 1 gigabyte, and the file name will also have the .gz extension.

>''[Memo]'' ~
''⇒''file SHA256 contains the SHA256 checksum of FuguIta's files and can be used to check if the downloaded file is corrupted. ~
To check, also download the SHA256 file and do the following:
 sha256 -C SHA256 FuguIta-7.2-amd64-202302031.iso.gz
This is an example done on OpenBSD. For other OS, please refer to their respective manuals.

**Create LiveDVD [#h29db66b]
To create the LiveDVD version of FuguIta, prepare a writable DVD media such as DVD-R or DVD-RW, and write the expanded ISO format file. ~
Here is an example when writing on OpenBSD;
 pkg_add dvd+rw-tools                                                  ←Install DVD writing software dvd+rw-tools
 growisofs --dvd-compat -Z /dev/rcd0c=FuguIta-7.2-amd64-202302031.iso  ←Write image
>''[Memo]'' ~
''⇒''For other OS [[ISO image writing software is available>https://www.google.co.jp/?q=ISO+%E6%9B%B8%E3%81 %8D%E8%BE%BC%E3%81%BF+%E3%82%BD%E3%83%95%E3%83%88]] so you can use such software to create FuguIta's LiveDVD .

**Create LiveUSB [#a6f9358d]
To create the LiveUSB version of FuguIta, prepare a USB memory with a size of 2 gigabytes or more, and write the downloaded and expanded IMG format file. ~
Here is an example when writing using OpenBSD;
 dd if=FuguIta-7.2-amd64-202302031.img of=/dev/rsd0c
&color(red){''! ! ''The ``/dev/rsd0c'' part in the above example is the device to write to. This depends on your PC's peripheral connections, or the type of operating system you run the dd command on. If you execute this command, all the data recorded in the specified device will be erased, so please check in advance whether the write destination is correct. };

''⇒''Similar to ISO image writing software, [[Various software for raw image writing is also available>https://www.google.co.jp/?q=%E7%94%9F% E3%82%A4%E3%83%A1%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B8+%E6%9B%B8%E3%81%8D%E8%BE%BC%E3%81%BF+%E3% 82%BD%E3%83%95%E3%83%88]], so such software is available. ~
''⇒'' Even if you use a USB memory of 2 GB or more, the portion exceeding 2 GB is not used. ~
If you want to create a LiveUSB version of FuguIta that fits the size of the USB memory, please refer to [[LiveUSB remastering>fge3:liveusb_remaster]].

** Create arm64 version of FuguIta [#m3ea6fcf]
When making FuguIta that runs on Raspberry Pi 3 and Raspberry Pi 3, the file is written to a micro SD card instead of a USB memory.
The creation method is the same as [[Create FuguIta's LiveUSB>#create_liveusb]].

///*起動時の設定 [#w2cd2dbe]
///**起動デバイス [#j26392c6]
///PCのBIOSメニューは機種により異なりますので、お使いのPCの取扱説明書をご参照頂くか、[[ネット上で検索を行い、調べてみて>https://www.google.co.jp/?q=bios+%E8%B5%B7%E5%8B%95%E9%A0%86%E4%BD%8D]] 下さい。
/// >> OpenBSD/amd64 CDBOOT 3.46
/// boot>
/// booting cd0a:/bsd-fi.mp: 12997960+2769928+2277408+0+708608\[806285+128+1028280+751803]=0x145cb88
/// entry point at 0xffffffff81001000
/// [ using 2587528 bytes of bsd ELF symbol table ]
/// Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
///         The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
/// Copyright (c) 1995-2020 OpenBSD. All rights reserved.  https://www.OpenBSD.org
/// OpenBSD 6.7-stable (RDROOT.MP) #1: Fri Jun  5 09:41:45 JST 2020
///     root@nimbus9.localnet:/opt/fi/6.7/sys/arch/amd64/compile/RDROOT.MP
/// real mem = 1056825344 (1007MB)
/// avail mem = 1010286592 (963MB)
/// mpath0 at root
/// ~略~
/// scsibus4 at vscsi0: 256 targets
/// softraid0 at root
/// scsibus5 at softraid0: 256 targets
/// uhub1: illegal enable change, port 1
/// root on rd0a swap on wd0b dump on rd0b
/// ================================================
/// =     ______               __   _
/// =    / ____/              |  |_| |__
/// =   / /____  ______  __  _|  /_   _/_____
/// =  / ___/ / / / __ \/ / / |  | | | /  _  |
/// = / /  / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /|  | | |_| (_) |__
/// =/_/   \____/\__  /\____/ |__| \___/____/__/
/// =            __/ /
/// =           /___/
/// =
/// = Welcome to FuguIta - OpenBSD-based Live System!
/// =                            https://fuguita.org/
/// =================================================
///以下の例では「FuguIta's operating device(s): cd0a.」とあるので、LiveDVD版のFuguItaがCD, DVD, Blu-Rayなどの光学ドライブにセットされていることがわかります。
///よって、「Which is FuguIta's operating device?」(FuguItaの運用機器はどれですか?)のプロンプトに対し ''cd0a'' と入力します。
///''⇒''これ以降、様々な値を入力してゆきますが、それらのプロンプト中に「[default: xxxx]」という表示がある場合は xxxx がデフォルト値であることを示しています。この場合は下の例のように<Enter>キーを入力するだけでもxxxx<Enter>と入力されたものと見なされます。
/// scanning partitions: cd0a sd1d
/// FuguIta's operating device(s): cd0a.
/// Which is FuguIta's operating device? [default: cd0a] ->      ← <Enter>のみ入力
///-最初のアルファベット数文字 ... 機器の種類
///--cd ... CD, DVDやBlu-Rayなどの光学ドライブ
///--wd ... ハードディスク(IDE, SATA接続)
///--sd ... USBメモリ、SDカード、メモリスティック、SATA接続、SCSI接続、USB接続のハードディスクなど
///--fd ... フロッピーディスク
///-それに続く数字 ... その種類の機器が複数接続されてる場合、0から増えてゆきます
///-最後のアルファベット ... その機器内の区画(パーティション)~
///--c ... その機器全体を表します
///--b ... その機器内のOpenBSDスワップパーティションを表します
///--a, d~h ... OpenBSDのファイルが格納されるパーティションです。aパーティションはルートファイルシステムとして用いられることが多いです
///--i, j など ... WindowsやLinux用のパーティションはこのi, jパーディションとされることが多いです。
///**mfsサイズ [#tf4487ef]
///FuguItaは通常、PCに内蔵されたハードディスクを使用しないため、その替わりにメモリ上にディレクトリやファイルを保持する領域を確保します。OpenBSDにはそのための仕組みとしてmfs (Memory File System)というものがあり、FuguItaもこのmfsを使用しています。
///設定値の入力箇所には「default: 755M」と表示されており、<Enter>キーだけを入力すると、この値が指定されたと見なされます。
/// activating swap partition: /dev/sd0b
/// available memory: 1007M
/// total swap size: 16M
/// Enter mfs size.
///   You can add suffix K, M, or G.
///   % is a percentage of memory size.
///   and %% is a percentage of the total memory and swap.
///   otherwise considered "megabytes"
/// [default: 755M] ->         ← <Enter>のみ入力
/// set mfs size to 755MB
///**起動モード [#of1910c0]
/// Boot modes:
///   0: fresh boot - standard mode as a live system
///   1: fresh boot - less memory, faster boot (/usr is non-writable, can't pkg_add)
///   2: fresh boot - works using only RAM (about 1GB or more of RAM required)
///   3: boot with retrieving saved files from storage device
///      or enter passphrase for an encrypted volume
///   4: boot with retrieving saved files from floppy disk
///   5: interactive shell for debugging
/// ->0
/// Running manual setup.
/// Copying system files to /ram ... done
/// Extracting symlinks from /ram to /fuguita ... done
///''⇒''他のモードについては [[入門編>fge2:pagetop]] や [[運用編>#fg3:pagetop]] で説明します。
///**キーボードレイアウト [#kd7778eb]
/// Enter keyboard type.
/// pc-xt/pc-at keyboard:
/// us de de.nodead fr fr.dvorak dk dk.nodead it uk jp sv sv.nodead no no.nodead us.
/// declk us.dvorak us.colemak us.swapctrlcaps us.iopener uk.swapctrlcaps jp.swapctr
/// lcaps fr.swapctrlcaps fr.swapctrlcaps.dvorak be.swapctrlcaps us.swapctrlcaps.dvo
/// rak us.swapctrlcaps.colemak us.swapctrlcaps.iopener es be ru ua sg sg.nodead sf 
/// sf.nodead pt lt la br tr tr.nodead pl hu si cf cf.nodead lv nl nl.nodead is is.n
/// odead ee ee.nodead
/// keyboard type -> jp
///OpenBSDなどのUnix系OSでは、システム管理者のことを「スーパーユーザ」(super user)と呼び、それ以外のユーザを「一般ユーザ」(ordinary user)と呼びます。~
/// Changing password for root.
/// New password:                                 ← パスワード入力は表示されません
/// Retype new password:                          ← 確認のため、もう一回入力します
///**ネットワーク関連の設定 [#gdfb07c0]
///***ホスト名 [#i0132496]
///最初に、FuguItaを走らせるPCに名前(ホスト名: host name)を付けます。
///ホスト名は、ドメイン付き(FQDN: Fully Qualified Domain Name)で入力します。
/// Hostname with domain part (FQDN):
/// only host name without domain part is also OK.
/// -> fugu-demo.localnet
///''⇒''家庭内のネットワークなどでは、ドメイン名は正式に登録・管理されているわけではないので、適当な名前を付けます。一般に ''.local'' や ''.localnet'' などが使われることが多いようです。~
///***IPプロトコルバージョン [#t5d0149a]
/// IP protocol version(s) to be enabled: 4, 6, 46, 64 or "none"
///   4: enable only IPv4
///   6: enable only IPv6
///   46: give priority to IPv4 name resolution
///   64: give priority to IPv6 name resolution
///   none: operate as standalone
/// [64] ->
///***ネットワークインターフェース [#f74c0ea0]
/// Network Interfaces: Choose one
///   NIC	 type	   Name
/// -------- ----- ------------
///     bge1 ether Broadcom BCM57766
///     ure0 ether Realtek USB 10/100/1000 LAN
///     run0 wifi  Ralink 802.11 n WLAN
/// [bge1] ->
///個々のネットワークインターフェースについてはOpenBSDに内蔵されている [[オンラインマニュアルで調べること>fge2:man]] ができます。
///***Wi-Fi関連設定 [#a0529423]
/// Wi-Fi settings:
///   SSID -> my-wifinet             ← 接続したいWi-FiのSSIDを入力
///   WPA Key -> my-wpa-secrect-key  ← WPAの鍵を入力
///   SSID -> my-wifinet
///   WPA Key -> 
///   WEP Key -> my-wep-unsecured-key
///この場合は有線LANを設定してインターネットに接続した後、[[ファームウェアのダウンロードが必要なWi-Fiデバイスを使う>fge3:fwupdate_wifi]] の項を参照し、Wi-Fiの設定を行って下さい。~
///***IPv6アドレス [#y2d43ab6]
/// IPv6 - address and routing:
///   Enter "auto" or "IPv6_address[/prefixlen] [default_gateway]"
///   "auto" is an automatic setting by SLAAC.
///   The "/prefixlen" part can be an integer between 0 and 128.
///   If there is no default gateway, set the second field to "none" or leave it blank.
/// [auto] ->
///***IPv4アドレス [#x89b2340]
/// IPv4 - address and routing:
///   Enter "auto" or "IPv4_address[/mask] [default_gateway]"
///   "auto" is an automatic setting by DHCP.
///   The "/mask" part can be specified in either format, such as "/" or "/24".
///   If there is no default gateway, set the second field to "none" or leave it blank.
/// [auto] ->
///***DNSサーバ [#dad0e44a]
///IPv4やIPv6の設定で手動によるアドレス設定を行った場合、DNS (Domain Name System)の設定入力が表れます。
/// DNS servers: up to 3 IP addresses, separated by spaces
/// ->
///''⇒''DNS (Domain Name System)とは、「fuguita.org」のようなドメイン名から「」のようなIPアドレスを検索するための仕組みです。コンピュータが通信を始める時、まずDNSサーバと呼ばれるコンピュータに検索を依頼し、その検索結果として返されたIPアドレスを使用して通信します。~
///***設定値の書込み [#f81ea2c3]
/// writing configured values to:
///   /etc/fuguita/netconfs/default/myname
///   /etc/fuguita/netconfs/default/mygate
///   /etc/fuguita/netconfs/default/hosts
///   /etc/fuguita/netconfs/default/hostname.bge1
///   /etc/fuguita/netconfs/default/resolv.conf
///**ログイン方法の選択 [#r8c36c3c]
///ログイン方法には、このままコンソール画面から行う方法と、X Window Systemのログイン画面(xenodm)からログインする方法の2通りあります。~
/// Do you login with C)onsole or X) Window System?
/// [default: C] -> 
///X Window Systemからのログインを行うには、「x」を入力します。
///起動時の設定は以上です。残った初期化処理を行った後は [[ログイン画面に移行>fge2:firstlogin]] します。
///             _________________________________________________
///            /      Setup for FuguIta ends.         /
///           / OpenBSD's boot sequence will follow. /
/// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/// Automatic boot in progress: starting file system checks.
/// kbd: keyboard mapping set to us
/// pf enabled
/// machdep.allowaperture: 0 -> 2
/// machdep.lidaction: 1 -> 0
/// ~略~
/// starting network daemons: sshd smtpd sndiod.
/// running rc.firsttime
/// Path to firmware: http://firmware.openbsd.org/firmware/6.7/
/// Installing: vmm-firmware
/// starting local daemons: cron.
/// fuguita: disabled KARL because of read-only media
/// Thu Jul  2 06:51:57 UTC 2020
/// OpenBSD/amd64 (fugu-demo.localnet) (tty00)
/// login: 
///以降は [[入門編>fge2:pagetop]] にて説明を致します。

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