河豚板でルータを作る ~ アプライアンスの製作例
*河豚板でルータを作る ~ アプライアンスの製作例 [#f11d5afe]
RIGHT:EBUG 第83回会合 2022年11月26日 ~

*概要 [#cbab9318]

今回はnsh (network config shell)の河豚板への組み込みを例にとり、現行バージョンの河豚板を用いたアプライアンスの製作方法を紹介する。

**作業の流れ [#w6035d6a]

**nshについて [#gd288132]
プロジェクトホームページ: https://www.nmedia.net/nsh/ より
>'''NSH は、OpenBSD ベースのネットワークアプライアンスを対象とした CLI です。これは ifconfig, sysctl および route を独自のシンプルなコマンド言語と置き換えるもので 他のデーモンのコンフィギュレーションをひとつの場所にカプセル化し、効果的に アプライアンススタイルで使用するために /etc/netstart と /etc/rc の一部を置き換えています。'''~
'''nshによってカプセル化されたデーモンとサービス: pf, ospfd, ospf6d, bgpd, ripd, ldpd, relayd, ipsecctl, iked, rad.Dvmrpd, sdpf6d, bgpd, ripd, ldpd, relayd, ipsecctl, iked, rad, dvmrpd, sasyncd, dhcpd, snmpd, sshd, ntpd, ifstated, tftp-proxy, ftp-proxy, tftpd, npppd, tftpd, npppd, tftp-proxy, ftp-proxy, tftpd、npppd、resolv.conf、inetd、smtpd、ldapd、ifstated'''

-GitHubリポジトリ: https://github.com/yellowman/nsh

-紹介動画(EuroBSDcon 2022): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMKxIHaWaG0

のChris Cappuccioはまた、[[flashrd>https://www.nmedia.net/flashrd/]]の作者でもある。


*LiveUSB版を使用 [#n97624f3]
*LiveUSB版河豚板を作成 [#n97624f3]
**ダウンロード [#wa1f8fa3]
 # ftp https://jp2.dl.fuguita.org/SHA256
 Requesting https://jp2.dl.fuguita.org/SHA256
 100% |*******************************************************|   640       00:00
 640 bytes received in 0.00 seconds (2.65 MB/s)
 # ftp https://jp2.dl.fuguita.org/FuguIta-7.2-amd64-202211151.img.gz
 Requesting https://jp2.dl.fuguita.org/FuguIta-7.2-amd64-202211151.img.gz
 100% |*******************************************************|   332 MB    00:32
 348583114 bytes received in 32.14 seconds (10.34 MB/s)
**ファイルの整合性チェック [#g03c034c]
 # sha256 -C SHA256 FuguIta-7.2-amd64-202211151.img.gz
 (SHA256) FuguIta-7.2-amd64-202211151.img.gz: OK
**デバイスに書込み [#w0dbe3e1]
 # zcat FuguIta-7.2-amd64-nsh_test.img.gz | dd of=/dev/rsdXc bs=1m

*初回起ち上げ [#i7f54524]
**システムデバイスの指定 [#y868bd2e]
 scanning partitions: sd0a sd0d sd0i
 FuguIta's operating device(s): sd0a.
 Which is FuguIta's operating device? [default: sd0a] ->

**MFSサイズの指定 [#u9ef51ad]
 available memory: 2031M
 Enter mfs size.
   You can add suffix K, M, or G.
   % is a percentage of memory size.
   and %% is a percentage of the total memory and swap.
   otherwise considered "megabytes"
 [default: 1523M] ->
 set mfs size to 1523MB
**起動モードの指定 [#b4a16750]
 Boot modes:
    0: fresh boot - standard mode as a live system
    1: fresh boot - less memory, faster boot
 		  (/usr is non-writable, can't pkg_add)
    2: fresh boot - works using only RAM
 		  (about 1GB or more of RAM required)
    3: boot with retrieving saved files from storage device
       or enter passphrase for an encrypted volume
    4: boot with retrieving saved files from floppy disk
    5: interactive shell for maintenance
 -> 0
 Running manual setup.

**rootパスワード [#ibee2606]
 Changing password for root.
 New password:
 Retype new password:
 passwd: password updated successfully

**ネットワーク関連の設定 [#lf7dacc4]


***ホスト名 [#e1fa4ae0]
 Hostname with domain part (FQDN):
 only host name without domain part is also OK.
 -> nshrouter.local

***IPバージョン [#z0417cd1]
 IP protocol version(s) to be enabled: 4, 6, 46, 64 or "none"
   4: enable only IPv4
   6: enable only IPv6
   46: give priority to IPv4 name resolution
   64: give priority to IPv6 name resolution
   none: operate as standalone
 [64] ->
 [64] ->4

***ネットワークインターフェース [#s3ddee1c]
 Network Interfaces: Choose one
   NIC	 type	   Name
 -------- ----- ------------
     vio0 ether unknown
 [vio0] ->

***IPアドレス、デフォルトルート [#e464cca4]
 IPv6 - address and routing:
   Enter "auto" or "IPv6_address[/prefixlen] [default_gateway]"
   "auto" is an automatic setting by SLAAC.
   The "/prefixlen" part can be an integer between 0 and 128.
   If there is no default gateway,
   set the second field to "none" or leave it blank.
 [auto] ->
 IPv4 - address and routing:
   Enter "auto" or "IPv4_address[/mask] [default_gateway]"
   "auto" is an automatic setting by DHCP.
   The "/mask" part can be specified in either format,
   such as "/" or "/24".
   If there is no default gateway,
   set the second field to "none" or leave it blank.
 [auto] ->

***ネームサーバ [#r48f19fb]
 DNS servers: up to 3 IP addresses, separated by spaces

**ログイン方法 [#m74b7f13]
 Do you login with C)onsole or X) Window System?
 [default: C] ->

*ルートでログイン後の設定 [#if05b470]
*ルートでログインして諸設定 [#if05b470]
**タイムゾーン [#qe6320c8]
 nshrouter# date
 Tue Nov 22 05:28:53 UTC 2022
 nshrouter# ln -sf usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo /etc/localtime
 nshrouter# date
 Tue Nov 22 14:29:02 JST 2022

**シャットダウン時のファイル自動保存 [#w32703d4]
 nshrouter# vi /etc/rc.shutdown
 force_umount=No   # set Yes for forced umount /ram at shutdown
 force_resync=Yes  # set Yes to re-sync at shutdown
 force_resync=Yes  # set Yes to re-sync at shutdown  <== これをYesに変更
 # stop_all_daemons - to eliminate all daemons at umount /ram
 stop_all_daemons () {

**起動時の設定の自動化 [#c09ecea1]
 nshrouter# mount /dev/sd0d /mnt
 nshrouter# vi /mnt/livecd-config/7.2/amd64/noasks
 # noasks - parameter settings for non-interactive boot
 # Make statements uncommented
 # Then assign real values
 # FuguIta system device
 #   - Use one of two lines
 #noask_rdev=sd0a  # device name format
 noask_rdev=3b5447abd772121d.a  # DUID format  <==アンコメント
 # mfs size in MB
 noask_rdev=3b5447abd772121d.a  # DUID format  <==アンコメントする
 #                                                常に同じデバイスを指定できる
 # mfs size in MB                                 ので、DUIDでの指定推奨
 noask_umem=75%  <==アンコメント
 # boot mode
 noask_setup_rw_mode=3  <==アンコメント
 # storage device
 #   - Use one of two lines
 #noask_confdev=sd0d  # device name format
 noask_confdev=3b5447abd772121d.d  # DUID format  <==アンコメント
 #                                                   noask_rdevと同じくDUID推奨
 # data set name in USB flash drive
 noask_confdir=nshrouter  <==アンコメント
 nshrouter# umount /mnt

*リブートの動作確認 [#wa516f7a]
**手動でMFSの容をUSBメモリに転送 [#j7424422]
**ここまでの設定をとりあえず保存 [#j7424422]
 nshrouter# usbfadm
 Welcome to usbfadm.
 USB flash drive administration tool for FuguIta
  Version/Arch: 7.2/amd64  (FuguIta-7.2-amd64-202211151)
     Boot mode: manual
 Target device: not set
 Data saved as: not set
 readline capability available
 TAB to complete the reserved words
 Type ? for help.
 ? : ? ->target
 Searching storage device
 Please make sure the device inserted.
 Then press ENTER ->
 sd0a +sd0d
 target device->sd0d
 sd0d : ? ->saveas
 Name of saved data->nshrouter
 Your data will be saved as ``nshrouter''.
 sd0d : nshrouter ->sync
 Sync current mfs as ``nshrouter'' , OK? [y/N] -> y
 34.4MiB 0:00:04 [8.57MiB/s] [=================================]105% ETA 0:00:00
 waiting for pax to finish ... syncing ... done.
 sd0d : nshrouter ->quit
 Bye bye...
**リブート [#pca19e77]

 nshrouter# reboot
*nsh関連の設定 [#h311791c]
**nshのインストール [#x4962962]
 nshrouter# pkg_add nsh
 quirks-6.42(signed) 2022-11-20T19:34:54Z
 a	0: <None>
 	1: nsh-1.0.20220919
 	2: nsh-1.0.20220919-static
 Your choice: 1
 nshrouter# nsh
 % NSH v1.0
 % Session terminated.

**nshの実行アカウントを作成 [#h58613ed]
 nshrouter# adduser nsh
 Couldn't find /etc/adduser.conf: creating a new adduser configuration file
 Reading /etc/shells
 Enter your default shell: csh ksh nologin nsh sh [ksh]:
 Your default shell is: ksh -> /bin/ksh
 Default login class: authpf bgpd daemon default pbuild staff unbound vmd xenodm
 Enter your default HOME partition: [/home]:
 Copy dotfiles from: /etc/skel no [/etc/skel]:
 Send welcome message?: /path/file default no [no]:
 Do not send message(s)
 Prompt for passwords by default (y/n) [y]:
 Default encryption method for passwords: auto blowfish [auto]:
 Use option ``-silent'' if you don't want to see all warnings and questions.
 Reading /etc/shells
 Check /etc/master.passwd
 Check /etc/group
 Ok, let's go.
 Don't worry about mistakes. There will be a chance later to correct any input.
 Enter username []: nsh
 Enter full name []: Network SHell
 Enter shell csh ksh nologin nsh sh [ksh]:
 Uid [1000]:
 Login group nsh [nsh]:
 Login group is ``nsh''. Invite nsh into other groups: guest no
 [no]: wheel
 Login class authpf bgpd daemon default pbuild staff unbound vmd xenodm
 Enter password []:
 Enter password again []:
 Name:	     nsh
 Password:    ****
 Fullname:    Network SHell
 Uid:	     1000
 Gid:	     1000 (nsh)
 Groups:	     nsh wheel
 Login Class: default
 HOME:	     /home/nsh
 Shell:	     /bin/ksh
 OK? (y/n) [y]: y
 Added user ``nsh''
 Copy files from /etc/skel to /home/nsh
 Add another user? (y/n) [y]: n
 nshrouter# exit
 OpenBSD/amd64 (nshrouter.local) (tty00)
 login: nsh

***~nsh/.profileの編集 [#p7452927]
 nshrouter# echo permit nopass nsh cmd /usr/local/bin/nsh

***/etc/doas.confの編集 [#rc995110]
 nshrouter$ vi ~/.profile
 exec doas /usr/local/bin/nsh
 exit  # for fail safe
>nsh(8) Section 7 > Adding system users to:~
'''Do NOT add nwrapper (or nsh) to /etc/shells. They should not be entered here.'''

***/etc/doas.confの編集 [#rc995110]
 nshrouter# echo permit nopass nsh cmd /usr/local/bin/nsh > /etc/doas.conf

 nshrouter# usbfadm -r
 = Sync /dev/sd0d with current mfs as nshrouter
 sending incremental file list
             154 100%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, ir-chk=1078/1094)
一度、保存を行っている場合はコマンドラインから usbfadm -r で保存を再実行できる。

*トラブルシューティング [#j2f3f283]
**OpenNTPDの設定で警告が出る [#s348a0e8]
 % NSH v1.0
 nshrouter.local(p)/ntp edit
 servers ntp.nict.jp
 configuration OK
 nshrouter.local(p)/ntp disable
 -s option no longer works and will be removed soon.      <== これ。
 Please reconfigure to use constraints or trusted servers.    ntpd -sはobsolete
 -s option no longer works and will be removed soon.      <== ntpd -sはobsoleteなので
 Please reconfigure to use constraints or trusted servers.    ntpdがこの警告を出す。
 nshrouter.local(p)/ntp enable
 -s option no longer works and will be removed soon.
 Please reconfigure to use constraints or trusted servers.
 nshrouter.local(p)/!ntpctl -s all
 0/5 peers valid, clock unsynced
    wt tl st  next  poll		 offset	      delay	 jitter from pool ntp.nict.jp
     1  3  1    2s    5s		    ---- peer not valid ---- from pool ntp.nict.jp
     1  3  1    4s    7s		    ---- peer not valid ---- from pool ntp.nict.jp
     1  3  1    2s    5s		    ---- peer not valid ---- from pool ntp.nict.jp
     1  3  1    2s    5s		    ---- peer not valid ---- from pool ntp.nict.jp
     1  3  1    3s    6s		    ---- peer not valid ----

**nshからreboot/haltでファイルが自動保存されない [#yb6d3791]
 nshrouter.local(p)/reboot  <= nshの特権モードでrebootを実行
 % Reboot initiated
 syncing disks... done  <= ファイルが自動保存されず、いきなりreboot
 vmmci0: powerdown        (/etc/rc.shutdownが実行されない)
 vmmci0: powerdown         /etc/rc.shutdownが実行されない
 Using drive 0, partition 3.
 probing: pc0 com0 mem[638K 2046M a20=on]
 disk: hd0+
 >> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.55/*
  * Reboot
         printf ("%% Reboot initiated\n");
         if (reboot (RB_AUTOBOOT) == -1)  <== reboot(2)が呼び出されている
                 printf("%% reboot: RB_AUTOBOOT: %s\n", strerror(errno));
         printf ("%% Shutdown initiated\n");
         if (reboot (RB_HALT) == -1)  <== reboot(2)が呼び出されている
                 printf("%% reboot: RB_HALT: %s\n", strerror(errno));

**改修 [#s8960891]
ports treeを展開し、/usr/ports/shells/nsh 内にパッチファイルを追加

 --- ctl.c.orig	Tue Sep 20 04:18:55 2022
 +++ ctl.c	Tue Nov 22 09:37:12 2022
 @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
  char *ctl_ntp_test[] = { NTPD, "-nf", REQTEMP, NULL };
  struct ctl ctl_ntp[] = {
  	{ "enable",     "enable service",
 -	    { NTPD, "-sf", REQTEMP, NULL }, NULL, DB_X_ENABLE, T_EXEC },
 +	    { NTPD, "-f", REQTEMP, NULL }, NULL, DB_X_ENABLE, T_EXEC },
  	{ "disable",    "disable service",
  	    { PKILL, table, "ntpd", NULL }, NULL, DB_X_DISABLE, T_EXEC },
  	{ "edit",       "edit configuration",

 --- commands.c.orig	Tue Sep 20 04:18:55 2022
 +++ commands.c	Tue Nov 22 09:37:12 2022
 @@ -1962,7 +1962,7 @@
  	printf ("%% Reboot initiated\n");
 -	if (reboot (RB_AUTOBOOT) == -1)
 +	if (system("/sbin/reboot") == -1)
  		printf("%% reboot: RB_AUTOBOOT: %s\n", strerror(errno));
 @@ -1971,7 +1971,7 @@
  	printf ("%% Shutdown initiated\n");
 -	if (reboot (RB_HALT) == -1)
 +	if (system("/sbin/halt -p")  == -1)
  		printf("%% reboot: RB_HALT: %s\n", strerror(errno));

 --- ctl.c.orig	Tue Sep 20 04:18:55 2022
 +++ ctl.c	Tue Nov 22 09:37:12 2022
 @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
  char *ctl_ntp_test[] = { NTPD, "-nf", REQTEMP, NULL };
  struct ctl ctl_ntp[] = {
  	{ "enable",     "enable service",
 -	    { NTPD, "-sf", REQTEMP, NULL }, NULL, DB_X_ENABLE, T_EXEC },
 +	    { NTPD, "-f", REQTEMP, NULL }, NULL, DB_X_ENABLE, T_EXEC },
  	{ "disable",    "disable service",
  	    { PKILL, table, "ntpd", NULL }, NULL, DB_X_DISABLE, T_EXEC },
  	{ "edit",       "edit configuration",

 nshrouter# pkg_delete nsh
 Read shared items:ok
 nshrouter# cd /usr/ports/shells/nsh
 nshrouter# make install
 ===>  Checking files for nsh-1.0.20220919
 >> Fetch https://github.com/yellowman/nsh/archive/fcad0f6af197ab0c96e2c5410c....
 >> (SHA256) nsh-1.0.20220919-fcad0f6a.tar.gz: OK
 ===> nsh-1.0.20220919 depends on: sqlite3-* -> sqlite3-3.39.3
 ===>  Verifying specs:	c curses edit sqlite3
 ===>  found c.96.2 curses.14.0 edit.5.2 sqlite3.37.20
 ===>  Extracting for nsh-1.0.20220919
 ===>  Patching for nsh-1.0.20220919
 ===>   Applying OpenBSD patch patch-commands_c
 Hmm...	Looks like a unified diff to me...
 The text leading up to this was:
 |--- commands.c.orig	Tue Sep 20 04:18:55 2022
 |+++ commands.c Tue Nov 22 09:37:12 2022
 Patching file commands.c using Plan A...
 Hunk #1 succeeded at 1962.
 Hunk #2 succeeded at 1971.
 ===>   Applying OpenBSD patch patch-ctl_c
 Hmm...	Looks like a unified diff to me...
 The text leading up to this was:
 |--- ctl.c.orig Tue Sep 20 04:18:55 2022
 |+++ ctl.c	Tue Nov 22 09:37:12 2022
 Patching file ctl.c using Plan A...
 Hunk #1 succeeded at 412.
 ===>  Compiler link: clang -> /usr/bin/clang
 ===>  Compiler link: clang++ -> /usr/bin/clang++
 ===>  Compiler link: cc -> /usr/bin/cc
 ===>  Compiler link: c++ -> /usr/bin/c++
 ===>  Generating configure for nsh-1.0.20220919
 ===>  Configuring for nsh-1.0.20220919
 ===>  Building for nsh-1.0.20220919
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast ....
 sh /ram/usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/nsh-fcad0f6af197ab0c96e2c5410....c546ad90027f7a1/compile.sh
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c compile.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c main.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c genget.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c commands.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c stats.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c kroute.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c ctl.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c show.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c if.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c version.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c route.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c conf.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c complete.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c ieee80211.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c bridge.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c tunnel.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c media.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c sysctl.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c passwd.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c pfsync.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c carp.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c trunk.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c who.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c more.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c stringlist.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c utils.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c sqlite3.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c ppp.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c nopt.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c pflow.c
 cc -O2 -pipe -Wmissing-prototypes -Wformat -Wall -Wbad-function-cast -I/usr/local/include   -MD -MP -I/usr/local/include -c wg.c
 cc -L/usr/local/lib  -o nsh arp.o compile.o main.o genget.o commands.o stats.o kroute.o ctl.o show.o if.o version.o route.o conf.o complete.o ieee80211.o bridge.o tunnel.o media.o sysctl.o passwd.o pfsync.o carp.o trunk.o who.o more.o stringlist.o utils.o sqlite3.o ppp.o nopt.o pflow.o wg.o -ledit -ltermcap -lsqlite3 -L/usr/local/lib
 ===>  Faking installation for nsh-1.0.20220919
 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/bin/install -c -s -m 755 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/nsh-fcad0f6af197ab0c96e2c5410c546ad90027f7a1/nsh /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/fake-amd64/usr/local/bin
 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/bin/install -c -m 644 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/nsh-fcad0f6af197ab0c96e2c5410c546ad90027f7a1/nsh.8 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/fake-amd64/usr/local/man/man8/
 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/bin/install -c -m 755 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/nsh-fcad0f6af197ab0c96e2c5410c546ad90027f7a1/save-ro.sh /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/fake-amd64/usr/local/bin
 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/bin/install -c -m 755 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/nsh-fcad0f6af197ab0c96e2c5410c546ad90027f7a1/save-rw.sh /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/fake-amd64/usr/local/bin
 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/bin/install -d -m 755 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/fake-amd64/usr/local/share/doc/nsh
 sed -i s,/usr/local,/usr/local,g /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/nsh-fcad0f6af197ab0c96e2c5410c546ad90027f7a1/MANUAL
 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/bin/install -c -m 644 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/nsh-fcad0f6af197ab0c96e2c5410c546ad90027f7a1/MANUAL /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/fake-amd64/usr/local/share/doc/nsh/
 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/bin/install -c -m 644 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/nsh-fcad0f6af197ab0c96e2c5410c546ad90027f7a1/README /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/fake-amd64/usr/local/share/doc/nsh/
 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/bin/install -c -m 644 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/nsh-fcad0f6af197ab0c96e2c5410c546ad90027f7a1/TODO /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/fake-amd64/usr/local/share/doc/nsh/
 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/bin/install -c -m 644 /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/nsh-fcad0f6af197ab0c96e2c5410c546ad90027f7a1/COPYRIGHT /usr/ports/pobj/nsh-1.0.20220919/fake-amd64/usr/local/share/doc/nsh/
 ===>  Building package for nsh-1.0.20220919
 Create /usr/ports/packages/amd64/all/nsh-1.0.20220919.tgz
 Creating package nsh-1.0.20220919
 ===>  Verifying specs: c curses edit sqlite3
 ===>  found c.96.2 curses.14.0 edit.5.2 sqlite3.37.20
 ===>  Installing nsh-1.0.20220919 from /usr/ports/packages/amd64/all/
 nsh-1.0.20220919:9okK**************	       | 72%K			  | 0%K
 nshrouter# nsh
 % NSH v1.0

*まとめ [#eca6fa7b]

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