OpenBSD Live System「河豚板」は、2005年初頭のCD-OpenBSD 3.6を起源とし、以来 i386アキーテクチャの OpenBSD/i386 をベースとしてリリースを続けてきました。
この度、OpenBSD 6.0をベースとするFuguIta 6.0にて従来のi386アーキテクチャに加え、amd64アーキテクチャに対応版もリリース致しました。
今回の勉強会では、このFuguIta 6.0のamd64対応、およびそれに関連する周辺作業についてご報告致します。
User from Oklahoma U.S.A. Charlie Ebert (2016-03-17 (Thu) 11:13:45) I have been using this for several versions on USBDISK. I just can't wait to see the 5.9 version when it comes out. There is supposed to be a VM in that version!!! YEAH!!!! Anyway, thank you for all your work. I do wonder why you don't also have a 64 bit version of this same FuguIta software? Thank you very much Charlie Thank you for using FuguIta. Also, I'm looking forward to seeing OpenBSD 5.9, and preparing my PC to build FuguIta 5.9. I agree that a 64 bit version of FuguIta is quite attractive. But I don't have enough time to build both 64 and 32 bit FuguItas... A 32 bit version of FuguIta is prior than 64, because one of the main purpose of FuguIta is to use old and legacy machines effectively. -- kaw 2016-03-17 (Thu) 22:25:21上記の要にマンパワー的に2つのアーキテクチャに対応するのは困難