*Now, 'sync' subcommand usbfadm saves the data into the individual directory by release and architecture. For example if you use FuguIta-6.0-amd64-* and will save the data as 'fugu-test', usbfadm saves the data under livecd-config/6.0/fugu-test .
At boot mode 3, saved data with same release and architecture will be displayed. The different one won't be shown.
This new feature has backward compatibility, but those are irreversible.
*usbfadm got some command line options.
# doas usbfadm -h Usage: /usr/fuguita/sbin/usbfadm [-rqh?] -r : redo sync non-interactively (must run 'sync' at interactive mode before doing this) -q : quiet mode when redo sync -h,: print this helpNow you can re-sync on command line, or shell script.
Bug tracking system is at LiveCD/6.0/BTS.
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