*Do you have any message for us? [#z65bec72]
To avoid posts by spam, a message body without the word '...
URLs in the body of the message will also be judged as sp...
**FuguITA on Qemu/LibVirt Xenodm: no screens found [#kdaf...
>[[NewGuy]] (2024-11-22 (Fri) 15:24:22)~
Hello, I found this project to be very interesting and wa...
It boots fine and goes through the setup and I type 'X' f...
It returns "no screens found"~
I have tried changing qemu settings i440FX -> Q35, Video:...
I tried running both xenodm and startx, both return "no s...
I have not gotten Xorg to show anything. Everything else ...
Any Ideas? Thank you for reading. #FuguIta~
- I have installed OpenBSD 7.6 just to double check thing...
- To quickly try it, please do the following:
-- After logged in #FuguIta ''LiveUSB'', modify /etc/sysc...
echo 'machdep.allowaperture=2' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
-- [[Save your environment to USB flashdrive.>FuguItaGuid...
-- [[Reboot with mode 3 to retrieve the environment you s...
- [[kaw]] &new{2024-11-23 (Sat) 11:14:26};
- Excellent, Xenodm (X11) on #FuguIta works in Qemu once ...
**A bug reported at FuguIta-7.6-amd64 [#q77b333e]
>[[kaw]] (2024-10-28 (Mon) 17:45:19)~
As seen in [[FuguIta/Report/19]], [[FuguIta/Report/23]], ...
- Occurs on Intel CPUs after Gen. 12~
- ''Process (pid 1) got a signal 4'' message loops at sta...
>We are currently investigating this bug. We will release...
We would appreciate any advice you can give us on this is...
- Solved: see https://github.com/ykaw/FuguIta/commit/8598...
- Thank you for the prompt resolution! #FuguIta -- [[Sant...
**mfs stays at 1024M [#lfa0876f]
>[[Santos]] (2024-07-27 (Sat) 07:19:56)~
I'm using #FuguIta i386, booting from a 2GB compact flash...
Couple of question. What exactly is mfs? I know is the me...
#FuguIta does detects my 3GB of RAM but refuses to assign...
- The limitation of only allocating a maximum of 1GB of s...
About mfs of OpenBSD, see [[the manpage>https://man.openb...
The more files you put in mfs, the less RAM you need to r...
~-- [[kaw]] &new{2024-07-27 (Sat) 11:32:41};
- I'll check them out, thanks! #FuguIta -- [[Santos]] &ne...
- Alternatively, you could [[remaster #FuguIta, which use...
- Okay, I read all the links you provided. You tell me if...
- I did not mention it, but I rather stay with mfs over...
-A1) Yes, on the i386 platform this is correct.~
A2) Correct. To be precise, it is possible to create a sw...
A3) There are several solutions.~
--create a new partition on your disk device (including F...
Applications added with pkg_add will be placed under /usr...
--Alternatively, install regular OpenBSD instead of FuguI...
--There are some ways to solve this problem with on-memor...
+++Add several more mfs mounts.
+++Fill the created mfs file system with a single file.
+++Bind these files to the vnode device with vnconfig.
+++Create RAID partitions on these vnode devices.
+++Combine these RAID partitions as a single disk device ...
+++Create an FFS partition on this RAID-concatenated devi...
>This is a very complicated method and is not recommended...
At the very least, you should be able to see the followin...
test# uname -a
OpenBSD test.local 7.5 RDROOT.MP#19 i386
test# top -b 5
load averages: 0.05, 0.01, 0.01 test.local 07:41:44
33 processes: 32 idle, 1 on processor up 0 days 01:06:55
CPU states: 1.7% user, 0.0% nice, 1.9% sys, 0.1% spi...
Memory: Real: 1739M/2803M act/tot Free: 195M Cache: 334M...
65593 root 10 0 769M 744M idle mfsidl ...
61622 root 10 0 769M 357M sleep mfsidl ...
74185 root 10 0 769M 348M sleep mfsidl ...
72783 root 18 0 1380K 896K sleep sigsusp ...
23542 _ntp 2 -20 1420K 1396K sleep kqread ...
test# mount
/dev/rd0a on / type ffs (local)
/dev/sd0a on /sysmedia type ffs (local, read-only)
/dev/vnd5a on /fuguita type ffs (local, read-only)
mfs:19329 on /ram type mfs (local, wxallowed, size=52428...
mfs:74185 on /ram/root/mfs/0 type mfs (asynchronous, loc...
mfs:61622 on /ram/root/mfs/1 type mfs (asynchronous, loc...
mfs:65593 on /ram/root/mfs/2 type mfs (asynchronous, loc...
/dev/sd1d on /ram/usr/local type ffs (local)
test# vnconfig -l ...
vnd0: covering 0/fill on ??, inode 3
vnd1: covering 1/fill on ??, inode 3
vnd2: covering 2/fill on ??, inode 3
vnd3: not in use
vnd4: not in use
vnd5: covering /sysmedia/fuguita-7.5-i386.ffsimg on sd0a...
test# ls -l /root/mfs/*/*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 778272768 Jul 30 06:56 /root/...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 778272768 Jul 30 06:56 /root/...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 778272768 Jul 30 06:54 /root/...
test# bioctl softraid0 ...
Volume Status Size Device
softraid0 0 Online 2333810688 sd1 CONCAT
0 Online 777936896 0:0.0 noencl <vn...
1 Online 777936896 0:1.0 noencl <vn...
2 Online 777936896 0:2.0 noencl <vn...
test# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/rd0a 1.5M 927K 625K 60% /
/dev/sd0a 900M 891M 9.1M 99% /sysmedia
/dev/vnd5a 871M 865M 5.1M 100% /fuguita
mfs:19329 247M 39.6M 195M 17% /ram
mfs:74185 743M 743M -37.1M 106% /ram/root/...
mfs:61622 743M 743M -37.1M 106% /ram/root/...
mfs:65593 743M 743M -37.1M 106% /ram/root/...
/dev/sd1d 2.1G 1.1G 877M 58% /ram/usr/l...
test# ls /var/db/pkg
adwaita-icon-theme-45.0 libiconv-1.17
aom-3.8.3 librsvg-2.57.2
at-spi2-core-2.50.1 libudev-openbsd-...
avahi-libs-0.8p3 libvpx-1.14.1v0
bzip2-1.0.8p0 libxkbcommon-1.6...
cairo-1.18.0 libxml-2.12.9
chromium-122.0.6261.111p0 libxslt-1.1.39
cups-libs-2.4.7 lz4-1.9.4
dav1d-1.2.1p3 lzo2-2.10p2
dbus-1.14.10v0 noto-emoji-20211...
dconf-0.40.0p0 noto-fonts-20201...
desktop-file-utils-0.27 nspr-4.35
epoll-shim-0.0.20230411 nss-3.98
fribidi-1.0.13 openh264-2.4.1p1
gdk-pixbuf-2.42.10 opus-1.4
gettext-runtime-0.22.5 pango-1.52.1
glib2-2.78.6 pcre2-10.37p2
graphite2-1.3.14 png-1.6.43
gtk+3-3.24.41 pv-1.8.0
gtk+3-cups-3.24.41 python-3.10.14
gtk4-update-icon-cache-4.12.5 quirks-7.14
harfbuzz-8.3.0 rlwrap-0.46.1
hicolor-icon-theme-0.17 rsync-3.2.7p1
icu4c-74.2v0 shared-mime-info...
intel-firmware-20240514v0 sqlite3-3.44.2
jpeg-3.0.2v0 tiff-4.6.0
libevent-2.1.12p0 updatedb-0p0
libexif-0.6.24 wayland-1.22.0p0
libffi-3.4.4p1 xdg-utils-1.2.1
libgcrypt-1.10.3p1 xz-5.4.5
libgpg-error-1.48 zstd-1.5.5
I have included this just to show that it is not impossib...
...and for your interest.
~-- [[kaw]] &new{2024-07-30 (Tue) 16:38:12};
- Thank you very much. It is exactly what I also wondered...
- By the way. If I'm correct, that output is like my set ...
- You are correct. In addition, don't forget to create a ...
- @Santos, don;t waste your time, pkg_add does not even w...
**How to install firefox? [#t73672b6]
>[[Santos]] (2024-07-19 (Fri) 23:43:36)~
Loving #FuguIta, trying to learn by doing but I hit a wal...
-Please describe the problem in detail (with exact error ...
There are several possible reasons:
-- Is the PC clock accurate? - If the system time is inco...
-- Check the /etc/installurl file. It is common now to us...
-- Firefox packages are not already provided for the i386...
>#FuguIta has no special mechanism for pkg_add.~
Again, please be specific about the problem.
~-- [[kaw]] &new{2024-07-21 (Sun) 20:04:35};
- You nailed it. I'm using i386. Sorry for the lack of de...
- See the ports source repository - https://github.com/op...
FireFox builds are disabled on the i386 platform for reas...
If you really want FireFox for i386, you have to modify t...
Otherwise, you will have to use other browsers such as ch...
- I see. Good to know I still have options. Thank you for...
**Safe Graphics Mode? [#cc7f94e6]
>[[Santos]] (2024-06-01 (Sat) 19:43:23)~
As per your previous post.~
"firmware that has no effect" (2023-10-09 (Mon) 13:53:36)~
There seems to be the process to resolved the issue with ...
So, in order to avoid that, is there any 'Safe Graphic Mo...
Thank you for #FuguIta!~
- Do you have any problems with it? If so, could you elab...
- Yes, I have an issue. I have a laptop with an integrate...
- #FuguIta radeondrm0: KABINI cik_cp: Failed to load firm...
- #FuguIta The laptop has no issues with linux in framebu...
- What happens if you avoid using radeomdrm0 in the follo...
>> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.65
>> bsd-fi.mp is for
>> multiprocessor kernel (default).
>> Enter 'bsd-fi' for Uniprocessor.
boot> -c
cannot open hd0a:/etc/random.seed: No such file or direc...
booting hd0a:/bsd-fi.mp: 17872725+4297744+2363424+0+1236...
entry point at 0xffffffff81001000
[ using 4048416 bytes of bsd ELF symbol table ]
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California. Al...
Copyright (c) 1995-2024 OpenBSD. All rights reserved. h...
OpenBSD 7.5-stable (RDROOT.MP) #15: Sun Jun 2 11:14:48 ...
real mem = 1056952320 (1007MB)
avail mem = 1002065920 (955MB)
User Kernel Config
UKC> disable radeomdrm0
UKC> quit
- #FuguIta Amazing! It worked, there is a typo tough. It ...
- Sorry for my typo.&br;Once #FuguIta is up and running w...
This firmware is in the tarball http://firmware.openbsd.o...
- That's fine. Your help pointed me in the right directio...
- :-)&br;-- [[kaw]] &new{2024-06-04 (Tue) 12:19:18};
**Upcoming release [#v7662427]
>[[kaw]] (2024-05-12 (Sun) 09:17:07)~
- OpenBSD 7.5 patch-003 has been applied~
- ISO images for arm64 platform are now available
>This is not an official release, as the arm64 version ha...
It is placed under the test directory of the [[mirror ser...
- Glad to know about the ongoing development, your effort...
- Thank you! from #FuguIta -- [[kaw]] &new{2024-06-03 (Mo...
**Test version of FuguIta 7.5/arm64 [#u33ea334]
>[[kaw]] (2024-04-19 (Fri) 13:09:13)~
Test version of FuguIta-7.5-arm64-* has been uploaded to ...
Now only tested on emulator.~
If you tested this on real RPi3/4, please inform us the r...
**Test version of FuguIta 7.5/i386 [#gdcc3d8f]
>[[kaw]] (2024-04-14 (Sun) 00:03:24)~
Test version of FuguIta-7.5-i386-* has been uploaded to t...
**Test version of FuguIta 7.5/amd64 [#tfd85ef9]
>[[kaw]] (2024-04-12 (Fri) 17:07:03)~
[[Test version of FuguIta-7.5-amd64-*>FuguIta/Download]] ...
What I would like to know are:~
-How it works on newer hardware (device detection, X Wind...
-Comments and suggestions for improvement using the #Fugu...
>Thank you in advance.~
- Please fix typo s/7\.4/7.5/ #FuguIta -- [[hoge]] &new{2...
- fixed. thank you #FuguIta -- [[kaw]] &new{2024-04-13 (...
**New build tools released [#baf9d135]
>[[kaw]] (2023-12-20 (Wed) 15:29:17)~
I have released new build tools for #FuguIta.~
This tool allows you to build FuguIta from scratch withou...
For more information, see Part 4 of the FuguIta Guide, [[...
**Revised: Testing new build tools [#daa73898]
>[[kaw]] (2023-12-09 (Sat) 16:17:40)~
~This tool is %%tools-4.7-amd64-test.tar.gz%% tools-4.7-t...
The build method is as follows.
+Download and extract the #FuguIta build tools.
+Download and extract the OpenBSD kernel (sys.tar.gz) and...
+Run "make init".
+Place the OpenBSD install set (*74.tgz) under install_se...
If you want to customize FuguIta, please create site74.tg...
''Please note:'' if the size of the created media/fuguita...
+Run "make setup && make".
- An optional step is to create ''mode0symlinks.cpio.gz''...
- There is one more thing to provide feedback to the buil...
- Changes:&br; 1) the name of the tarball changed. On i38...
**Testing new build tools [#h0144f8d]
>[[kaw]] (2023-12-04 (Mon) 16:46:50)~
I am currently testing new #FuguIta build tools. This too...
The build method is as follows.~
1. Expand the build tools.~
2. Extract the kernel source under /usr/src/sys.~
3. Run ''make initdir'' in the top directory of the build...
4. Place the OpenBSD 7.4/amd64 installation set (*74.tgz)...
5. Place the OpenBSD 7.4/amd64 rsync, rlwrap, and pv pack...
6. Run ''make setup && make''.~
**Add another WM and if possible to install on HDD? [#c92...
>[[Rasat]] (2023-12-03 (Sun) 22:31:51)~
I installed Fvwm3 and imagemagick (for iconified thumbnai...
The usbfadm tool is great. The expand/newfs option allowi...
- /etc/X11/xenodm/xenodm-config is set to 0444, which is ...
**Fvwm Kise -- ready-made configs [#w268975f]
>[[Rasat]] (2023-11-30 (Thu) 05:37:41)~
I was searching for a distro with Fvwm as default and fou...
Screenshots and download on Pling:~
- Fvwm is the default window manager in OpenBSD, and #Fug...
- I tested #FuguIta , nice to see the classic Fvwm 1. Als...
- I did another test on #FuguIta checking for BSD package...
- I tried your Fvwm Kise, too. It seems to work well on #...
- I have fixed the transparency and wallpaper switch prob...
**Directory structure of mirror server changed [#se252b3d]
>[[kaw]] (2023-11-02 (Thu) 11:11:34)~
All the files of the latest release of #FuguIta were plac...
Please be careful when [[downloading>FuguIta/Download]].~
**ISO for arm64 [#z0c7a894]
>[[Dan]] (2023-10-26 (Thu) 02:35:43)~
Would it be possible to have an ISO image for the arm64 a...
Either #FuguIta version 7.3 or 7.4, whichever is more pra...
PS: the wheels are in motion to build daily snapshots for...
- Like OpenBSD stable release, #FuguIta also does not sup...
This is because arm64 does not boot from CD or DVD.
For arm64, write the disk image file (FuguIta-7.3-arm64-*...
We are currently in the process of creating 7.4. Please w...
Please refer to the [[FuguIta Guide>fge1:m3ea6fcf]] for d...
- Thanks, yes I'm waiting patiently for arm64 #FuguIta 7....
- If OpenBSD/arm64 will support ISO images in the future,...
- The future is now: github.com/openbsd/src/blob/master/d...
- Hi again. Is there any chance to release FuguIta-7.4-ar...
- Once OpenBSD-stable/arm64 (not OpenBSD-current) support...
- I'm working quick dirty hack on #FuguIta-7.4-arm64-*.is...
- I put FuguIta-7.4-arm64-202311211.iso.gz in the mirror'...
Please note that this is a test version and is not offici...
This was created by replacing the cdbr file with the snap...
If you try to create a LiveUSB from this ISO image and ru...
- Support for arm64 ISO #FuguIta is available. Please ref...
**Test version of FuguIta 7.4 [#xf164c68]
>[[kaw]] (2023-10-21 (Sat) 09:48:11)~
[[Test version of FuguIta-7.4-{i386,amd64}>FuguIta/Downlo...
>What I would like to know are~
-How it works on newer hardware (device detection, X Wind...
//-How does it work with RPi4?
//-How the framebuffer and X Window work on RPi3/RPi4.
//-Operation status on arm64-based SBCs and Apple M1/M2 o...
-Comments and suggestions for improvement using the #Fugu...
>Published files are for LiveUSB. If you wish to run Live...
>FuguIta-7.4-arm64 is now under working. Please wait.
>Thank you in advance.
**firmware that has no effect [#od721234]
>[[kaw]] (2023-10-09 (Mon) 13:53:36)~
When starting #FuguIta, the downloaded firmware may not t...
In this case, you may find messages similar to the follow...
radeondrm0: RS400
radeon_cp: Failed to load firmware "radeon/R300_cp.bin"
[drm] *ERROR* Failed to load firmware!
drm:pid0:rs400_startup *ERROR* failed initializing CP (-...
drm:pid0:rs400_init *ERROR* Disabling GPU acceleration
This example is for the ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M, but can a...
This is because FuguIta's root file system is the kernel'...
>In FuguIta, when the kernel starts, rd is mounted to /, ...
Therefore, the type of firmware that is loaded at kernel ...
>To resolve this, you need to write the required firmware...
Here are the steps to do so:
>First, download and extract the firmware.
# ftp http://firmware.openbsd.org/firmware/7.3/radeondrm...
Trying 2a04:4e42:36::820...
Requesting http://firmware.openbsd.org/firmware/7.3/rade...
100% |**************************************************...
3452257 bytes received in 2.22 seconds (1.47 MB/s)
# tar xzpf radeondrm-firmware-20230310.tgz
Next, extract the ramdisk root image from the kernel and ...
# zcat /sysmedia/bsd-fi.mp > bsd-fi.mp
# rdsetroot -x bsd-fi.mp rdroot.img
# vnconfig vnd0 rdroot.img
# mount /dev/vnd0a /mnt
Write the downloaded firmware to ramdisk root.
# mkdir -p /mnt/etc/firmware/radeon
# cp firmware/radeon/R300_cp.bin /mnt/etc/firmware/radeon
# umount /mnt
# vnconfig -u vnd0
# rdsetroot bsd-fi.mp rdroot.img
# mount -uw /sysmedia
# gzip -c9 bsd-fi.mp > /sysmedia/bsd-fi.mp
# mount -ur /sysmedia
Currently, the capacity of the ramdisk root is about 1.5 ...
- This is just what I needed. The live system hangs with ...
**Fuguita 7.3 defaults to Japanese [#i35160ef]
>[[tetsuo]] (2023-10-02 (Mon) 04:22:13)~
#FuguIta Hi, is there a way to change the language of Fug...
- Which version of #FuguIta did you download? -- [[kaw]] ...
**FuguIta use case [#s83beed8]
>[[Bob]] (2023-09-05 (Tue) 23:31:23)~
#FuguIta. Hi, this looks interesting. When would someone ...
-#FuguIta is useful for verifying that OpenBSD will run o...
Of course, it is also possible to use FuguIta as a daily ...
See the [[Work with other products>FuguIta/ScreenShots#n8...
There is also [[a video with auto-translated subtitles>ht...
My initial motivation for developing FuguIta was to use O...
~-- [[kaw]] &new{2023-09-06 (Wed) 00:38:38};
**Larger ffsimg [#q578b09e]
>[[Kikk]] (2023-06-07 (Wed) 02:40:44)~
First of all: fuguita is wonderful. Keep up the good work!~
I wanted to build a custom version with more tools pre-in...
It is possible to enlarge the ffsimg over 1GB (fuguita-7....
I enlarged it to 3GB via disklabel + growfs but the remas...
Is there a procedure or 1GB is the maximum size?~
To enlarge ''fuguita-7.3-amd64.ffsimg'', enlarge ''fuguit...
First, follow the [[FuguIta Guide to set up the build too...
After settng up the build tool, delete or rename ''lib/mo...
# mv lib/mode0symlinks.cpio.gz.amd64 lib/mode0symlinks.c...
Run up to ''make stage''.
Once the ''staging'' directory is created, make your desi...
# chroot staging /bin/ksh
# exit
Once your customization is complete, measure the size of ...
# du -sk staging | awk '{print $1/1024}' # size of stag...
# find staging -print | wc -l # the number o...
Based on this size and number of files, use ''setup_fsimg...
# make open-rdroot
# cp rdroot/boottmp/setup_fsimg.sh .
# make close-all
# ./setup_fsimg.sh media.img $((xxxxx+40)) 10 # xxxxx i...
Create ''fuguita-7.3-amd64.ffsimg'' in ''media.img''.
# make open-media
# cd media
# ../setup_fsimg.sh fuguita-7.3-amd64.ffsimg $((xxxxx+10...
# cd ..
# make close-all
Edit ''staging/etc/fuguita/global.conf'' as follows
fuguita_sys_mb=1028 # size of media.img <-- Rewrite th...
newdrive_defswap=16M # default swap size
# at usbfadm newdrive
memfstype=mfs # 'mfs' or 'tmpfs'
mfs_max_mb=30720 # mfs hard limit - 30GB
Copy the contents of ''staging'' to ffsimg.
# make sync
Create an ISO image and gzip it.
# make iso && make gz
Run the resulting LiveDVD and usbfadm newdrive to create ...
That's it for the procedure.
In general, it is much easier to use FuguIta LiveUSB to s...
See the following articles for an example of creating the...
- [[FuguIta/BBS#b01edbf7]]
- [[FuguIta/BBS/12#z6fb44cc]]
[[kaw]] &new{2023-06-07 (Wed) 09:44:19};
- Thanks, i'll try <3 <3 <3 #FuguIta -- [[Kikk]] &new{202...
**日本語デスクトップ環境お試し版 [#b01edbf7]
>[[kaw]] (2023-05-23 (Tue) 09:37:56)~
# xz -dc FuguIta-7.3-amd64-202305211-DEDemoJa.img.xz | d...
--Xfce 4.18~
--日本語環境: kterm 6.2.0, 日本語フォント各種, Fcitx-Anth...
--FireFox 112.0.2~
--Sylpheed 3.7.0~
--Audacious 4.3~
--VLC 3.0.18~
--LibreOffice 7.5.1
-pkg_add / pkg_deleteでパッケージを追加/削除した後はroot...
# mount -o async,noatime /dev/XXXd /mnt ... (XXXはLiveU...
# cd /mnt/livecd-config/7.3/amd64/fugudemoja-init
# rsync -avxHS --delete . ../fugudemoja/.
# cd
# umount /mnt
- FireFoxのファイルダイアログが文字化けするので、[[この手...
**dd of #FuguIta to a USB-SSD ... gives a bootable XFCE d...
>[[Mark B]] (2023-05-09 (Tue) 11:30:12)~
Wow, no install process or anything. The image I "dd'd" ...
Thank you! ----mark~
- "LiveUSB-XFCE-gaytratri..." is what? Could it be [[the ...
If so, it is a completely different product from my proje...
If not, and you want to know exactly what FuguIta is, ple...
~-- [[kaw]] &new{2023-05-09 (Tue) 11:57:46};
**su exits with an error [#obc9ca3f]
>[[kaw]] (2023-05-05 (Fri) 12:42:47)~
In boot mode 0, su complains that /usr/libexec/auth/login...
A fixed version has been uploaded to the test directory o...
**Test version of FuguIta 7.3 [#gc8f8dec]
>[[kaw]] (2023-04-17 (Mon) 13:38:19)~
[[Test version of FuguIta 7.3>https://jp1.dl.fuguita.org/...
>What I would like to know are~
-How it works on newer hardware (device detection, X Wind...
-How does it work with RPi4?
-How the framebuffer and X Window work on RPi3/RPi4.
-Operation status on arm64-based SBCs and Apple M1/M2 oth...
-Comments and suggestions for improvement using the #Fugu...
>Thank you in advance.
Former articles are at [[FuguIta/BBS/13]].
*Do you have any message for us? [#z65bec72]
To avoid posts by spam, a message body without the word '...
URLs in the body of the message will also be judged as sp...
**FuguITA on Qemu/LibVirt Xenodm: no screens found [#kdaf...
>[[NewGuy]] (2024-11-22 (Fri) 15:24:22)~
Hello, I found this project to be very interesting and wa...
It boots fine and goes through the setup and I type 'X' f...
It returns "no screens found"~
I have tried changing qemu settings i440FX -> Q35, Video:...
I tried running both xenodm and startx, both return "no s...
I have not gotten Xorg to show anything. Everything else ...
Any Ideas? Thank you for reading. #FuguIta~
- I have installed OpenBSD 7.6 just to double check thing...
- To quickly try it, please do the following:
-- After logged in #FuguIta ''LiveUSB'', modify /etc/sysc...
echo 'machdep.allowaperture=2' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
-- [[Save your environment to USB flashdrive.>FuguItaGuid...
-- [[Reboot with mode 3 to retrieve the environment you s...
- [[kaw]] &new{2024-11-23 (Sat) 11:14:26};
- Excellent, Xenodm (X11) on #FuguIta works in Qemu once ...
**A bug reported at FuguIta-7.6-amd64 [#q77b333e]
>[[kaw]] (2024-10-28 (Mon) 17:45:19)~
As seen in [[FuguIta/Report/19]], [[FuguIta/Report/23]], ...
- Occurs on Intel CPUs after Gen. 12~
- ''Process (pid 1) got a signal 4'' message loops at sta...
>We are currently investigating this bug. We will release...
We would appreciate any advice you can give us on this is...
- Solved: see https://github.com/ykaw/FuguIta/commit/8598...
- Thank you for the prompt resolution! #FuguIta -- [[Sant...
**mfs stays at 1024M [#lfa0876f]
>[[Santos]] (2024-07-27 (Sat) 07:19:56)~
I'm using #FuguIta i386, booting from a 2GB compact flash...
Couple of question. What exactly is mfs? I know is the me...
#FuguIta does detects my 3GB of RAM but refuses to assign...
- The limitation of only allocating a maximum of 1GB of s...
About mfs of OpenBSD, see [[the manpage>https://man.openb...
The more files you put in mfs, the less RAM you need to r...
~-- [[kaw]] &new{2024-07-27 (Sat) 11:32:41};
- I'll check them out, thanks! #FuguIta -- [[Santos]] &ne...
- Alternatively, you could [[remaster #FuguIta, which use...
- Okay, I read all the links you provided. You tell me if...
- I did not mention it, but I rather stay with mfs over...
-A1) Yes, on the i386 platform this is correct.~
A2) Correct. To be precise, it is possible to create a sw...
A3) There are several solutions.~
--create a new partition on your disk device (including F...
Applications added with pkg_add will be placed under /usr...
--Alternatively, install regular OpenBSD instead of FuguI...
--There are some ways to solve this problem with on-memor...
+++Add several more mfs mounts.
+++Fill the created mfs file system with a single file.
+++Bind these files to the vnode device with vnconfig.
+++Create RAID partitions on these vnode devices.
+++Combine these RAID partitions as a single disk device ...
+++Create an FFS partition on this RAID-concatenated devi...
>This is a very complicated method and is not recommended...
At the very least, you should be able to see the followin...
test# uname -a
OpenBSD test.local 7.5 RDROOT.MP#19 i386
test# top -b 5
load averages: 0.05, 0.01, 0.01 test.local 07:41:44
33 processes: 32 idle, 1 on processor up 0 days 01:06:55
CPU states: 1.7% user, 0.0% nice, 1.9% sys, 0.1% spi...
Memory: Real: 1739M/2803M act/tot Free: 195M Cache: 334M...
65593 root 10 0 769M 744M idle mfsidl ...
61622 root 10 0 769M 357M sleep mfsidl ...
74185 root 10 0 769M 348M sleep mfsidl ...
72783 root 18 0 1380K 896K sleep sigsusp ...
23542 _ntp 2 -20 1420K 1396K sleep kqread ...
test# mount
/dev/rd0a on / type ffs (local)
/dev/sd0a on /sysmedia type ffs (local, read-only)
/dev/vnd5a on /fuguita type ffs (local, read-only)
mfs:19329 on /ram type mfs (local, wxallowed, size=52428...
mfs:74185 on /ram/root/mfs/0 type mfs (asynchronous, loc...
mfs:61622 on /ram/root/mfs/1 type mfs (asynchronous, loc...
mfs:65593 on /ram/root/mfs/2 type mfs (asynchronous, loc...
/dev/sd1d on /ram/usr/local type ffs (local)
test# vnconfig -l ...
vnd0: covering 0/fill on ??, inode 3
vnd1: covering 1/fill on ??, inode 3
vnd2: covering 2/fill on ??, inode 3
vnd3: not in use
vnd4: not in use
vnd5: covering /sysmedia/fuguita-7.5-i386.ffsimg on sd0a...
test# ls -l /root/mfs/*/*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 778272768 Jul 30 06:56 /root/...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 778272768 Jul 30 06:56 /root/...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 778272768 Jul 30 06:54 /root/...
test# bioctl softraid0 ...
Volume Status Size Device
softraid0 0 Online 2333810688 sd1 CONCAT
0 Online 777936896 0:0.0 noencl <vn...
1 Online 777936896 0:1.0 noencl <vn...
2 Online 777936896 0:2.0 noencl <vn...
test# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/rd0a 1.5M 927K 625K 60% /
/dev/sd0a 900M 891M 9.1M 99% /sysmedia
/dev/vnd5a 871M 865M 5.1M 100% /fuguita
mfs:19329 247M 39.6M 195M 17% /ram
mfs:74185 743M 743M -37.1M 106% /ram/root/...
mfs:61622 743M 743M -37.1M 106% /ram/root/...
mfs:65593 743M 743M -37.1M 106% /ram/root/...
/dev/sd1d 2.1G 1.1G 877M 58% /ram/usr/l...
test# ls /var/db/pkg
adwaita-icon-theme-45.0 libiconv-1.17
aom-3.8.3 librsvg-2.57.2
at-spi2-core-2.50.1 libudev-openbsd-...
avahi-libs-0.8p3 libvpx-1.14.1v0
bzip2-1.0.8p0 libxkbcommon-1.6...
cairo-1.18.0 libxml-2.12.9
chromium-122.0.6261.111p0 libxslt-1.1.39
cups-libs-2.4.7 lz4-1.9.4
dav1d-1.2.1p3 lzo2-2.10p2
dbus-1.14.10v0 noto-emoji-20211...
dconf-0.40.0p0 noto-fonts-20201...
desktop-file-utils-0.27 nspr-4.35
epoll-shim-0.0.20230411 nss-3.98
fribidi-1.0.13 openh264-2.4.1p1
gdk-pixbuf-2.42.10 opus-1.4
gettext-runtime-0.22.5 pango-1.52.1
glib2-2.78.6 pcre2-10.37p2
graphite2-1.3.14 png-1.6.43
gtk+3-3.24.41 pv-1.8.0
gtk+3-cups-3.24.41 python-3.10.14
gtk4-update-icon-cache-4.12.5 quirks-7.14
harfbuzz-8.3.0 rlwrap-0.46.1
hicolor-icon-theme-0.17 rsync-3.2.7p1
icu4c-74.2v0 shared-mime-info...
intel-firmware-20240514v0 sqlite3-3.44.2
jpeg-3.0.2v0 tiff-4.6.0
libevent-2.1.12p0 updatedb-0p0
libexif-0.6.24 wayland-1.22.0p0
libffi-3.4.4p1 xdg-utils-1.2.1
libgcrypt-1.10.3p1 xz-5.4.5
libgpg-error-1.48 zstd-1.5.5
I have included this just to show that it is not impossib...
...and for your interest.
~-- [[kaw]] &new{2024-07-30 (Tue) 16:38:12};
- Thank you very much. It is exactly what I also wondered...
- By the way. If I'm correct, that output is like my set ...
- You are correct. In addition, don't forget to create a ...
- @Santos, don;t waste your time, pkg_add does not even w...
**How to install firefox? [#t73672b6]
>[[Santos]] (2024-07-19 (Fri) 23:43:36)~
Loving #FuguIta, trying to learn by doing but I hit a wal...
-Please describe the problem in detail (with exact error ...
There are several possible reasons:
-- Is the PC clock accurate? - If the system time is inco...
-- Check the /etc/installurl file. It is common now to us...
-- Firefox packages are not already provided for the i386...
>#FuguIta has no special mechanism for pkg_add.~
Again, please be specific about the problem.
~-- [[kaw]] &new{2024-07-21 (Sun) 20:04:35};
- You nailed it. I'm using i386. Sorry for the lack of de...
- See the ports source repository - https://github.com/op...
FireFox builds are disabled on the i386 platform for reas...
If you really want FireFox for i386, you have to modify t...
Otherwise, you will have to use other browsers such as ch...
- I see. Good to know I still have options. Thank you for...
**Safe Graphics Mode? [#cc7f94e6]
>[[Santos]] (2024-06-01 (Sat) 19:43:23)~
As per your previous post.~
"firmware that has no effect" (2023-10-09 (Mon) 13:53:36)~
There seems to be the process to resolved the issue with ...
So, in order to avoid that, is there any 'Safe Graphic Mo...
Thank you for #FuguIta!~
- Do you have any problems with it? If so, could you elab...
- Yes, I have an issue. I have a laptop with an integrate...
- #FuguIta radeondrm0: KABINI cik_cp: Failed to load firm...
- #FuguIta The laptop has no issues with linux in framebu...
- What happens if you avoid using radeomdrm0 in the follo...
>> OpenBSD/amd64 BOOT 3.65
>> bsd-fi.mp is for
>> multiprocessor kernel (default).
>> Enter 'bsd-fi' for Uniprocessor.
boot> -c
cannot open hd0a:/etc/random.seed: No such file or direc...
booting hd0a:/bsd-fi.mp: 17872725+4297744+2363424+0+1236...
entry point at 0xffffffff81001000
[ using 4048416 bytes of bsd ELF symbol table ]
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California. Al...
Copyright (c) 1995-2024 OpenBSD. All rights reserved. h...
OpenBSD 7.5-stable (RDROOT.MP) #15: Sun Jun 2 11:14:48 ...
real mem = 1056952320 (1007MB)
avail mem = 1002065920 (955MB)
User Kernel Config
UKC> disable radeomdrm0
UKC> quit
- #FuguIta Amazing! It worked, there is a typo tough. It ...
- Sorry for my typo.&br;Once #FuguIta is up and running w...
This firmware is in the tarball http://firmware.openbsd.o...
- That's fine. Your help pointed me in the right directio...
- :-)&br;-- [[kaw]] &new{2024-06-04 (Tue) 12:19:18};
**Upcoming release [#v7662427]
>[[kaw]] (2024-05-12 (Sun) 09:17:07)~
- OpenBSD 7.5 patch-003 has been applied~
- ISO images for arm64 platform are now available
>This is not an official release, as the arm64 version ha...
It is placed under the test directory of the [[mirror ser...
- Glad to know about the ongoing development, your effort...
- Thank you! from #FuguIta -- [[kaw]] &new{2024-06-03 (Mo...
**Test version of FuguIta 7.5/arm64 [#u33ea334]
>[[kaw]] (2024-04-19 (Fri) 13:09:13)~
Test version of FuguIta-7.5-arm64-* has been uploaded to ...
Now only tested on emulator.~
If you tested this on real RPi3/4, please inform us the r...
**Test version of FuguIta 7.5/i386 [#gdcc3d8f]
>[[kaw]] (2024-04-14 (Sun) 00:03:24)~
Test version of FuguIta-7.5-i386-* has been uploaded to t...
**Test version of FuguIta 7.5/amd64 [#tfd85ef9]
>[[kaw]] (2024-04-12 (Fri) 17:07:03)~
[[Test version of FuguIta-7.5-amd64-*>FuguIta/Download]] ...
What I would like to know are:~
-How it works on newer hardware (device detection, X Wind...
-Comments and suggestions for improvement using the #Fugu...
>Thank you in advance.~
- Please fix typo s/7\.4/7.5/ #FuguIta -- [[hoge]] &new{2...
- fixed. thank you #FuguIta -- [[kaw]] &new{2024-04-13 (...
**New build tools released [#baf9d135]
>[[kaw]] (2023-12-20 (Wed) 15:29:17)~
I have released new build tools for #FuguIta.~
This tool allows you to build FuguIta from scratch withou...
For more information, see Part 4 of the FuguIta Guide, [[...
**Revised: Testing new build tools [#daa73898]
>[[kaw]] (2023-12-09 (Sat) 16:17:40)~
~This tool is %%tools-4.7-amd64-test.tar.gz%% tools-4.7-t...
The build method is as follows.
+Download and extract the #FuguIta build tools.
+Download and extract the OpenBSD kernel (sys.tar.gz) and...
+Run "make init".
+Place the OpenBSD install set (*74.tgz) under install_se...
If you want to customize FuguIta, please create site74.tg...
''Please note:'' if the size of the created media/fuguita...
+Run "make setup && make".
- An optional step is to create ''mode0symlinks.cpio.gz''...
- There is one more thing to provide feedback to the buil...
- Changes:&br; 1) the name of the tarball changed. On i38...
**Testing new build tools [#h0144f8d]
>[[kaw]] (2023-12-04 (Mon) 16:46:50)~
I am currently testing new #FuguIta build tools. This too...
The build method is as follows.~
1. Expand the build tools.~
2. Extract the kernel source under /usr/src/sys.~
3. Run ''make initdir'' in the top directory of the build...
4. Place the OpenBSD 7.4/amd64 installation set (*74.tgz)...
5. Place the OpenBSD 7.4/amd64 rsync, rlwrap, and pv pack...
6. Run ''make setup && make''.~
**Add another WM and if possible to install on HDD? [#c92...
>[[Rasat]] (2023-12-03 (Sun) 22:31:51)~
I installed Fvwm3 and imagemagick (for iconified thumbnai...
The usbfadm tool is great. The expand/newfs option allowi...
- /etc/X11/xenodm/xenodm-config is set to 0444, which is ...
**Fvwm Kise -- ready-made configs [#w268975f]
>[[Rasat]] (2023-11-30 (Thu) 05:37:41)~
I was searching for a distro with Fvwm as default and fou...
Screenshots and download on Pling:~
- Fvwm is the default window manager in OpenBSD, and #Fug...
- I tested #FuguIta , nice to see the classic Fvwm 1. Als...
- I did another test on #FuguIta checking for BSD package...
- I tried your Fvwm Kise, too. It seems to work well on #...
- I have fixed the transparency and wallpaper switch prob...
**Directory structure of mirror server changed [#se252b3d]
>[[kaw]] (2023-11-02 (Thu) 11:11:34)~
All the files of the latest release of #FuguIta were plac...
Please be careful when [[downloading>FuguIta/Download]].~
**ISO for arm64 [#z0c7a894]
>[[Dan]] (2023-10-26 (Thu) 02:35:43)~
Would it be possible to have an ISO image for the arm64 a...
Either #FuguIta version 7.3 or 7.4, whichever is more pra...
PS: the wheels are in motion to build daily snapshots for...
- Like OpenBSD stable release, #FuguIta also does not sup...
This is because arm64 does not boot from CD or DVD.
For arm64, write the disk image file (FuguIta-7.3-arm64-*...
We are currently in the process of creating 7.4. Please w...
Please refer to the [[FuguIta Guide>fge1:m3ea6fcf]] for d...
- Thanks, yes I'm waiting patiently for arm64 #FuguIta 7....
- If OpenBSD/arm64 will support ISO images in the future,...
- The future is now: github.com/openbsd/src/blob/master/d...
- Hi again. Is there any chance to release FuguIta-7.4-ar...
- Once OpenBSD-stable/arm64 (not OpenBSD-current) support...
- I'm working quick dirty hack on #FuguIta-7.4-arm64-*.is...
- I put FuguIta-7.4-arm64-202311211.iso.gz in the mirror'...
Please note that this is a test version and is not offici...
This was created by replacing the cdbr file with the snap...
If you try to create a LiveUSB from this ISO image and ru...
- Support for arm64 ISO #FuguIta is available. Please ref...
**Test version of FuguIta 7.4 [#xf164c68]
>[[kaw]] (2023-10-21 (Sat) 09:48:11)~
[[Test version of FuguIta-7.4-{i386,amd64}>FuguIta/Downlo...
>What I would like to know are~
-How it works on newer hardware (device detection, X Wind...
//-How does it work with RPi4?
//-How the framebuffer and X Window work on RPi3/RPi4.
//-Operation status on arm64-based SBCs and Apple M1/M2 o...
-Comments and suggestions for improvement using the #Fugu...
>Published files are for LiveUSB. If you wish to run Live...
>FuguIta-7.4-arm64 is now under working. Please wait.
>Thank you in advance.
**firmware that has no effect [#od721234]
>[[kaw]] (2023-10-09 (Mon) 13:53:36)~
When starting #FuguIta, the downloaded firmware may not t...
In this case, you may find messages similar to the follow...
radeondrm0: RS400
radeon_cp: Failed to load firmware "radeon/R300_cp.bin"
[drm] *ERROR* Failed to load firmware!
drm:pid0:rs400_startup *ERROR* failed initializing CP (-...
drm:pid0:rs400_init *ERROR* Disabling GPU acceleration
This example is for the ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M, but can a...
This is because FuguIta's root file system is the kernel'...
>In FuguIta, when the kernel starts, rd is mounted to /, ...
Therefore, the type of firmware that is loaded at kernel ...
>To resolve this, you need to write the required firmware...
Here are the steps to do so:
>First, download and extract the firmware.
# ftp http://firmware.openbsd.org/firmware/7.3/radeondrm...
Trying 2a04:4e42:36::820...
Requesting http://firmware.openbsd.org/firmware/7.3/rade...
100% |**************************************************...
3452257 bytes received in 2.22 seconds (1.47 MB/s)
# tar xzpf radeondrm-firmware-20230310.tgz
Next, extract the ramdisk root image from the kernel and ...
# zcat /sysmedia/bsd-fi.mp > bsd-fi.mp
# rdsetroot -x bsd-fi.mp rdroot.img
# vnconfig vnd0 rdroot.img
# mount /dev/vnd0a /mnt
Write the downloaded firmware to ramdisk root.
# mkdir -p /mnt/etc/firmware/radeon
# cp firmware/radeon/R300_cp.bin /mnt/etc/firmware/radeon
# umount /mnt
# vnconfig -u vnd0
# rdsetroot bsd-fi.mp rdroot.img
# mount -uw /sysmedia
# gzip -c9 bsd-fi.mp > /sysmedia/bsd-fi.mp
# mount -ur /sysmedia
Currently, the capacity of the ramdisk root is about 1.5 ...
- This is just what I needed. The live system hangs with ...
**Fuguita 7.3 defaults to Japanese [#i35160ef]
>[[tetsuo]] (2023-10-02 (Mon) 04:22:13)~
#FuguIta Hi, is there a way to change the language of Fug...
- Which version of #FuguIta did you download? -- [[kaw]] ...
**FuguIta use case [#s83beed8]
>[[Bob]] (2023-09-05 (Tue) 23:31:23)~
#FuguIta. Hi, this looks interesting. When would someone ...
-#FuguIta is useful for verifying that OpenBSD will run o...
Of course, it is also possible to use FuguIta as a daily ...
See the [[Work with other products>FuguIta/ScreenShots#n8...
There is also [[a video with auto-translated subtitles>ht...
My initial motivation for developing FuguIta was to use O...
~-- [[kaw]] &new{2023-09-06 (Wed) 00:38:38};
**Larger ffsimg [#q578b09e]
>[[Kikk]] (2023-06-07 (Wed) 02:40:44)~
First of all: fuguita is wonderful. Keep up the good work!~
I wanted to build a custom version with more tools pre-in...
It is possible to enlarge the ffsimg over 1GB (fuguita-7....
I enlarged it to 3GB via disklabel + growfs but the remas...
Is there a procedure or 1GB is the maximum size?~
To enlarge ''fuguita-7.3-amd64.ffsimg'', enlarge ''fuguit...
First, follow the [[FuguIta Guide to set up the build too...
After settng up the build tool, delete or rename ''lib/mo...
# mv lib/mode0symlinks.cpio.gz.amd64 lib/mode0symlinks.c...
Run up to ''make stage''.
Once the ''staging'' directory is created, make your desi...
# chroot staging /bin/ksh
# exit
Once your customization is complete, measure the size of ...
# du -sk staging | awk '{print $1/1024}' # size of stag...
# find staging -print | wc -l # the number o...
Based on this size and number of files, use ''setup_fsimg...
# make open-rdroot
# cp rdroot/boottmp/setup_fsimg.sh .
# make close-all
# ./setup_fsimg.sh media.img $((xxxxx+40)) 10 # xxxxx i...
Create ''fuguita-7.3-amd64.ffsimg'' in ''media.img''.
# make open-media
# cd media
# ../setup_fsimg.sh fuguita-7.3-amd64.ffsimg $((xxxxx+10...
# cd ..
# make close-all
Edit ''staging/etc/fuguita/global.conf'' as follows
fuguita_sys_mb=1028 # size of media.img <-- Rewrite th...
newdrive_defswap=16M # default swap size
# at usbfadm newdrive
memfstype=mfs # 'mfs' or 'tmpfs'
mfs_max_mb=30720 # mfs hard limit - 30GB
Copy the contents of ''staging'' to ffsimg.
# make sync
Create an ISO image and gzip it.
# make iso && make gz
Run the resulting LiveDVD and usbfadm newdrive to create ...
That's it for the procedure.
In general, it is much easier to use FuguIta LiveUSB to s...
See the following articles for an example of creating the...
- [[FuguIta/BBS#b01edbf7]]
- [[FuguIta/BBS/12#z6fb44cc]]
[[kaw]] &new{2023-06-07 (Wed) 09:44:19};
- Thanks, i'll try <3 <3 <3 #FuguIta -- [[Kikk]] &new{202...
**日本語デスクトップ環境お試し版 [#b01edbf7]
>[[kaw]] (2023-05-23 (Tue) 09:37:56)~
# xz -dc FuguIta-7.3-amd64-202305211-DEDemoJa.img.xz | d...
--Xfce 4.18~
--日本語環境: kterm 6.2.0, 日本語フォント各種, Fcitx-Anth...
--FireFox 112.0.2~
--Sylpheed 3.7.0~
--Audacious 4.3~
--VLC 3.0.18~
--LibreOffice 7.5.1
-pkg_add / pkg_deleteでパッケージを追加/削除した後はroot...
# mount -o async,noatime /dev/XXXd /mnt ... (XXXはLiveU...
# cd /mnt/livecd-config/7.3/amd64/fugudemoja-init
# rsync -avxHS --delete . ../fugudemoja/.
# cd
# umount /mnt
- FireFoxのファイルダイアログが文字化けするので、[[この手...
**dd of #FuguIta to a USB-SSD ... gives a bootable XFCE d...
>[[Mark B]] (2023-05-09 (Tue) 11:30:12)~
Wow, no install process or anything. The image I "dd'd" ...
Thank you! ----mark~
- "LiveUSB-XFCE-gaytratri..." is what? Could it be [[the ...
If so, it is a completely different product from my proje...
If not, and you want to know exactly what FuguIta is, ple...
~-- [[kaw]] &new{2023-05-09 (Tue) 11:57:46};
**su exits with an error [#obc9ca3f]
>[[kaw]] (2023-05-05 (Fri) 12:42:47)~
In boot mode 0, su complains that /usr/libexec/auth/login...
A fixed version has been uploaded to the test directory o...
**Test version of FuguIta 7.3 [#gc8f8dec]
>[[kaw]] (2023-04-17 (Mon) 13:38:19)~
[[Test version of FuguIta 7.3>https://jp1.dl.fuguita.org/...
>What I would like to know are~
-How it works on newer hardware (device detection, X Wind...
-How does it work with RPi4?
-How the framebuffer and X Window work on RPi3/RPi4.
-Operation status on arm64-based SBCs and Apple M1/M2 oth...
-Comments and suggestions for improvement using the #Fugu...
>Thank you in advance.
Former articles are at [[FuguIta/BBS/13]].