* oTmIvuGnQeS [#k7ae50d7] - ページ: [[LiveCD/6.0/BTS]] - 投稿: [[Sugar]] - 優順位: 低 - 状: CVS待ち - カテゴリー: GAN1NcmN - 投稿日: 2017-03-10 (Fri) 20:54:02 - バージョン: YFcDoF88 ** メッセージ [#r2afa62d] I disagree with the statement “Every law is an infringement upon a right &#e0n0;
u2l8ss you’re hypothesizing that my right to swing my fist doesn’t stop where your nose begins, in which case I have a more fundamental disagreement with you. -------- - EOspUqQcFMxFo -- [[cialis pills]] &new{2017-03-10 (Fri) 23:23:28}; #comment