* Non-interactive at boot time. [#e59552a9] - ページ: [[LiveCD/4.5/BTS]] - 投稿者: [[kaw]] - 優先順位: 低 - 状: 提案 - 状: 完了 - カテゴリー: new feature - 投稿日: 2009-05-25 (月) 13:47:40 - バージョン: ** メッセージ [#ga02cb07] For example, rebooting FuguIta at remote. For example, to oprate FuguIta at remote. -------- ---- parameters are described in file /(userdev)/noasks . ~ (userdev) is a disk partition where user's data were stored by usbfadm. #comment here's a sample of noasks # # noasks - parameter settings for non-interactive boot # # Make statements uncommented # to activate settings # # # FuguIta system device #noask_rdev='sd0a' # # mfs size in MB #noask_umem='64' # # boot mode #noask_setup_rw_mode='2' # # data set name in USB flash drive #noask_confdir='default'