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**"expand" vs. "encrypted partition" [#pa766b12]
>[[liar666]] (2022-05-04 (Wed) 17:02:59)~
Thanks for the great tool, with so much options. I love it!~
I've dd'ed the (2.1GB) img on a 4GB USB stick, now I would like to configure an encrypted space to store my data/pkg.~
I read pages about "expand" (StartGuide) and "encrypted partition" (BB/9), but I'm not sure if:~
- they are exclusive and I should do *either* one *or* the other, or~
- I should expand first, then setup an encrypted partition~

- PS: In the "Notice" at the top of the page ("To avoid posts by spam, a message body without the word '#FuguIta' is rejected.") you should add that adding URLs (even to this exact website) to the message also makes it tagged as spam -- [[liar666]] &new{2022-05-04 (Wed) 17:07:00};


**How to use new build tool of FuguIta [#k8bd517a]
>[[kaw]] (2022-05-02 (Mon) 00:01:06)~
FuguIta 7.1 has made significant changes in the way the build tool is used. Much simplified compared to the previous method, A live ISO image can be created by deploying the build tool, placing the set of file, and running make.~
In following explanation, FIBLD represents the working directory for building FuguIta.~
Please replace it with your actual working directory when building.
+The build environment is OpenBSD 7.1 or later, or FuguIta 7.1 or later, with root privileges.
+Put OpenBSD kernel source code under /usr/src/sys.
 # tar -xz -C /usr/src -f sys.tar.gz
+Extract [[new FuguIta build tool>FuguIta/Download#vcad20e9]] under FIBLD.
 # mkdir FIBLD
 # cd FIBLD
 # tar -xz -f tools-7.1-amd64.tar.gz && mv tools-7.1-amd64/* .; rmdir tools-7.1-amd64
For the other platform, replace "amd64" with its name.~
+Copy or symlink OpenBSD install sets (e.g. *71.tgz) under FIBLD/install_sets.
 # cp SOMEWHERE/*71.tgz FIBLD/install_sets/.
 # ln -sf SOMEWHERE/*71.tgz FIBLD/install_sets/.
+Copy or symlink rsync, rlwrap, pv package files in FIBLD/install_pkgs.
 # cp SOMEWHERE/{rsync,rlwrap,pv}-*.tgz FIBLD/install_pkgs/.
 # ln -sf SOMEWHERE/{rsync,rlwrap,pv}-*.tgz FIBLD/install_pkgs/.
+Compile the kernels for FuguIta. In FIBLD, do the following:
 # make kernconfig && make kern
+Extract the OpenBSD file tree and modify it for FuguIta.
 # make stage
If you want to customize FuguIta, modify the file tree under the directory ''staging'' after this.~
+Make the contents of image file identical to this file tree
 # make sync
+Combine the kernels, boot loaders, and an image file to create a versioned ISO file.
 # make iso
+Compress the ISO file with a filename containing the release string
 # make gz


**Audio volume control [#ybf14e52]
>[[kaw]] (2022-04-30 (Sat) 10:36:55)
>Here's a simple audio volume control, which is a GUI wrapper for sndioctl.~
Install tk-8.6. Next, chmod +x this script. Then run this.
 catch {
     destroy .input
     destroy .output
 wm title . "TinyMixer"
 frame .input
 scale .input.volume -label "MIC IN" -orient horizontal -command {setvol input}
 .input.volume set 0
 button .input.mute -text "MUTE" -command {togglemute .input.mute input}
 frame .output
 scale .output.volume -label "PHONE OUT" -orient horizontal -command {setvol ou$
 .output.volume set 50
 button .output.mute -text "MUTE" -command {togglemute .output.mute output}
 pack .input.volume -side left -fill both -expand yes
 pack .input.mute -side left -expand no -fill both
 pack .output.volume -side left -fill both -expand yes
 pack .output.mute -side left -expand no -fill both
 pack .input .output -side top -fill both -expand yes
 proc setvol {inout val} {
     exec sndioctl "${inout}.level=[expr ${val} / 100.0]"
 proc mute_on {w inout} {
     fade_out $inout [".${inout}.volume" get]
 proc fade_out {inout vol} {
     if {6 <= $vol} {
         set vol [expr 6 * $vol / 7]
         setvol $inout $vol
         after 20 fade_out $inout $vol
     } else {
         setvol $inout 0
         exec sndioctl "${inout}.mute=1"
 proc mute_off {w inout} {
     exec sndioctl "${inout}.mute=0"
     exec sndioctl "${inout}.level=0"
     fade_in $inout  [".${inout}.volume" get] [".${inout}.volume" get]
 proc fade_in {inout vol limit} {
     if {6 <= $vol} {
         set vol [expr 6 * $vol / 7]
         setvol $inout [expr $limit - $vol]
         after 20 fade_in $inout $vol $limit
     } else {
         setvol $inout $limit
 proc togglemute {w inout} {
     set bg [$w cget -background]
     if {$bg == "#d9d9d9"} {
         $w configure -background "#ff8080"
         $w configure -activebackground "#ffa0a0"
         mute_on $w $inout
     } else {
         $w configure -background "#d9d9d9"
         $w configure -activebackground "#ececec"
         mute_off $w $inout


**MSDOS FAT : 3GB [#hc05059f]
>[[m3th]] (2022-04-30 (Sat) 04:52:08)~
Is it possible to install Fuguita 7.1 over an already existing Fuguita 7.0 without losing my data on fat partition? When are you going to end support for Fuguita 7.0?  Should I upgrade it asap?  ~

- If you install #FuguIta 7.1 on a USB flash drive with FuguIta 7.0 already installed, all existing data including FAT partition will be lost because the partition information will be overwritten.&br;Therefore, please backup the data on the FAT partition in advance and copy it from the backup to the new partition after installing FuguIta 7.1.&br;After FuguIta 7.1 is released, Errata will no longer be applied to FuguIta 7.0, but the final release of FuguIta 7.0 will be kept in the mirror's ''/old'' directory. So, please migrate from 7.0 to 7.1 at your convenience. -- [[kaw]] &new{2022-04-30 (Sat) 09:19:57};
- I'm about asking just the same. so, If we can't simply upgrade from 7.0 to 7.1 and also upcoming releases, our next question is How do we backup our #FuguIta config and files easily and conveniently?  Thank you -- [[Arfian ]] &new{2022-05-04 (Wed) 13:40:34};


**Change on FuguIta 7.1 [#daad4207]
>[[kaw]] (2022-04-26 (Tue) 01:02:40)~
I'm working on FuguIta 7.1 with plans to release it soon.~
#FuguIta 7.1 changes from TMPFS to MFS as a memory-based file system. Please see [[the ML archive>]] for the details of the change.~
This will result in the following changes~
-The automatic specification of file capacity that existed in TMPFS does not exist in MFS. You will have to specify it explicitly.
-The maximum amount of files that can be held in memory will be a little over 1GB on the i386 platform and a little over 30GB on amd64. This is a limit of MFS itself, and the value is independent of the page-out to the swap partition.



**How to port PFFW to FuguIta [#r9e5ee9b]
>[[kaw]] (2022-03-04 (Fri) 18:27:07)~
[[PFFW>]] is a firewall management software running on OpenBSD that continues to be developed by Soner Tari.~
PFFW uses OpenBSD's packet filter [[PF>]] and provides a web user interface for configuring PF and monitoring PF and OS behavior.~
I have ported this PFFW to [[FuguIta LiveUSB>]] and would like to introduce the procedure.~
PFFW is available as an ISO image for installation, including OpenBSD itself and related packages, and porting to FuguIta LiveUSB is generally done as follows~
-Install PFFW in the usual way.
-After installation, take out the PFFW-specific parts.
-Run FuguIta LiveUSB and extract the files from PFFW onto FuguIta.
-Modify some files so that PFFW and FuguIta work together.
-Save the modified contents to FuguIta LiveUSB.

>''Install PFFW in the usual way.''~
Refer to the [[PFFW GitHub Page>]] and download the installation image.~
Refer to the ''How to Install section'' of the [[PFFW GitHub Page>]] for instructions on how to install from the downloaded image.~
Installation can be done either on the actual device or on a VM, but it is easier to do it on the actual device because of the network interface settings.~
During the initial setup of PFFW, answer ''no'' to the question if you want to use MFS.~
 If the system has enough memory, you can mount /var/log as MFS
 Enable MFS? [yes] no
 MFS /var/log disabled.
FuguIta uses TMPFS, so the same effect can be achieved without MFS.~
''After installation, take out the PFFW-specific parts.''~
Next, launch the installed PFFW and archive the PFFW-specific portions.~
 pffw# cd /
 pffw# tar czf /root/pffw.tar.gz etc usr/local var
Please copy this pffw.tar.gz to another media, another host, etc. so that it can be read from the FuguIta environment you will create later.~
''Run FuguIta LiveUSB and extract the files extracted from PFFW onto FuguIta.''~
Run FuguIta LiveUSB, which is the destination of PFFW, in mode 0.
 Boot modes:
    0: fresh boot - standard mode as a live system
    1: fresh boot - less memory, faster boot
                   (/usr is non-writable, can't pkg_add)
    2: fresh boot - works using only RAM
                   (about 1GB or more of RAM required)
    3: boot with retrieving saved files from storage device
       or enter passphrase for an encrypted volume
    4: boot with retrieving saved files from floppy disk
    5: interactive shell for maintenance
 -> 0
After booting is complete, extract the files you have just archived.
 pffw-fuguita# cd /ram
 pffw-fuguita# tar xvzpf pffw.tar.gz
Modify /etc/rc.
 pffw-fuguita# cd /etc
 pffw-fuguita# patch < /boottmp/etc.rc.diff
 Hmm...  Looks like a unified diff to me...
 The text leading up to this was:
 |--- rc Tue Oct 19 00:11:59 2021
 |+++     Tue Oct 19 00:12:08 2021
 Patching file rc using Plan A...
 Hunk #1 succeeded at 177.
 Hunk #2 succeeded at 377.
 Hunk #3 succeeded at 684 (offset 58 lines).
Modify /etc/doas.conf as follows
 permit nopass www as root cmd /ram/var/www/htdocs/pffw/Controller/ctlr.php
 permit nopass admin as root cmd /ram/var/www/htdocs/pffw/Controller/ctlr.php
 permit nopass user as root cmd /ram/var/www/htdocs/pffw/Controller/ctlr.php
 permit nopass keepenv root as root
In FuguIta, /var is a symbolic link to /ram/var, and doas will not allow execution with the original contents.~
/var must be changed to /ram/var, which is a realpath.~
Merge /etc/rc.shutdown for PFFW and FuguIta.~
 pffw-fuguita# cd /etc
 pffw-fuguita# mv rc.shutdown rc.shutdown.pffw
 pffw-fuguita# cat rc.shutdown.pffw /fuguita/etc/rc.shutdown > rc.shutdown
Uncomment the last line of the merged rc.shutdown.
           echo will retry after $waitsec seconds...
           sleep $waitsec
       done )
 # To re-sync on shutdown. uncomment the following line.
 usbfadm_r    <== Uncomment this line.
This will cause the file to be saved to the USB flash drive and then shut down after the PFFW exit process is complete.~
''Save the modifications to the FuguIta LiveUSB.''~
 pffw-fuguita# usbfadm
 Welcome to usbfadm.
 USB flash drive administration tool for FuguIta
  Version/Arch: 7.0/amd64  (FuguIta-7.0-amd64-202202241)
     Boot mode: usbflash
 Target device: not set
 Data saved as: not set
 readline capability available
 TAB to complete the reserved words
 Type ? for help.
 ? : ? ->target
 Searching storage device
 Please make sure the device inserted.
 Then press ENTER ->
 sd0a +sd0d
 target device->sd0d
 sd0d : ? ->saveas
 Name of saved data->pffw
 Your data will be saved as ``pffw''.
 sd0d : pffw ->sync
 Sync current tmpfs as ``pffw'' , OK? [y/N] -> y
 copying /ram to /mnt/livecd-config/7.0/amd64/pffw (515360KB approx.):
  467MiB 0:00:30 [15.2MiB/s] [==============================>   ] 92% ETA 0:00:02
 waiting for pax to finish ... syncing ... done.
 sd0d : pffw ->quit
 Bye bye...
This completes the porting of PFFW to FuguIta.
 pffw-fuguita# shutdown -hp now
When starting up, choose mode 3 and specify the device and save name where the data was saved, and PFFW will start up.~
To automatically specify the device name and save name and start up, please refer to the FuguIta's [[Start Guide>FuguIta/StartGuide#ld09b1eb]].

- The PFFW installer is designed to install OpenBSD itself and related packages together, so a computer with PFFW installed becomes a "firewall-only machine" (which is usually fine as a mode of operation). By porting PFFW to #FuguIta, the PFFW environment can be loaded and operated only when necessary. It is also easy to migrate and operate on other hardware. -- [[kaw]] &new{2022-03-05 (Sat) 00:33:56};


**Desktop environment demo of FuguIta [#j816c1f9]
>[[kaw]] (2022-01-13 (Thu) 23:30:46)~
>I have created a desktop environment demo of FuguIta on a trial basis and uploaded it to the "old" directory of [[mirror servers>FuguIta/Download]].~
''How to use''~
Download the file FuguIta-7.0-amd64-202201101-desktop_demo.img.xz and write it to a USB flash drive with a size of 8GB or more.
 xz -dc FuguIta-7.0-amd64-202201101-desktop_demo.img.xz | dd of=/dev/rsdXc bs=1m
When you boot from this USB stick, you will get a desktop environment without authentication.~
You will need a minimum of 2GB of memory on your PC.~
Installed applications are as follows
>>audacious-4.1p0 emacs-27.2p3-gtk3 evince-40.4-light firefox-95.0.1~
libreoffice- noto-cjk-2.001 noto-emoji-20200408~
noto-fonts-20171024 pv-1.6.6 rlwrap-0.43p0 rsync-3.2.3p0~
vim-8.2.3456-gtk3 vlc-3.0.14p1 xfce-extras-4.16
>''Technical topics''~
-non interactive boot with noasks file in d partition
-automatic login with [[xenodm>]]
-additional mounting of a partition with /usr/fuguita/etc/fstab.tail file
-automatic network configuration with gennetconfs utility and chnetconf utility (in /etc/rc.local)

- In /etc/rc.shutdown, set ''auto_save_shutdown=Yes'' to automatically save files to a USB stick.&br; #FuguIta -- [[kaw]] &new{2022-01-18 (Tue) 15:23:33};
- The default user is ''demo''. And its password is the same.&br; #FuguIta -- [[kaw]] &new{2022-01-19 (Wed) 14:35:03};


Former articles are at [[FuguIta/BBS/11]].
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