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file name conventions

        --- ----- --------- --- --+->compression method of the file
         |    |       |      |       * gz ... by gzip
         |    |       |      |       * xz ... by xz
         |    |       |      |       (now being supported by gzip only)
         |    |       |      |
         |    |       |      +->type of the file
         |    |       |         * iso ... ISO image to burn DVD-R/DVD-RW
         |    |       |                  (Note that this is NOT for USB flashdrive)
         |    |       |         * img ... raw disk image for USB flashdrive, etc.
         |    |       |         * tar ... file archive (for Raspberry Pi 3)
         |    |       |
         |    |       +->release of FuguIta
         |    |          format of yyyyddmmn
         |    |          n is the sequence number when released multiple a day
         |    |
         |    +->platform
         |       * i386  ... 32bit CPU of Intel Architecture
         |       * amd64 ... 64bit CPU of AMD/Intel Architecture
         |       * arm64 ... Raspberry Pi 3
         +->release of OpenBSD which this release of FuguIta based on

Please refer FuguIta/StartGuide for fundamental usage of FuguIta.


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