Details will be written in future.

What can I do after boot?

Almost same as normal installation on HDD.
See afterboot manual page by running man 8 afterboot.

How to change TimeZone

Re-link /etc/localtime;

cd /etc
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/YOUR-TIME-ZONE localtime

Then set system clock if nessesary;


Caution: date command causes your hardware clock changed.

Saving and restoring the modified files

See this operation exsample.

Adding other softwares

See this operation exsample, too.
Usual way as in HDD installation.
Packages and ports are also OK.

Changing window manager

Edit ~/.xinitrc

xset +fp /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/japanese/:unscaled
xset +fp /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/mona/:unscaled

wm=twm   <---Edit this.

case X"$wm" in

Edit shell variable wm.
Available wm's are twm, fvwm, cwm or icewm.

Can I rebuild my own CD-ROM image?

Here's a brief description of how to build a LiveCD image;

  1. Get a build tool.
  2. Extract it
    tar xvzpf tools-4.X.tar.gz
  3. Copy kernel
    cd tools-4.X
    rm bsd.orig
    cp bsd bsd.orig
    (Or compile your customized kernel using tools-4.0/lib/RDROOT, then copy it to tools-4.X/bsd)

  4. Copy your OpenBSD file-tree under tools-4.X/cdroot.dist
    For example;
    cd cdroot.dist
    (cd YOUR-OPENBSD-FILE-TREE && tar cpf - .) | tar xvpf -
  5. Make an ISO image
    make livecd.iso
  6. Burn it.
    cdio -f /dev/rcd0c blank             ( <- Only for CD-RW )
    cdio -f /dev/rcd0c tao livecd.iso

That's all.

Can I install this LiveCD to HDD?


  1. Install OpenBSD to HDD in unusal way.
    Allocate partition 'a' with the free size larger than 650MB.
  2. Copy three files from FuguIta's media to the target HDD.
    Here's a sample;
    mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0c /mnt
    cp /mnt/bsd-fi /mnt/ /mnt/fuguita.ffsimg /
    umount /mnt
  3. Then reboot.
    Specify fuguita's kernel as running kernel;
    boot> bsd-fi


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