*Do you have any message for us? [#z65bec72]

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**Fuguita 7.3 defaults to Japanese [#i35160ef]
>[[tetsuo]] (2023-10-02 (Mon) 04:22:13)~
#FuguIta Hi, is there a way to change the language of Fuguita? It's defaulting to Japanese and I don't know how to change it.~

- Which version of #FuguIta did you download? -- [[kaw]] &new{2023-10-02 (Mon) 10:12:00};


**FuguIta use case [#s83beed8]
>[[Bob]] (2023-09-05 (Tue) 23:31:23)~
#FuguIta. Hi, this looks interesting. When would someone use FuguIta instead of a plain OpenBSD install? What was the motivation behind the project? I could not find an "about" page.~

-#FuguIta is useful for verifying that OpenBSD will run on the desired hardware without installation.~
Of course, it is also possible to use FuguIta as a daily driver. In this case, you can take the USB stick with you and recreate the environment on your PC at your destination.~
See the [[Work with other products>FuguIta/ScreenShots#n89939db]] section at the bottom of the "Screenshot" page for examples.
There is also [[a video with auto-translated subtitles>https://youtu.be/4wPSr1WPH3U?si=CgiCmusjrZopHHK7]] showing an example of FuguIta's use.~
My initial motivation for developing FuguIta was to use OpenBSD everywhere, but now I also want to help spread the word about OpenBSD.
~-- [[kaw]] &new{2023-09-06 (Wed) 00:38:38};


**Larger ffsimg [#q578b09e]
>[[Kikk]] (2023-06-07 (Wed) 02:40:44)~
First of all: fuguita is wonderful. Keep up the good work!~
I wanted to build a custom version with more tools pre-installed.~
It is possible to enlarge the ffsimg over 1GB (fuguita-7.3-amd64.ffsimg)?~
I enlarged it to 3GB via disklabel + growfs but the remastered image no longer work.~
Is there a procedure or 1GB is the maximum size?~

To enlarge ''fuguita-7.3-amd64.ffsimg'', enlarge ''fuguita-7.3-amd64-ffsimg'' and ''media.img'' that contains it in the process of building FuguIta as described in the FuguIta Guide. The following is the procedure.

First, follow the [[FuguIta Guide to set up the build tool>fge4:build_fuguita]].

After settng up the build tool, delete or rename ''lib/mode0symlinks.cpio.gz.amd64''.
 # mv lib/mode0symlinks.cpio.gz.amd64 lib/mode0symlinks.cpio.gz.amd64.bak

Run up to ''make stage''.

Once the ''staging'' directory is created, make your desired customizations in the tree.
 # chroot staging /bin/ksh
 # exit

Once your customization is complete, measure the size of the staging directory and the number of files it contains.
 # du -sk staging | awk '{print $1/1024}'  # size of staging directory in MB
 # find staging -print | wc -l             # the number of files which staging directory holds

Based on this size and number of files, use ''setup_fsimg.sh'' to create ''media.img''.
 # make open-rdroot
 # cp rdroot/boottmp/setup_fsimg.sh .
 # make close-all
 # ./setup_fsimg.sh media.img $((xxxxx+40)) 10  # xxxxx is the size of staging directory in MB.

Create ''fuguita-7.3-amd64.ffsimg'' in ''media.img''.
 # make open-media
 # cd media
 # ../setup_fsimg.sh fuguita-7.3-amd64.ffsimg $((xxxxx+10)) yyyyy  # yyyyy is the number of files which staging directory holds.
 # cd ..
 # make close-all

Edit ''staging/etc/fuguita/global.conf'' as follows
 fuguita_sys_mb=1028  # size of media.img  <-- Rewrite this value to current size of media.img
 newdrive_defswap=16M # default swap size
                      # at usbfadm newdrive
 memfstype=mfs        # 'mfs' or 'tmpfs'
 mfs_max_mb=30720     # mfs hard limit - 30GB

Copy the contents of ''staging'' to ffsimg.
 # make sync

Create an ISO image and gzip it.
 # make iso && make gz

Run the resulting LiveDVD and usbfadm newdrive to create a LiveUSB.

That's it for the procedure.

In general, it is much easier to use FuguIta LiveUSB to save your customizations to a USB flash drive with usbfadm sync and load them in boot mode 3.
See the following articles for an example of creating these.
- [[FuguIta/BBS#b01edbf7]]
- [[FuguIta/BBS/12#z6fb44cc]]

[[kaw]] &new{2023-06-07 (Wed) 09:44:19};
- Thanks, i'll try <3 <3 <3 #FuguIta -- [[Kikk]] &new{2023-06-10 (Sat) 16:24:24};


**日本語デスクトップ環境お試し版 [#b01edbf7]
>[[kaw]] (2023-05-23 (Tue) 09:37:56)~
[[ダウンロードサイト>FuguIta/Download]]のtestディレクトリより FuguIta-7.3-amd64-202305211-DEDemoJa.img.xz をダウンロードし、xzで解凍して8GB以上のサイズのUSBメモリに書き込んで下さい。~
 # xz -dc FuguIta-7.3-amd64-202305211-DEDemoJa.img.xz | dd of=/dev/XXXX bs=1m

--Xfce 4.18~
--日本語環境: kterm 6.2.0, 日本語フォント各種, Fcitx-Anthy 5.0.10~
--FireFox 112.0.2~
--Sylpheed 3.7.0~
--Audacious 4.3~
--VLC 3.0.18~
--LibreOffice 7.5.1


-pkg_add / pkg_deleteでパッケージを追加/削除した後はroot権限で「usbfadm -r」を実行して下さい。


 # mount -o async,noatime /dev/XXXd /mnt  ... (XXXはLiveUSBのデバイス名)
 # cd /mnt/livecd-config/7.3/amd64/fugudemoja-init
 # rsync -avxHS --delete . ../fugudemoja/.
 # cd
 # umount /mnt

-試作品ですので、不具合修正や改良は行いません。fiupdateによるアップデートは可能です。at your own riskでご使用下さい。
- FireFoxのファイルダイアログが文字化けするので、[[この手順>FuguIta/BBS/9#content_1_2]]で修正して下さい。#FuguIta -- [[kaw]] &new{2023-05-24 (Wed) 11:01:17};


**dd of #FuguIta to a USB-SSD ... gives a bootable XFCE desktop!!! [#z81d2579]
>[[Mark B]] (2023-05-09 (Tue) 11:30:12)~
Wow, no install process or anything.  The image I "dd'd" of #FuguIta that I dd'd to a USB-SATA SSD (SSD on a USB-3 interface/cable) booted directly into an "LiveUSB-XFCE-gaytratri..." X11 session, with the usual OpenBSD puffer banner and Login/Password!  How do I login to this?  Your documentation does not cover this at all.  It's supposed to be going into the Installation process...~
Thank you!   ----mark~

- "LiveUSB-XFCE-gaytratri..." is what? Could it be [[the Xfce version of LiveUSB-OpenBSD>https://liveusb-openbsd.sourceforge.io/]] provided by Gayatri Hitech in India?
If so, it is a completely different product from my project #FuguIta.
If not, and you want to know exactly what FuguIta is, please read [[Getting Started with FuguIta>FuguIta/StartGuide]].
~-- [[kaw]] &new{2023-05-09 (Tue) 11:57:46};


**su exits with an error [#obc9ca3f]
>[[kaw]] (2023-05-05 (Fri) 12:42:47)~
In boot mode 0, su complains that /usr/libexec/auth/login_passwd is not found and exits with an error.~
A fixed version has been uploaded to the test directory of the mirrors. Please update with fiupdate for i386/amd64 LiveUSB version of #FuguIta.~



**Test version of FuguIta 7.3 [#gc8f8dec]
>[[kaw]] (2023-04-17 (Mon) 13:38:19)~
[[Test version of FuguIta 7.3>https://jp1.dl.fuguita.org/test/]] has been uploaded to the mirror. I'm looking forward to [[hearing from you>FuguIta/Report]]!

>What I would like to know are~
-How it works on newer hardware (device detection, X Window, suspend/resume, etc.)
-How does it work with RPi4?
-How the framebuffer and X Window work on RPi3/RPi4.
-Operation status on arm64-based SBCs and Apple M1/M2 other than RPis.
-Comments and suggestions for improvement using the #FuguIta's original tools

>Thank you in advance.



Former articles are at [[FuguIta/BBS/13]].

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