*'' '''Fugu'''Ita'' - '' '''Open'''BSD-based Live System'' [#ga1974b1]
RIGHT:Yoshihiro Kawamata ~
kaw@on.rim.or.jp ~

CENTER:FuguIta supports [[OpenBSD operating system>https://www.openbsd.org/]].

**[[Release 7.3>FuguIta/7.3]] [#y1e9f9e4]
**[[Release 7.5>FuguIta/7.5]] [#y1e9f9e4]
FuguIta 7.3, based on OpenBSD 7.3, was first released on April 22, 2023.
FuguIta 7.5, based on OpenBSD 7.5, was first released on April 21, 2024.

Current Release
--[[patch-011 to -015 of OpenBSD 7.3>https://www.openbsd.org/errata73.html]] have been applied. ~
For AMD cpus, run ''fw_update'' and [[make it persistent>fge2:usbfadm_sync]].~
(Unlike [[patch-012>http://www.openbsd.org/errata73.html#p012_amdfirmware]] description, installboot is not required. It has already been done)
--patch-003 of OpenBSD 7.5 has been applied.
--an ISO image for arm64 platform are now available.

[[Older Release Notes>FuguIta/7.3]]
[[Older Release Notes>FuguIta/7.5]]

**What is FuguIta? [#fab2fe4c]
FuguIta is a live system based on [[OpenBSD operating system>https://www.openbsd.org/]].

The primary goal of this project is to make OpenBSD, a superior operating system, easily accessible to everyone.

In addition, we have implemented a variety of unique features that take advantage of the characteristics of a live system.

-supported platforms
--i386 - the Intel i386 architecture and compatible processors
--amd64 - AMD64-based systems
--arm64 - 64-bit ARM systems (confirmed on Raspberry Pi 3/4)

-type of files supplied
--ISO image files for LiveDVD
--raw disk image files for other devices (USB, SD, HDD, SSD...etc)

***Features [#l8992761]
''Easy to use''
-Bootable from DVD or USB memory stick, no need to install to PC's internal storage.
-Operates almost like a normally installed OpenBSD, and the built-in online manual can be used as it is.
-Additional software can be installed using OpenBSD's package management system.

''Tracking patches of OpenBSD''
-We publish new release of FuguIta as soon as the OpenBSD development group announces new [[errata>https://www.openbsd.org/errata72.html]] (security fixes and reliability enhancements).
-We publish new release of FuguIta as soon as the OpenBSD development group announces new [[errata>https://www.openbsd.org/errata74.html]] (security fixes and reliability enhancements).
-FuguIta itself is also modified and added functions as needed.

''Flexible Operation''
-Three boot modes can be selected according to the performance of the hardware.
--Mode 0: FuguIta's standard startup mode
--Mode 1: Short boot time and memory-saving operation((Minimum memory requirement is about 70 MB under the condition of i386 platform/boot mode 1/no X))
--Mode 2: Transfers the entire system to memory for faster operation.
-[[Multiple FuguIta devices>fge3:multidevice]] can be attached to accommodate irregular hardware configurations.

''Utilize LiveUSB features''
-[[Save files>fge2:usbfadm_sync]] and [[load them at the next startup>fge2:boot_mode3]] (can be [[automated>fge3:autorun]]).
-Update tool for [[easy and safe updating>fge3:fiupdate]].

''Support tools provided''
-Interactive tools are included for [[network setup>fge3:netconf]] and [[desktop environment setup>fge3:dtjsetup]].

''Remastering and Customization''
-[[Remastering LiveDVD>fge4:livedvd_remaster]] and [[LiveUSB>fge3:liveusb_remaster]] on running FuguIta.
--LiveDVD to LiveUSB and LiveUSB to LiveDVD remastering are also possible.
-Customization is also possible by modifying the contents during the duplication process.
-LiveUSB duplication can also [[encrypt the partition>fge3:encrypt]] for data storage.

**More Informations [#u1bb7a0e]

-''[[Getting Started with FuguIta>FuguIta/StartGuide]]'' - COLOR(red){'''Please read this first!'''}
>A guide to setting up and fundamental usage of FuguIta.

-''FuguIta Guide''~
A comprehensive document of FuguIta - setting up, fundamental and advanced usage, development.
:[[The FuguIta Guide>FuguItaGuide]]|English version (automatically translated from Japanese version)
:[[河豚板ガイド]](FuguIta Gaido)|Japanese original version
//*[[FuguIta-Guide>https://fuguita.liquorstane.eu/fuguita]] ... English version translated by Alfredo Vogel 

//-[[FuguIta/Download]] ... Links to download source
-[[FuguIta/Links]] ... Other OpenBSD-based Live Systems.

**What does the name "FuguIta" mean? [#g5a9e999]
'' '''Fugu'''Ita'' (&ref(fuguita.gif);) stands for "Blowfish Disk" in Japanese.

''Fugu'' means blowfish, and ''Ita'' means something flat such as a plate, a disk or a board etc... ~

Some Japanese might associate those who cook when hearing Ita. For them, so '' '''Fugu'''Ita'' also means "Blowfish Cook" as double meaning.
:Trivia|"FuguSashi" is an unofficial nickname for the LiveUSB version of FuguIta.~
"Sashi" is a Japanese word meaning "to insert" or "to stick", but it is also an abbreviation for "sashimi".~
Most Japanese people will associate "FuguSashi" with fugu sashimi.
Most Japanese people will associate "FuguSashi" with sashimi of fugu.

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